
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 8, 2012

Home Minister who lost his marbles: Hisham out of sync with the pulse of the people

Home Minister who lost his marbles: Hisham out of sync with the pulse of the people
Malaysia's Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein is certainly not with the house - of citizens that is. Wonder how come he keeps getting away all the time for in any other democratic country by now such a specimen would be booted out of that home - not only by the citizens but also by all sane, honourable and civil minded leaders and supporters.
Take the current issue involving the youth who did some well not so nice thing to the posters with Najib and Rosmah's picture.
The police are gung-o in serving 'justice' with super efficiency - fuelled by the militant fervour of the Home Minister who keeps barking for 'stern' action against our young teenage citizens.
On that same token take the case of some grown-up, ex-uniformed 'badaks' (hippos) who twisted and rolled their bums before an institutionally and globally acknowledged icon, Bersih co-chief Ambiga Sreenevasan, saw no action.
Not just that. He recently was thinking way out of the box in wanting to enlist the infamous and rowdy, notorious Mat Rempits (motor-bike gangs) to bring back a safer, crime free environment for all Malaysians.
Wonder if he will again drop out of the box by next wanting to get confirmed criminals to cut back on crime in the country?
Why so out of touch with reality
Hello, Honourable Home Minister wonder too why you seem so way out of touch with the sentiments and fervour of the rakyat? When even lawyers have to tell you that you are not thinking but also acting out of the box we call home to Malaysians, then there must be something grossly wrong with you. Or your office or maybe we Malaysians are all suffering from a perception malaise again - the other silly that the Home Minister not so long ago spewed out.
Please Mr Home Minster come back to the house called Malaysia. Look at your nation's citizens as partners in nation building. Why do you make enemies out of ordinary citizens and lack so much that humane element called empathy, sympathy and goodwill?
It is okay if you took harsh and demonic stands with enemies of this nation in a far away distant land that we were taught to imagine existed, for these last 30 years; but when you start whacking innocent, immature teenagers who are today thinking 'inside-out', you merely keep thinking 'outside' the box.
No small wonder than that the entire nation of right-minded leaders, professionals and even ordinary rakyat are trading unending jokes about a Home Minister who seems to be not with the house all the time.
Can we then blame citizens if they keep clamouring for a change in allegiance to political parties?
Home Minister, if you are planning to boot out your boss this-a-way, well that is no good either; please think of a better strategy.

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