
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 10, 2012

PAS Screws Up Big Time In Sabah

PAS does not have much of a following in Sabah. The people in Sabah are not too concerned about religion. There are too many 'mix and match' situations in Sabah and so people are less worked up about religion. In some homes you can find Muslims, Christians and traditional beliefs all being practised by the different members of the same family. 

This is a major problem for the PAS. I think for the long term the PAS are thinking up ways to overcome this "obstacle". No hatred no religion. So the first step for them will be to create religious hatred.  It will be easier for them to gather supporters after they can sow some religious hatred into the equation.

The PAS are trying to jump on the bandwagon over the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) that is being set up to study the issue of illegal immigration into Sabah. PAS is taking the stand to accuse the Government of closing an eye towards illegal immigration.

To do this, the PAS in Sabah have chosen one guy Lahirul Latigu Lando to be their spokesman over this matter.  The ragheads are usually lazy asses and they are never good at close scrutiny of anything. Perhaps without checking they have appointed a guy who is himself the son of PATI (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin). Lahirul's father is an Indonesian from across the frontier.  

The Unspinners has the news here.  This is a copy of the father's papers : Latigu Bin Laando

Do read more at The Unspinners.  

I dont know what the fuss is all about. About half the country's population are descended from immigrants, the vast majority of whom were illegals as well. Folks, the Chinese, Indians, mamaks etc are all descended from immigrants. Most of our grandparents did not have any travel documents either. They just got on a boat and got off the pier in Penang, Singapore, Port Swettenham, Sibu, Kucing, Jesselton etc. Shouldnt there be a Royal Commission of Inquiry to reassess how that happened? Or is that too silly a question? Munafiks, what do you think?

In stark contrast Latiguu Laando did not need to get on any boat or get off at any pier. Neither did he need to leave his loved ones behind in his "homeland". No such thing. He just walked across the stream or over the next hill and he was already in Sabah. 

These folks have lived in this neighborhood since they were created by the Creator. When a Sulu child pisses in the Sulu Sea, he does not care if  he is a Malaysian Sulu or a Filipino Sulu. They were there first. Even the sea is named after them - the Sulu Sea.  To tell the Sulus now that they are Malaysians or Filipinos is a bit dense. 

And here is the catch folks : it wont work. Please buy an Air Asia ticket and go to Tawau, Sempoerna or Sandakan. These people are seafarers. The sea was made for them. They travel all over the place by boat. Their women can tell their kids exactly when it will rain during the day. The same applies for the folks from the Sulawesi and Kalimantan. It is going to be difficult to control the movement of people. 

Here is the reason why. Many years ago we met a really friendly Sulu by the name of Karangan  on Mabul Island. He was powerfully built and was a dive guide in Sipadan. He  could hold his breath for four minutes under water. Karangan said that life in Sabah was so much easier than in the Phillipine side of the Sulu Sea. He said his kids could go to school, there were towns, roads and houses in Sabah with water and electricity. Plus he had a job. That is why he came to Sabah.

I dont think Karangan needed a passport to get into Sabah. He could just hold his breath and swim under the Sulu Sea.  No one would be able to detect him. And he is not the only one who can do this.

The more succesful our country becomes (compared to our immediate neighbours) the more people are going to come here.  That is why our grandparents came here too. Folks there are easily about 500,000 Banglas in the country. Maybe another 200,000 Nepalis. We also have the Rohingyas aka Banglas as well. And have you heard of Myanmar Malays? These are Malays who live in Myanmar - they speak Malay with a very thick Kedah accent. They are here too. Everyone is coming home to Malaysia. Many of these people are not going back. 

Dont forget three million Malays across the "border" in Thailand. Let's save some time. Lets do an RCI about the Thai Malays straight away. Title of Inquiry - "Why are they NOT here yet?"  Just across from where I am, a Thai Malay woman serves pretty good 'Masakan Thai'.  Not all the Tom Yamese in Kuala Lumpur are Kelantanese either. Many are Thai Malays.  They were here first lah.


  1. Better PAS just focus in Kelantan. they will never have a chance to win in Sabah.

    1. Setuju, lebih baik PAS menumpukan perhatian untuk mengekalkan undian rakyat sendiri. Rakyat Sabah lebih menyokong pemimpin tempatan.

    2. Baru-baru ini PAS Kelantan diberi amaran oleh rakyat tempatan kerana masalah bekalan air bersih yang terputus selama 3 hari dan ada yang lebih lama gagal diselesaikan. Penduduk di kawasan pekan Pasir Mas dan Kasar terutama peniaga merungut kerana urusan harian mereka terjejas akibat tiada bekalan air bersih.

    3. Kerajaan Pas Kelantan dikecam kerana tidak bertanggungjawab dalam isu kemudahan asas rakyat sebaliknya lebih sibuk berpolitik dengan mencipta isu lain bagi menutup isu air.

    4. Kelemahan pengurusan kerajaan negeri Kelantan pimpinan Pas sewajarnya menyedarkan rakyat untuk memilih parti yang lebih berupaya menyempurnakan tanggungjawab, memberi perkhidmatan dan pembelaan kepada semua pihak.

    5. akyat telah menyaksikan sendiri kegagalan dan permasalahan yang menyebabkan negeri ini gagal maju setanding dengan negeri-negeri yang ditadbir Barisan Nasional (BN) walaupun telah diberi peluang selama 22 tahun.

    6. ini termasuk isu bekalan air dan kemudahan infrastruktur yang tidak dapat disediakan kerajaan Pas Kelantan dan terpaksa mengharap belas ihsan Kerajaan Pusat.

  2. PAS cuba mengatakan yang mana pemimpin Sabah ini adalah warga asing. tapi pendedahan yang sah dibuat yang mana beliau bukannya seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh PAS.

  3. PAS rasanya tidak diterima baik di Sabah dan Sarawak. Memang patut juga PAS untuk semenanjung dan bukannya Sabah dan Sarawak.

  4. bagus PAS fokus saja la kerusi2 di semenanjung.. belajar la dari pengalaman PRN Sarawak..

  5. bukan sahaja PAS malah Pakatan Rakyat juga perlu meninggalkan Sabah.. di Sabah juga ada parti pembangkang yang boleh melaksanakan kerja2 membangkang..

  6. rakyat Sabah juga perlu menolak parti yang berselindung disebalik agama ini kerana telah gagal memajukan Kelantan selepas lebih 20 tahun memerintah negeri itu..

    1. Pas hanya lebih mementingkan slogan dan menggunakan agama untuk mendapatkan simpati rakyat. Malah, ada tindakan yang membebankan termasuk meminta sumbangan rakyat bagi pelaksanaan sesuatu projek dengan menggunakan amalan bersedekah sebagai 'jambatan' bagi tujuan tersebut

  7. Rakyat Sabah memang dah lama mengamalkan konsep 1 Malaysia.

  8. Saling hormat-menghormati adalah kunci kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian.

  9. Rakyat seharusnya bangkit mempersoalkan apakah sumbangan kerajaan Pas kepada rakyat secara keseluruhannya.


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