
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Oh my gosh! Mustapa, what republic threat?

YOURSAY 'The BN government has on record made the most number of amendments to the constitution. It has only been the denial of a two-thirds majority that has stopped them.'

Mustapa warns of attempt to turn Malaysia into a republic 

your sayToffeesturn: What is Kelantan Umno liaison committee chief Mustapa Mohamed talking about?

We do not want to turn this nation into a republic, but at the same time, we do not want the Razak, Onn and Mahathir dynasties to rule this land as though they have been anointed by god to do so. That just reminds me of the North Korean regime.

Thetruth: These people from Umno-BN can no longer tell the rakyat in a logical way why they must be returned to power come GE13. They as usual play racial, religious and fear politics.

This international trade and industry minister forgets that it is Umno-BN under the mahaguru of spin who had taken away the sultans' immunity and trimmed their power through laws enacted by Parliament.

BN leaders are the ones who had done the extreme. If Malaysia ever becomes a republic, then Umno-BN needs to be blamed because they had laid the foundations for such actions to be possible.

The Kee-Keat: One can only find rubbish in a trash can:

1) What's the connection between "turning into a republic" and "defending the essence of independence"?

2) Can 55 years of stability and harmony not withstand peaceful gatherings/demonstrations/protests?

3) If amending the constitution is "extreme", who else - if not Umno - has been orchestrating extreme constitutional amendents and even various constitutional crises over the past 55 years?

Stories: Is Malaysia in danger of being turned a republic or communist state, or both? The government has made so many accusations - make up your mind please.

At the moment, Malaysia is going to become a failed state, the way things are going.

Geronimo: Come, come Mustapa, stop generalising. Who, when, how, where was it said that Malaysia would be turned into a republic?

If you do not have concrete evidence, please don't make sweeping statements. Indulging in scare tactics again, eh?

Mushiro: Mustapa, you are an MP today because your Jeli constituency has a big army base. It only means that you can only win by cheating, as the army base does not allow opposition representatives to monitor the voting process.

Knowing all these, please do not speak like a popularly elected MP, which you are not. Will you dare stand in a non-army constituency?

Starr: Whether there's a movement towards 'republicanism' in the country is too soon to predict.

But what's evident is the spirit of the 'reformasi' movement built up after the infamous sacking of Anwar Ibrahim by Dr Mahathir Mohamad as his deputy in Umno-BN.

It has since gathered momentum resulting in Umno-BN losing its customary two-thirds majority in Parliament and is now presenting a clear and gathering danger to Umno-BN's uninterrupted rule.

For Umno leaders to accuse the opposition of harbouring such tendency of 'republicanism' in the latest flag incident is mere fiction, a fabrication of fact in order to garner the much needed political mileage in wake of waning support, especially the Malay voters.

For the country to preserve its monarchy system, there is much to be done by all parties, not least by the royal institution and Umno-BN to keep the royals above the political fray. After all, the ultimate power lies with the rakyat, not the ruling elites.

Clever voter: What republic threat? The BN government has on record made the most number of amendments to the original constitution. It has only been the denial of a two-thirds majority that has stopped them.

Now it is time for them to surrender and let others rule more efficiently, and responsibly.

Keanjin: If you read between the lines, Mustapa is not worried about Malaysia turning into a republic but more worried about the opposition takeover. Why? It would mean his position, status, and interests will be all finished.

Swipenter: Umno is making wild and dangerous allegations again. Now tell us who are the "certain quarters" who want to turn Malaysia into a republic, otherwise please shut your trap.

It is really so damn sickening to hear Umnoputras spewing dangerous nonsense just to gain political mileage.

The insinuations are heavily laden with racial undertones. Definitely the Malays do not want to do away with the Malay royalty and that doesn't left us with much left to guess who are these "certain quarters" Mustapa meant.
Conmen: As GE13 draws nearer and nearer, Umno gets scarier and scarier and the demons of their own imagination rears its ugly head to haunt them.

The absurdity of their utterances becomes illogical, ridiculous and incomprehensible. Mustapa Mohamed is always thought of as a saner politician vis a vis the rest of his kind, but now he has truly plumbed the depths of depravity on this most auspicious occasion of Merdeka.

I feel sorry for him. Stuck in the rut, they are caught in the quagmire of their own political inertia and stupidity. Where on earth did they get the idea that Pakatan Rakyat is going to make Malaysia a republic and supporting demonstrations for the sake of demonstrations?

Bharat Menon: Mustapa, you have always been among the very few untainted Umno leaders that I had some respect for. Why now open your mouth and start spewing rubbish?

When have the rakyat called for for a republic? Prove your statements, do not make it just because of political expediency.

I very rarely post comments in Malaysiakini but when such statements come out of the mouth of an Umno leader whom I respected all this while, then I must state my feelings.

I would like to see more Umno leaders come to the fore and have the courage to buck the trend of merely following the Umno herd. A breath of fresh air, please. - Malaysiakini

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