
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 14, 2012



“PAIRIN’S portrayal of PM Najib as a political “doctor” shows a lack of political awareness on his part over the countless political, social and cultural problem faced by the people in Sabah.

Instead of giving the right and actual attribute our current Prime Minister actually possess, Pairin have given him the wrong attributes. If indeed Najib is a political “doctor” as Pairin have highly attributed him with, then he (the PM) have all along been giving only generic medicines for the illnesses that have fallen on the people of Sabah.
“Firstly, Dr. Mahathir, probably one that I would wonder if Pairin would agree with me if I call him someone who gave us the PTI perennial disease by giving citizenship and Malaysia IC to the huge number foreigners during his tenure as PM which caused the extraordinary population explosion in Sabah.

This is the real disease, the cancer that is eating into the fabric of our society that Najib should have given the right kind of medications. Its been over a month since the announcement on the establishment of the RCI have been made and yet there seem to be no indication when they would start their work.

This make me and the people of Sabah want to ask if the members of the RCI have ever received their letter of appointment to date to enable them to function.

“Some of the ‘cure’ for the ‘illnesses’ mentioned by Pairin as being given by Najib to solve the people’s problem are just “generic medicines’ that does not have lasting effect on the livelihood of the people especially those in the hardcore bracket nor does it help solved their problem.

More so, how much do you expect from a RM500 monetory assistance that comes once after a fifty year period? What they should have done is to improve the delivery system in the “e-kasih” and “cari-cari” program instead of randomly terminating the assistance on selected individuals.

I have people coming to me complaining that their assistance have been terminated after having been approved and receiving the assistance for four months. The reason given for terminating the assistance on this particular individual is just the word “TAMAT” (Terminated).

Clearly, if indeed Najib is a political doctor as portrayed by Pairin then he have been carrying out the wrong diagnosis and thus giving the wrong medicines. This gives the people of Sabah the more reason why this current government under Najib must be replaced.

"I doubt if Pairin ever visited any remote rural areas where poverty among the Kadazandusun community are still prevelant. As such I therefore challenge Pairin to personally go to the ground and find out for himself if the level of poverty among the KDM 'cured' by Najib." - Sabahkini


  1. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's leadership should befittingly be studied and emulated by the country's successive leaders, said Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

    1. Leadership is a crucial aspect in the development process; a progressive and developed government and country is a result of resolute and credible leadership.

  2. Najib bukan sahaja 'doktor' untuk politik, malah 'doktor' untuk hal2 sosial, ekonomi dan pembangunan negara.. banyak kerja2 beliau hanya untuk memperbaiki kesilapan2 pemimpin terdahulu..

    1. Ketua Menteri Datuk Musa Aman berkata perpaduan di kalangan parti BN termasuk Umno akan memastikan kerajaan kuat dan stabil

    2. Mereka tidak berniat untuk berbuat apa-apa untuk rakyat.Pembangkang tidak mempunyai perancangan pembangunan dan agenda

  3. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's leadership should befittingly be studied and emulated by the country's successive leaders. The chief minister noted that Najib had also empowered public higher learning institutions to be more competitive via more autonomy in financial, human capital, administrative, student entry and income generation management.

  4. Umno is led by sincere, responsible and caring leaders. Under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s leadership, Sabah has received huge allocation to carry out various transformation programmes and initiatives

  5. CM Musa Aman said the BN on the other hand not only talked but worked, served the people and fulfilled the promises made to them. states under PR are regressing, people are suffering and their needs are not fulfilled


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