
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 23, 2012

FOR & AGAINST GOD: Is that all humanity is divided into, is that all humans are good for?

FOR & AGAINST GOD: Is that all humanity is divided into, is that all humans are good for?
The current rage sweeping the planet in retrospect to the most recent ‘film’ produced and said to be insulting to the faithful of Islam is not the first of its kind. Such reactions are also not merely confined to Islam alone as history tells us.
This truth deserves a serious revisit in the light of humanity's role and responsibility and moral fervor given human society's capability in bringing about total annihilation of life forms on this planet.
Throughout the history of humanity, we have numerous records of how we killed fellow humans simply because of our religious ‘sensitivities’ and religious ‘fervor’ as well; we have throughout history, killed, plundered, attacked, sabotaged – done all kinds of actions that maimed, insulted, hurt, and destroyed multitudes of followers not in-line with our own beliefs.
All these were and continues to be committed in the name ‘jihads’ and ‘crusades’. All these are done out of hurt, out of passion, out of ‘in defense of’, and a ‘sense of duty’.
What happened to love, forgiveness, justice & honour
Today, as the world of people from all sides of the religions of the world react and register their thoughts and feelings in response to the actions of one human, we need to pause, reflect and come to terms with the realities of humanity’s journey on earth.
In many religions we learn about the supremacy of the human species; religions teach us that humans do not belong to the same underclass of animals and plants.
Religions preach about love, forgiveness, justice and honor. Religions highlight the poison inherent in hatred, un-forgiving hearts, injustice and disgrace.
Human kind takes great pride in thinking and feeling that they are the only living species that is capable of thoughts and emotions. We are taught that we are the only species that is not restricted and enslaved to mere instinct but has the supreme faculties of reason and emotions – which we always lay claim to from a high pedestal as we look down on the animal and plant kingdoms.
But if we take life form in all totality, at least we should be humbled to know that animals and plants do not kill each other because of harm done to our respective ‘Gods’ and the ‘Messengers of our Gods’. And so, so much so for our claims to supremacy.
All sorts of justifications & all 'in the name' of God
Many justifications will be tabled to explain why and what we must do ‘in defense’ of our faiths. ‘To die in the name of our Gods’ seems to be most supreme ‘sacrifice’ one soul can make as he or she ploughs through the lives of others.
The taking away of the life of one soul can appease and safeguard the faith and belief that millions across the planet profess to follow and adhere to. It has become our human duty to rise to the defense of our ‘Gods’ and the ‘Messengers’ we have been ‘blessed’ with. And when we have ‘sacrificed’ with ‘blood’ in hands, we have done justice – or if you will, ‘appeased’ our ‘Gods’ and our ‘Messengers’.
Stop. Let us be what we claim we are – thinking, feeling humans. Here are some questions that leaders and followers must ask and experience:
In truth, does the action or inaction of one man in the entire planet that we deem as wrong really ruin, discount, or damage our faith?
Hijacked by politicians
If our faith is from the ‘God’ we profess to believe in, how can one human damage, hurt and destroy what that ‘God’ has given us? Are we not then not contradicting our beliefs?
Maybe the reasoning is that we are the defenders of our faiths - that we are also commanded to protect that faith even if it means soaking our hands with the blood of the villain. But then again, is this not akin to the animalistic beliefs of bygone eras where human blood could appease the gods?
Perhaps the argument is we are not killing one who has ‘sinned’ against us, but merely ensuring justice is done. Then why go after so many innocent people – labeling and haunting them from the four corners of the world?
Indeed despite all the progress and development that humanity claims to have achieved down the centuries, we are still incapable of proving ourselves as more supreme than the plant and animal kingdoms in so far as our thoughts and feelings go.
Where are all our supreme and learned and wise and enlightened leaders of our faiths? Why are you being bulldozed by politicians who now have constantly laid claims to be the true defenders of our faiths?
Have we really progressed?
In a nutshell the truth that remains is we are no different from the Dark Ages; we are no different from the perilous times of the distant past of the Crusaders, the Roman Empire – all those eras that glaring tell us how humanity killed humanity in the name of defending and saving humanity for the love of God.
Is there then no reason to have feelings of shame in being a member of the human species when we seem to only remain prisoners in our thoughts and feelings as we wage war against fellow humans in the name of our love or hatred for our ‘Gods’ and ‘Messengers’? - MAILBAG

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