
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 16, 2012


KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has rejected opposition denials of links to the "Suara Pakatan Rakyat" which published a derogatory piece on the Sumazau dance and urged police to investigate the blog.

PBS Sec-Gen. Datuk Henrynus Amin, in welcoming the statement by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman in joining the chorus of voices against the opposition blogger said he has no doubt about the close links between "Suara Pakatan Rakyat" and the opposition front comprising PKR, DAP and PAS (which collectively call themselves Pakatan Rakyat).
He said, as the name implies, Suara Pakatan Rakyat is an opposition propaganda, a voice for Pakatan Rakyat, whose contents are fiercely anti-BN and their political orientation closely identical to or rather seemed to represent the opposition agenda.

He said the opposition denial does not hold water as there is no secret about the intention, affiliation and political allegiance of the blogger.

Henrynus also totally rejected the insinuation that Umno may be behind the blog. "Suara Pakatan Rakyat Blog has existed for a long time and its contents highly critical of Umno and the BN," he said, Friday.

"How do you reconcile the fact that the administration of the blog is firmly in the hands of those highly critical of Umno and the BN?"

He said the opposition, as a matter of strategy, was trying to emulate the success of the BN propaganda associating Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah with the Christian cross, displayed on a Kadazandusun headgear he wore during a PBS political function in the 1990 General Election.

"So this was a case of political strategy gone awfully wrong for which they will have to bear the consequences for their foolishness."

The blogger thinks naively that the Kadazandusun and Murut community are passive insignificant people who they can conveniently use as a scapegoat and the perfect political punching bag to pursue their selfish political goals.

"Contrary to their expectation, by demonising the Sumazau dance, the people of Sabah, the Kadazandusun and Murut community in particular are even more united in the defence of their cultural heritage.

"The Kadazandusun and Murut community is proud of their cultural heritage, and history has shown as exemplified by the famous Kg Karanaan gathering in 1982 in response to Berjaya's disrespect of the Kaamatan Festival, that they as a community will fight anyone, including the Opposition Front, who may be tempted to humiliate them as a community."


  1. Tindakan Blog Pakatan Rakyat yang menghina tarian sumazau itu perlu tampil dan memohon maaf atas penghiaan itu secara terbuka.

    1. tarian Sumazau adalah tarian tradisi, ia harus dihormati.

  2. Kenapa dulu tidak diambil kisah mengenai tarian ini. Tapi bila PM menari tarian ini mula ada pihak tidak senang dan cuba menghina tarian budaya KDM di Sabah ini. Mesti ini ada unsur politik sebenarnya.

  3. Komen yang merupakan penghinaan tarian sumazau harus dibuat.

  4. Keunikan bangsa dan seni harus dihormati.

    1. jgn cemarkan perpaduan dan keharmonian yang kita kecapi.

  5. masing-masing telah membuat strategy peperangan.

  6. memang begitulah sikap pemimpin2 pakatan.. kehulu kehilir menafikan apa yang telah mereka buat sekalipun perkara itu dengan jelas dilakukan oleh pihak mereka..

  7. politik Pakatan sememangnya penuh dengan pembohongan sejak dari dulu.. bila ceramah mereka kena sabotaj, dia tuduh umno.. bila ceramah umno kena sabotaj, pun dia tuduh umno.. sekarang ini bila blogger mereka buat penghinaan, pun dia tuduh umno.. hilang akal agaknya pemimimpin2 pembangkang ni..

  8. Ignore issues that are don't bring benefits to Sabah.

  9. do not give a chance, the blogger should legal action


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