
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 8, 2012

A litany of 'seditious' acts: So how now, PDRM?

YOURSAY 'It is sad that adults nowadays have no moral responsibility and yet they have the temerity to lecture the youth on how they should behave.'

Will the cops call these 'seditious acts' as well?

your sayAiyoyo: When grown-ups, particularly the Umno-Perkasa goons, behave like monkeys, what do you expect the youngsters to do? They think this is what Malaysia is all about, and it is funny and cool.

We aspire to be a developed country and with programmes like the Economic Transformation Programme and what not. What is the point of having material wealth when basic morality and basic human decency are not there?

We need an entirely new breed of leaders to take this nation on the right path and to new heights in every aspect of our lives which transcend race, religion and social inequalities.

Starr: The police's public denial of "taking sides" is an insult to the intelligence of the rakyat, adding salt to injury. They simply lack the integrity as a force, never mind public trust and confidence.

Ngecui: Sedition is defined by the Word Web Dictionary as: "An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government."

Now, what causes the overthrow of governments if not mainly from the social injustice and corruption they have wrought? In practising selective prosecution and denying justice, aren't the cops actually promoting sedition?

Swkian: Can I lodge a police report against the police for inciting the rakyat to be angry and hate them (PDRM) and the BN government by their double standards and selective prosecution? PDRM is indeed committing sedition.

Fight Injustice: Inspector-general of police (IGP) Ismail Omar, so how?

Onyourtoes: It is good for Malaysiakini to refer to past episodes to refresh our memory and also to put it succinctly what selective investigation, selective arrests, selective charges and selective prosecutions are all about.

I think this regime has never, and can never, learn that the injustice perpetrated through selective enforcement is a very painful thing.
If past transgressions have been impartially charged and convicted, I am sure the treatment of these youngsters now would have been taken more kindly by the people.

Is this regime preparing to face the people through the ballot box, or are they actually having other ideas? They can't be that dumb, unless they are thinking of something else.

Quigonbond: Great article. I should also add that the prime minister's face appears daily on our newspapers. Would it be seditious if the newspaper is burnt to start a campfire or used to wrap fish, vegetables or rubbish?

It's a shame that the PM decides to elevate himself to equal "the government", even surpassing the Agong, instead of being statesmanly and say that kids do silly or rude things from time to time, advising them to be more polite in expressing their political difference, and let bygones be bygones.

Once again, he and his advisors botched up.

Umnopariah: Malaysiakini, if you expect the police to respond to this article, dream on!

Baiyuensheng: This is how our youth learnt from the adults. It is sad that adults nowadays have no moral responsibility and yet they have the temerity to lecture the youth on how they should behave.

Cocomomo: The police should show that they are fair and charge all the cases mentioned despite most of the perpetrators being apparently BN supporters. The police will then gain back some support or trust from the public.

We understand that the police maybe acting under instructions to act with haste for the most recent cases involving the PM. This does not stop them from acting on the old cases as well, unless they are under instructions not to do so.

Anonymous #32993250: This is what happens when the morality of our leaders are depraved. This is what happens when our leaders maintain a stony silence when their party members do mischief.

What do you expect from our youngsters? Now you want to condemn them. If they were Perkasa or Umno members, the police would not take action.

A leader must set an example for others to follow. We are sorry that today's leaders have been found very much wanting. Bleak days ahead for Malaysia.

YF: It is strange how the rakyat can do a better job investigating than our authorities. Whatever happened to the slogan ‘Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah' (Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy)? Please walk the talk before even coming up with fancy and meaningless slogans.

Xtcher: I'm rather puzzled by what I see as a frequently-used excuse by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) for not taking any action. It's "we have not received any police report" or something to that effect.

Yet on a number of occasions when they choose to, they made the report themselves to initiate investigation.

If they could do that, why couldn't they do the same to investigate, at their own initiative, the above mentioned incidents? Is there a new definition of "not taking sides"?

Amoker: The PDRM is totally blind by their allegiance to BN. Remember the attacks on churches and gurdwaras in 2010? Those are still not solved but PDRM has three teams to investigate these "seditious" cases in the most rapid manner.

YF: If the law enforcers want to arrest the chief culprit, they should arrest the folks from Umno. Umno has shown these youths that it is halal and within the law to show your butt and step on photos of politicians.

Monkey see, monkey do. Now that you arrest the youngsters, what does that tell them? That only Umno monkeys can do, the rakyat cannot?

Abasir: The police will probably say: "Thank you Malaysiakini for listing all these incidents. But please remember that all these cases involve ordinary people... not the Umno gods we have been directed to protect."

Kassim Muhamad: In case you crave for multiple-choice questions, here is one. Please choose the correct answer:

1) There is no police report.

2) We are still investigating.

3) Comparatively, all the above acts are mild. They will not jeopardise public safety.

4) How come people are only complaining now?

5) None of the above.

Odin: I beg your pardon, IGP Ismail Omar? The police have denied taking sides and vowed to probe similar instances involving Pakatan leaders, provided police reports are lodged?

I thought reports had been made of attacks at ceramahs held by Pakatan leaders. Months has passed, but we haven't heard of any arrest. Meaning, no investigations have been done. The police lie, full-stop.

Conmen: One can only surmise that as a country, we have yet to arrive to be on par with the democratic system of the West. We are still a pariah country when politicians and their goons resort to peeing on the pictures of their opponents.

We have much to learn to reach that stage when we can respect our political enemies. We are still barbarians at the gates so to speak, and they are mostly of the Umno-kind judging by what we observed in this Malaysiakini article.

Free And Fair Election: What about the coffin incident in Penang? Komtar Merchants Association Mohamed Ghani Abdul Jiman brought a coffin to the house of Komtar state representative Ng Wei Aik.

Not Confused: For Kuala Lumpur police chief Mohmad Salleh to make idiotic statements that no one with any common sense will take seriously, shows just how much the police have lost touch with reality.

The PDRM is nothing but a bunch of hoodlums and bootlickers of the BN government. Everyone knows that they will continue to harass and intimidate anyone who opposes the ruling government, leaving one or two brain-dead mouthpieces to trumpet their so-called independence.

Trust the police to look after the rakyat's safety and peace of mind? Absolutely not. I wouldn't trust a police officer as far as I could throw him.

Anonymous #32993250: It is plain and clear that the police are not fair in dealing with cases that involve political parties.

There appears to be partiality in dealing with cases involving the ruling party and it seems to take a very stern and no nonsense approach when it involves the opposition parties.

The police, to be respected, must do their duty fair and square as you are paid by all Malaysians taxpayers.

Kelate: PDRM may not remember to be impartial about these incidents. I will remember when GE13 comes. - Malaysiakini

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