
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A befitting farewell to the Tyrant of Bolehland

YOURSAY 'Life has a funny way of getting back at the culprits, everything hidden would be revealed in due time.'
Ex-top cop: Mahathir could be probed for abetment

your sayKgen: No wonder former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he will migrate if Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim becomes the prime minister. He knows the evil he has done and he will no longer be protected.

Dont Just Talk: In view of the admission by the former inspector-general of police (IGP) Musa Hassan on his ‘fabrication' of evidence against Anwar during the Sodomy I trial, the conspiracy of the former attorney-general (AG) Mohtar Abdullah and present AG Abdul Gani Patail in cahoots with Musa, the government under Umno should review the Sodomy I case and pay damages to Anwar for the sufferings done to him and his family.

Bravo, former Bukit Aman CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim, for standing up to tyranny under Mahathir's tenure who infamously declared that Anwar's black eye was self-inflicted. This is something I would like to see - that old, senile ‘Tun Apa Nama' giving himself a black eye.

Starr: It's hardly surprising that Mahathir is now alleged to be involved in the bizarre fabrication of evidence to 'fix' Anwar on trumped-up charges to end his political career through collusion with Gani and Musa.

It shows how evil the Mahathir's administration has been, capable of resorting to 'dirty tactics' in maintaining his grips on power through the enforcement agencies.

Was it any surprise that Gani and Musa got promoted respectively by Mahathir? But life has a funny way of getting back at the culprits as everything hidden would be revealed in due time. The truth is slowly but surely coming out in defence of the innocent man.

This bizarre episode seriously puts the integrity of Mahathir into question as a leader. How can the country put its trust in the person for 22 long years is anyone's guess.

Multi Racial: What Abdul Gani and Musa Hasan did were not excusable. It is not only illegal but also morally wrong.

I am surprised in spite of the confession and overwhelming evident that these two were involved in the fabrication and concealing material facts against Anwar, there is yet to be any action taken against these two.

It is either the Najib Razak administration was involved or they are too weak to act. Either way, it is bad for the country. This is because the AG and IGP are two important positions and Abdul Gani and Musa Hasan should not be allowed to hold on to their respective position once the facts are out.

Musa Hasan has since retired but Abdul Gani is still active. He has to be suspended immediately pending a RCI (royal commission of inquiry).

Swipenter: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is what we are seeing right before our eyes.

It is imperative that the term of office for any top position in the government be of limited duration and even then the check-and-balance mechanism must not be compromised in order to prevent abuse and misuse of power and the law.

We all have taste what it is like when we have the prime minister, attorney-general and the inspector-general of police conspiring to usurp the rule of law in our country.

The country can easily slip into a police state, with selective harassment and persecution and prosecution of opposition politicians, dissidents and anyone or person deemed anti-establishment become the order of the day.

Justice then becomes a very rare commodity when men and women are ruled by law and not of law.

RR: The truth will ultimately reveal itself. If dharma (righteousness) fails now, the culprits will definitely pay for their sins in this life or the next. There is no escape from bad karma committed even if you pray five times a day.

You have to pay for your sins and bad deeds. This goes for all the politicians, the police and the judiciary who worked in complicity.

Yap cs: The fire is heating up, the oil is sizzling and the devils are smoking. It 'll be a grand finale - a befitting farewell to the Tyrant of Bolehland.

ThisLandIsMine: This nation witnessed the worst episode of miscarriage of justice in Sodomy 1.

This had brought shame and disgrace for many generations to come to this land of mine as there were planting and concealing of evidence far beyond the imagination of any fiction writer, and that this was accepted outright is really an abuse to the word ‘abuse'.

Let us put on record the misdeeds of the PM, Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the AG and the courts then, and that future generations should reject any of those public servants at their first sign of misuse of power.

Ohakimm: The wheels of justice are moving slowly but surely. Does the Najib administration have the courage to see justice done or will the next administration have to clean up Mahathir's mess. Malaysia can demonstrate to the world that ultimately, good will triumph over evil.

Tidakboleh: These are a sample of the evils the 'devil' has been indulging in to keep the regime in power for decades.

No matter how strong your network is to cover up atrocities and evidence of injustice, your conscience and the truth will not allow you to live in peace and harmony. It will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Kgen: Abetment? This must be the understatement of the decade. Mahathir was surely the instigator and prime mover of the fabrication of evidence against Anwar in Sodomy I.

Headhunter: Sodomy I, Sodomy II, Altantuya Shaariibuu, the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, etc. All the worms will crawl out of the woodwork once the BN is toppled.

That's why leaders like Najib and Mahathir are so fearful of losing. One can say their lives depend on hanging on to power.

The blame game will start once BN is out. The first one to squeal will be AG Gani Patail followed by those in the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and other senior public servants.

These people would want to save their own skins and will plea bargain with the new AG and new PM. Just watch when things unfold. As the saying goes, every dog will have his day.

Ngecui: Mummuar Gaddafi didn't flee Libya while the going was good. "The people love me!" he vehemently insisted on TV. Neither will our most hated scoundrel, for some similarly inexplicable idiosyncrasy.

Odin: The sad face of reality - Mahathir will not ever be investigated, nor will anything be done to Musa and Gani, for as long as Umno Baru is in power.
You can produce tomes of irrefutable evidences, but they will amount to nothing. - Malaysiakini

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