
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 24, 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President, Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee said he approved more than 40,000 Native Customary Rights (NCR) land applications during his two-year tenure as the Chief Minister, which ended the wait of over 30 years for some applicants.

During that period, he said, he had also instructed the Land and Survey Department to expedite the extension of land lease for the interest of the people in Sabah.
Should SAPP govern, the party would allow residents to extend their current lease till 999 years, the first in the country, adding that the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government has yet to resolve the extension of land lease for the industrial area in Kolombong, he said in a talk organized by SAPP, which drew more than 400 people here on Friday.

Yong said NCR land was no longer issued after his tenure, and he promised to improve efficiency in approving land-related affairs as well as bring beneficial policies to the people.

He said he had been involved in solving the issue of illegal immigrants in the State, and stood by the party’s plan to issue Sabah identity cards if the party governed.

The purpose of Sabah IC was to protect the rights of genuine Sabahans, and to differentiate Sabahans from dubious document holders, he explained.

Under the approval of Sabah and Malaysia constitution, SAPP will set up a state department to issue Sabah IC to eligible Malaysian citizens in Sabah.

He said Sabah IC holders would enjoy rights to own lands in the State, as well as incentives given by the State Government or other agencies such as business licence, State Government scholarship and welfare assistance.

Meanwhile, SAPP deputy president cum chairman of the Likas Constituency Liaison Committee Datuk Liew Teck Chan said Sabah has lost its autonomy and basic rights under the BN Government.
“We have lost our rights as every decision on policy had to go through the Federal Government,” he pointed out.

He said even if Pakatan Rakyat took over Putrajaya, Sabah must be governed by a local political party to ensure autonomy.

This is because as the only local opposition party in Sabah, SAPP better understands the issues faced by the locals, he said.

“If the people in Sabah are willing to support SAPP to govern the State in the next general election, our party vows to serve the people.

“What we need is an opportunity, to realise a better future for Sabah.” (BP)


  1. YTL dipercayai termakan janji habuan yang ditawarkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim berikutan “isu 16 September”, iaitu pertukaran kerajaan berdasarkan kontroversi puluhan MP akan lompat parti. YTL juga mengakui pernah menemui Anwar sebanyak dua kali dalam tempoh itu, masing-masing di Hong Kong dan Kuala Lumpur. Tindakan SAPP keluar BN hanyalah strategi untuk meredakan kegagalan ’16 September’.

    1. Never believe in Anwar. Now he is being investigated about his private jet to Labuan, here and Sarawak.

    2. Yes I have seen the news as well. For sure, Tian Chua and him will get into trouble this time.

    3. Nampaknya YTL hanya dipergunakan oleh Anwar.

    4. Anwar kan pembohong, kenapa ramai yang boleh terpedaya dgn dia.

  2. Sebelum ini, YTL merupakan satu-satunya Presiden parti komponen BN Sabah yang tidak tercalon dalam PRU 2008. YTL menuntut janji jawatan Senator, tetapi tidak dipenuhi Musa Aman (Datuk Seri) dan Tun Abdullah Badawi.

    1. Well I think this time he will take the revenge.

    2. Mungkin sebab itulah juga SAPP keluar daripada BN lepas tu.

  3. Memang terbaik Yong dengan meluluskan tanah NCR ini kepada penduduk. Tapi bagaimana dengan pengurusan Yong kepada ekonomi Sabah?

    1. Take a look on the downfall of the SAS then I'm sure you'll know. So many people incurred losses.

  4. Sebagai contoh apa sudah jadi SAS semasa Yong menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah. Dimana SAS ketika itu. Penduduk Sabah boleh fikirkan sendiri.

  5. Memang bagus Yong dengan semua itu. Baik kepada rakyat. Tapi kalau baik kepada rakyat saja tidak guna kalau ekonomi Sabah buruk dengan pentadbirannya. Ekonomi jatuh dan tidak stabil penduduk akan hilang segalanya.

  6. YTL really like to make so many jokes. Look what he have done to Sabah. No allocation for the schools, activities and so forth.

  7. perlu diingat, kerana yong ekonomi Sabah jatuh ketika dulu.

  8. tiada lagi mau sokong YOng, dia dah tak relevan.

    1. Susah untuk meramal bagaimana keadaan SAPP di PRu akan datang.

  9. YTL tidak membawa apa-apa perkembangan semasa beliau menjadi CM.

  10. Pengalaman ini memberi pengajaran, pilih dengan bijak manakah parti dan pemimpin yang benar boleh membangunkan ekonomi dan berkhidmat lebih baik untuk rakyat.

  11. Selama tempoh dua tahun Yong menjadi KM Sabah, banyak dasar-dasarnya tidak popular termasuk memperkenalkan Forest Management Unit (FMU) yang mengasingkan 2 juta hektar kawasan balak negeri Sabah kepada kurang daripada 20 syarikat untuk tempuh 100 tahun.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  12. Semasa YTL menjadi Ketua Menteri terlalu banyak hak2 rakyat telah dinafikan oleh beliau dan antaranya adalah: geran2 tanah untuk kampung seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai dan Menggatal tidak diluluskan bagi tujuan pemilikan kerajaan negeri (untuk keuntungan peribadi).

  13. ketika YTL jadi ketua menteri juga, tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputra dan tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputra.. semuanya telah disapu oleh kroni2 YTL..

  14. selain itu YTL juga telah merampas hak rakyat melalui konsesi 1juta ekar balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan, Tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas dan di Tanjung Aru masing2 bernilai lebih RM500 juta, Tanah-tanah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Sabah (SLDB) bernilai lebih RM2 billion diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd...

  15. hari ini YTL menganggung2kan tindakannya sendiri kononnya beliau telah memluluskan 40 ribu hektar tanah NCR untuk orang kampung sedangkan pada masa yang sama beliau telah meluluskan lesen pembalakan untuk kroni2nya bagi hutan seluas 300000 hektar..


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