
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DR M WANTS TO BE PM AGAIN - will he contest in GE13 so that he can 'SAVE' Umno

DR M WANTS TO BE PM AGAIN - will he contest in GE13 so that he can 'SAVE' Umno
It is getting too obvious even for UMNO diehards to miss - former premier Mahathir Mohamad wants to lead the country again!
To some, it is embarrassing to see a senior leader displaying such raw ambition and thirst for the limelight. However, what is at stake is not only power but survival and escape from sure disgrace and even possible imprisonment for alleged abuses and wrongdoings to the country.
There have been all sorts of rationalizing about why such a supposition was untrue and sheer speculation by political enemies. One key reason often cited is the corruption-tainted leader's age. At 87, Mahathir is certainly the grand old man of his political party but he is still physically fit and mentally alert. Another reason given is that why would he bother when he is already the 'power behind the throne'!
But the fact is, one can never pin down a man like Mahathir. His thoughts, logic and goals are murkier than a bottomless pool. Those who are sure that Mahathir is doing all he can to retake the seat of power will argue that the ambition and desire to once again be the center of national and international attention burns paramount in him.
'Control Queen': A ruthless need to outshine everyone else
Mahathir is credited for his Vision 2020 blueprint that calls for a multiracial Malaysian society but he does not have any real vision. His plan for Malaysia to reach developed country economic status and for a Bangsa Malaysia to emerge (Malaysian race with ethnic boundaries relegated to secondary place) is now in cold storage because he failed to keep and deliver on his promises. Instead, he swung in the opposite direction, reverting to his old Malay supremacy clarion cry when the political waters went against him.
For this duplicity and insincerity, he has become the most unpopular man in the country. Mahathir appears to be clueless about why he is now so reviled but ask around at any of the warong kopi or cafes in the country, and Malaysians of all walks of life will grumble and gripe at how he is 'actively' blocking progress. This is how he is perceived - a troublemaker who spews racial hatred so as to keep UMNO and the Malays tied to him and his family. It is sad that Mahathir has never been able to look beyond himself. It is always about him, his family and his 'legacy'.
So, forget about obscure retirement for Dr M. He is simply not that type. Gardening, leisurely walks with wife Siti Hasmah or indulgent tea-breaks with the grand-kids won't satisfy this Malaysian maverick. He must outshine everyone else and if he can't do it the ethical way, he won't think twice about doing it the unethical way. A good example is the sacking and jailing of his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim on trumped-up sodomy charges.
Margin of victory not important: Defections can pad up BN's majority in Parliament!
Despite all his dire warnings of how the country will be destroyed by Anwar and the Opposition, Mahathir is confident that UMNO-BN will win in the 13th general election which must be held by June 2013 at the latest. He is not bothered that the margin of victory will be wafer thin, so long as UMNO-BN retains the federal government.
Once victory is UMNO's, anything goes as witness the ruthless and sudden 'leap-fogging' by Sabah Opposition politicians into the BN in the 1980s. Some even say Mahathir and former Finance minister Daim Zainuddin are keeping their vast resources and cash ready for that very purpose of ensuring that if UMNO leaders cannot win the coming election, they will 'buy' it.
Whether this is true and whether 'in-demand' MPs would allow themselves to be 'bought' remains to be seen. But for now, the grapevine is abuzz with talk that Mahathir is planning and scheming hard to ensure UMNO retains the federal government, and he returns to helm both the party and the nation.
Najib's loss of power in UMNO of his own making
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has also been stirring attention by putting on a very confident posture everywhere he goes. For form's sake Muhyiddin has to pretend to show loyalty to Najib, but the DPM knows very well  that Najib is counting his days in power.
But so what, say UMNO watchers, that does not in anyway translate into Muhyiddin taking over as PM and UMNO president. It really all depends on Tun (i.e Mahathir), they dry add.
This is the power that Mahathir now wields in UMNO. His influence has strengthened since Badawi allowed himself to be ousted in 2009. Najib, who took over, bent over backwards to reopen doors for Mahathir, which Badawi's son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin was smart enough to slam tightly shut. But not Najib.
Indecisive and "weak", as Mahathir has publicly described him many times, Najib allowed the older man to hook back old contacts and build new alliances. This is why Mahathir is now the 'king maker' and Najib the weakest UMNO president ever.
Puppet PM and for one term only
At 64, the same age as Anwar, Muhyiddin can at best be Prime Minister in name and for only one term. He would also have to take 'instructions' from Mahathir directly.
In 1998, Mahathir sacked Anwar and sent him to prison because he felt threatened. Mahathir was sure that Anwar was the only person in Malaysia who was and still is detrimental to him. Hence, the no-holds-barred, heavy-handed action that split UMNO and the Malay community down the line.
Mahathir thought Badawi would be an easy lap-dog who would gratefully follow his 'advice' on how to govern Malaysia. He was wrong. When Badawi refused to intervene in the Federal Court's decision to acquit Anwar from his sodomy charges, Mahathir must have surely flipped. When he finally succeeded in 'getting rid' of Badawi with Muhyiddin's help, he installed Najib as PM - not Muhyiddin.
However, Mahathir has never fully trusted Najib. Firstly, he does not like Najib's wife, Rosmah Mansor, and many suspect the leaked scandals about her such as the overseas shopping sprees and alleged purchase of a RM24 million diamond came from his camp. Secondly, Mahathir doesn't believe Najib can take on Anwar and win.
Invited to come out of retirement
In Mahathir's mind, only he can defeat Anwar, who is the most famous Malay in the world while he is regarded as the most IN-famous Malay in the world.
This is why despite all public professions that there is no one in UMNO capable of leading the country other than Najib, Mahathir has continued to 'use' Muhyiddin and keep him close as a handy 'sidekick'.
As Muhyiddin had spoken up against Badawi, triggering demands for the latter's resignation, the Pagoh MP is now expected to play a similar role during the UMNO party elections that will be held after GE-13 but before October 2013. This time, it will be Najib's turn to be pushed out.
Mahathir may then be invited to come out of “retirement” and assume the UMNO presidency so that he can rejuvenate UMNO. He can't be Prime Minister if he does not contest and win a seat in Parliament but if he wishes to, he can always take a leaf from Anwar and contest at a by-election later on.
Will Dr M be offered a seat to contest in GE-13
All eyes are also on whether Najib will name Mahathir as a contestant in GE-13. The older man wants his son Mukhriz to be the Kedah chief minister and this means Muhkriz will go for a state seat. Will Mukhriz surrender his existing Jerlun parliamentary seat?
It is not all impossible that Najib might name Mahathir for a parliamentary seat in Kedah on the basis that UMNO was facing the fight of its life and needs to have all reliable hands on deck. Whispers about secret talks and negotiations have been in the air for the past year.
If Najib bows to Tun's wishes on this, then the path is set and Malaysians who fear a return to hard line and corrupt rule may find their worst nightmare coming true!
Malaysia Chronicle

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