
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 22, 2012

LIFE WITH THE LEES: Nanny shares memories of working for Kuan Yew & family

LIFE WITH THE LEES: Nanny shares memories of working for Kuan Yew & family
94-year-old Ouyang Huan Yan, Yan Kou, from Shunde, worked for Singapore's first family as a nanny for four decades.
Yan Kou, when she was 18, came to Singapore with her sister. She started work with famous overseas Chinese Tan Kah Kee's family for nine years. After the war, Lee Kuan Yew's mother employed her to work for the Lees.
After working for the Lees for 1 year, Lee Kuan Yew returned from his overseas studies in the UK.
Lee Kuan Yew wrote in his memoirs, his wife would go to office every day, his young children were taken care of by reliable Guangdong maids. Yan Kou is one of them. While with the Lees, Yan Kou started with doing the laundry, shopping and other chores. Yan Kou worked for the Lees for 40 years until 1986 when she and her sister returned to Shunde.
Recently, reporter Weng Shuxian visited Yan Kou to listen to her memories of working as a nanny for Singapore's first family.
Simple wedding
Yan Kou also remembered that after Lee Kuan Yew became the Prime Minster, she would often bring the children to the Istana after school in the afternoon. Lee Kuan Yew would entertain foreign dignitaries at the Istana, but continued to live at his Oxley home with his family.
Yan Kou would often prepares a simple breakfast at the home, Lee Kuan Yew usually drank a glass of Ovaltine, ate 2 pieces of bread and 2 eggs. Mrs Lee worked in the day as a lawyer, but in the evening after work she continued to do house chores, take care of the children and prepare dinner.
When Yan Kou first met Lee Kuan Yew, he just came back from his oversea studies in the UK, he was not very well versed in Mandarin then. But in person, Lee Kuan Yew was not westernized, instead he was rather traditional. When Lee Hsien Loong was only a few years old, Lee Kuan Yew brought a set of long sleeves mandarin jacket for his son during the Chinese New year.
A strict dad
Yan Kou revealed that Lee Kuan Yew was strict with the children. The children were also obedient, humble and not proud unlike children from other well to do families.
When Lee Kuan Yew disciplined the children privately in his room, no one was allowed to enter, even Mrs Lee was not allowed to intervene, or enter. The children would not dare to talk back. Although Yan Kou and the workers have never seen how Lee Kuan Yew disciplined the children, they would know from the children's expression when they came out.
Yan Kou remembered once Lee Hsien Loong was third in his class. Lee Kuan Yew was not satisfied with the result and called his son to his room. Then Lee Hsien Loong was frightened, Lee Kuan Yew told his son to get first next time. Since then Lee Hsien Loong would get first almost every time. Lee Kuan Yew was equally strict with his daughter who scored 10As.
Lee Kuan Yew also forbade the nanny to accompany the children to school. When Lee Hsien Loong was in Primary 3, he asked to go to school in the school bus (instead of being driven). At first Yan Kou was concerned Lee Hsien Loong would not be able to keep up with the school bus, but Lee Hsien Loong told her that he would dash to catch the school bus once the school bell rang. Lee Kuan Yew respected Lee Hsien Loong's decision, and let the children learn to adapt.
No airs
In addition, when the children turned 21, they were expected to be independent. Very often the children would ask the workers to buy stuff for them, Mrs Lee would insist the children pay for it themselves and would not pay on their behalf.
While working for the Lees, Yan Kou would address Lee Kuan Yew as Mr Lee even after he became the prime minister. His children were also very causal, and like their parents, have no airs. The workers would call the children by their names only.
Mr & Mrs Lee liked to drink coffee, eat beef, spicy dishes and curry, but that's not to the liking of Yan Kou who likes fish and Chinese dishes. So Mrs Lee would let the workers prepare whatever food they liked too.
Yan Kou said working for the Lees, was like staying at home. She only needed to inform the Lees before she went out. Sometime, she also invited her friends to her work place. Mrs Lee treated the workers well. In the past, the employer and employee contributed equal share to the employee's CPF. The Lees would pay for her share too.
When Yan Kou decided to leave the Lees, Mrs Lee requested for her to stay for some more years. Unfortunately Yan Kou's sister was in poor health.
Her home town did not have any telephone, but Lee Wei Ling would write to Yan Kou to keep in contact. Lee Wei Ling also sent a photo of the "whole family" to Yan Kou. When Lee Wei Ling's friend visited China, she would ask her friend to visit Yan Kou on her behalf.
- http://news.enorth.com.cn/
李光耀在自己的回忆录中写到,儿女小的时候,他太太每天出门办公时,有可靠的广东女佣看顾孩子们。燕姑太就是其中的一位。在李家,她从洗衣、买 东西等杂务做起,李光耀结婚生子后,又帮手照顾他三个子女的起居生活。直到1986年,她和姐姐从新加坡返回顺德老家定居,在李家整整工作了40年。
燕姑太:我最初接触他,他刚从英国留学回到新加坡,确实不太会讲华语。但他在生活中并不是人们想象的那么西化,而是很尊重传统。李显龙才几岁大 的时候,李先生还没当总理。我记得有一年快过春节,他和李太太还特地跑到香港给李显龙做了一套长衫马褂,让他过年的时候穿,还给他拍了照片留念。
他管教孩子时会叫到屋里关上门,不让其他人进去,连太太都不能出声、甚至不让进去看,我们当工人的更不让看、不敢劝。就像旧时父母管教我们一 样,做子女的都不敢顶嘴,甚至连哭都不敢。我虽然没有当面看到他管教孩子的样子,但有时候孩子从他的房间出来,脸上表情不对,我们悄悄问便知道发生什么事 了。
我记得有一次,李显龙在班里几十个孩子中成绩排第三名,李先生不太满意,把他叫到房间里去问:怎么才考第三名?显龙吓得脸色都变了。李先生可能 也有点心疼了,便说“这一次不追究,以后得考第一回来”。后来,李显龙几乎次次都考第一。他对儿子严格,对女儿也一样的。新加坡人考9门A就很了不起了, 他女儿考了10门A,很有本事的。
除了严厉,他们也很尊重子女的。李显龙读小学3年级就想自己坐校车去上学,一开始我们担心他跟不上校车、没位子坐怎么办?他倒很有经验,告诉我 们说:只要放学的铃声一响,就马上“飙上校车”,找个位子坐好就能回来了。其实,当时父母并没要求他这么做,看他自己喜欢,父母就由他去,支持他去适应。

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