
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 17, 2012

Najib forgets: Not all Malays are UMNO MALAYS

Najib forgets: Not all Malays are UMNO MALAYS
If we have to call a spade a spade, so be it in the defence of a beloved nation, its people and their Rulers who have always maintained ALL Malaysians as their loyal subjects.
It is completely insane. It is beyond all common sense. It is an absolute violation against humanity. When the prime minister of a nation screams and propagates racism on the multi-racial country’s national day celebration, what do we do?
Merely protest? Just sulk? Or run to his aid to protect and justify, shield and resurrect that leader?
In any other civilized, sensitive and mature society, by now such a leader would have abdicated his or her position and power owing to public outcry – as a result of decisive action taken by not just the common citizens but also by all wise and honorable politicians from all sides of the camp supported by leaders of the faithful, civil society leaders, professionals and even corporate captains.
Can you beat this – on Malaysia Day our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in his speech proclaimed that Malays must come together to avoid being defeated.
Treasonous words
It is a very serious proclamation. It hinges on treason against the nation of people and our revered Rulers to whom the multi-cultural and multi-religious and multi-racial people have always pledged their loyalty. It betrays the very fundamentals enshrined in our Constitution and destroys all principles in support of humanity.
Najib is not just splitting the nation along racial lines; he is destroying the very cord that binds us all to King and Nation. Not only that, he is just as dumb too to even entertain such a threatened call.
There are Malays in UMNO. So if he spoke so in an UMNO event as their President, it can be understood although it will not be devoid of suspicion and displeasure.
But when a prime minister of a multi-racial society speaks so on that nation’s National Day it cannot be dismissed; it cannot be taken with a pinch of salt; it should not be spared of decisive and fair action.
Not all Malays are UMNO MALAYS
Najib forgets that the Malays in this land are not all on UMNO’s sides. He has obliterated the fact that there are just as many Malays who are also in PAS, in PKR and even in DAP. So by raising alarm bells for the attention of all Malays he has committed a serious and dangerous offence.
That offence is tantamount (if not absolute) to racial incitement. Will the authorities who keep proclaiming that they are the fair guardians of law in this land now act decisively or will they slitter away? Will the legal minds that still have their hearts in the right place now congregate in one voice to defend the honor and dignity of this nation, i.e. justice? Or will they slip away under the musty sheet of “it’s none of my business?”
He has also grossly insulted the Malays. If the clear minded, able minded, and wise Malays do not take offence to this totally unacceptable call by the PM to one particular race that has also driven a deep wedge between the Malays of one nation, then we would have sunk so far low that there is no future for everyone here.
We would have sunk into the pits of animosity, divisiveness, exclusiveness and bitter enmity that in all probability would have erected the framework for a permanently failed nation.

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