
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dr M is right, Pakatan can rule forever, says Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 9 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is right to fear Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ruling forever if elected as it will be a better government than Barisan Nasional (BN), says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Dr Mahathir had warned Malaysians last Friday that the country may never see a BN government again if PR is voted into Putrajaya, saying the federal opposition would do “everything possible” to stay in power forever.
“He (Mahathir) is implying that under the PR government it will be better managed, more just and well governed that people would find it difficult to support BN,” Anwar told reporters at Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar’s Hari Raya open house here.
Anwar (picture) was groomed as Dr Mahathir’s successor until he was sacked in 1998 on sodomy and power abuse charges. He spent six years in jail and led the opposition to its best results in 2008 when they won four more states and denied BN its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority.
“He is saying once you lose, it’s gone forever — it’s true.
“Because then, the entire corruption and mismanagement (of the Barisan Nasional government) will be exposed,” he added.
Anwar said this would also serve as a reminder to the PR government that “you (leaders) must learn lessons from the excesses of the present government”.
“Strong institutions must be in place, so you do not abuse the position of power,” he said.
Dr Mahathir’s warning came when he spoke to a crowd of government retirees in Lembah Pantai here, but he did not elaborate further, instead urging voters to appreciate BN’s “good governance” over the past 55 years.
“But no way... once they gain power, they will do everything possible, and we cannot change again to BN... by then, it will be too late,” Dr Mahathir had said.
The country’s longest-serving prime minister then reminded the audience of his experience in government, and said he “knows a few things”.
He also repeated a recent point made on his blog and in public speeches that “change” may not necessarily be for the better.
“A lot of people ask, ‘Should there not be a change (of government)?’ I feel — and I do have some experience... you remember, I was PM for 22 years — change is not always for the better.
“Change may be for the worse. You may even destroy this country if you allow yourself to elect a government that is only interested in becoming the executive... not in serving the people.
“They want to become PM... so they go around telling people that it is time for a change,” he said.
Dr Mahathir was likely referring to Anwar, his former deputy in government, whom he has often accused of being only focussed on securing the premiership.

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