
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 10, 2012

PM waiting for someone to get really hurt

YOURSAY 'These Umno fellows are a strange group of people. When you step on their foot, you are wrong. But when they step on your foot, you are also wrong.'

Gun-flashing incident: Anwar leaves it to police 

your sayWhere Do We Go From Here?: "Two police personnel in plainclothes had grabbed the bodyguard before pushing the handgun back into the hip holster."

Somehow the Special Branch personnel could jumped into action when Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's bodyguard drew his pistol, but they were no where to be seen whenever Pakatan Rakyat people were attacked with stones, red paint and were bodily assaulted.
Bender: So the police personnel were actually there watching the whole thing unfolded and they didn't do anything to stop the troublemakers? And they only reacted at the first sight of defence by Anwar's bodyguard?

It goes to show that they were there whenever these kind of thing happened but they remained silent or more accurately, as protectors, not for the public, but for the hecklers and troublemakers.

It's true then that in this country, it's the criminals who got the protection from the police while the rakyat are expendable. That's the price we have to pay for having supercrooks for leaders.

Bob Teoh: In a democracy, the opposition leader is head of the opposition bench while the PM is the head of the executive. The opposition leader is also accorded certain rights and privileges, for example, security and equal access to media.

Umno hoodlums have become increasingly a security concern and its president must act to hold back his boys. The police must also ensure public order and safety of the opposition leader especially in the run-up to GE13.

The PM is to be personally held responsible for any harm to all opposition leaders, not only Anwar. This is the least we can expect from a PM who has yet to go to the people for a mandate.

Progressive: Even in a poor country without adequate resources like India, the head of the opposition - even at the state level - is given protection at all times, not to mention developed countries like UK and US.

On this aspect of safety, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and PM Najib Razak should put aside their narrow political considerations and follow international protocol in providing for the safety and security of the leader of the opposition.

The police should have dispersed the violent troublemakers first rather than having to later disarm Anwar's bodyguard. The police should act professionally and act impartially as this concerns safety of our elected leaders.

Ferdtan: Wow, the police are so efficient to get Anwar's bodyguard detained immediately. It seems that he even had no time to take the gun completely out from the hip holster before he was grabbed by plainclothes police.

This shows that there are many Secret Branch officers milling around in plainclothes at every opposition ceramahs. The question is: When the thugs were making trouble in many of the opposition ceramahs, where were the police?

It seems that they are at the 'right' place at the 'right' time - sadly though, getting the wrong people.

Indeed, instead of stopping the constant harassments from the hooligans against the opposition leaders, they turned against the victims trying to protect themselves.
If the police were to take actions against these heckers in the first place, the Pakatan leaders do not have to employ bodyguards at all.

Imagine in Malaysia today, to go around the country to campaign, you have to bring a whole contingent of bodyguards. We are now like the Philippines at election times, whereby gunfights between political rivals are not uncommon.

Fz2379: Anwar, nobody attacked you. They just stopped your bus and your entourage from moving any further. That was all.

Anwar wasn't under such a threat that would require his bodyguard to use a gun. Unless there was a bunch of armed people, only then his action is justifiable.

Fairnessforall: Fz2379, who are you trying to fool? Who are these gangsters to stop the PKR bus? Obviously they were send by BN. What gives them the right to stop the bus from moving further?

The fact that they came in a big group is enough to warrant fear that they would attack. We have also seen from past actions of these gangsters that they will, and have, attacked.

This is a free country and Anwar and Pakatan have every right to go on this tour to reveal the truth about BN. When BN goes around telling lies about Pakatan, Pakatan does not send their gangsters. Everyone can see which is indeed the gangster party.

ACR: There was one comment here saying DSAI was not attacked nor was he under threat. How laughable.

In contrast, the nation's entire security apparatus is sent to go after a teen for stepping on the PM's picture. It was as if someone had caught hold of the PM's balls and refused to let go.

My comment today has descended to the level of the vermins in Umno-Perkasa as there is nothing righteous in what they are doing and there is no indication their uncouth actions would stop anytime soon.

Perkasa members are right-wing thugs. The organisation would be banned in any right-thinking society, but alas not here so long as Umno is at the helm.

Umno leaders would talk big about this and that not being our culture but those comments are selectively made. They condon the worst form of behaviour so long as it benefits them.

Artchan: I think Najib and company is waiting for somebody to be killed, and then only will he act. I'm disgusted to read this news. When troublemakers were around, the police did nothing.

AnakPuyu: The bodyguard was just doing the job he is paid to do. If the person he is supposed to protect is in danger, he will take all necessary action to make sure his client is safe.

He is a professional, not like our PRDM (Royal Malaysian Police), who will stand and watch, and then run away when threatened.

Why penalise the bodyguard? Instead, the Umno gangsters and Perkasa should be arrested for creating trouble, and the police officers who were there and let the incident happened.

Anonymous_3e21: I sincerely hope the IGP (inspector-general of police) is reading all the comments posted in Malaysiakini and realise that the rakyat are fast losing confidence in the once respectable force.

The fact that none of these Umno or Perkasa people were arrested throughout these incidents in the last few months is shocking, and now with SB taking action - which should have been done anyway to both sides - the rakyat can clearly see ‘1 Malaysia, 2 laws' in action.

With all the recent happenings, I am very sure Malaysia will have a new government soon, come what may.

Fatmah: Yes, political roadblocks are now in operations to thwart Anwar's and PKR's efforts to reach to the Malay heartland to prevent these poor and uninformed folks from knowing the truth about Umno.

Samsengs are engaged to cause as much trouble and harassment as possible. Once these rural folks are well-informed, the Umno bastion will collapse like a set of dominoes.

Jaguh: Yes, DSAI (Anwar) and his bus should continously go to the rural areas, and never mind, have Perkasa and Umno goons attack them. Then the rural people will be convinced who are the provocatuers. The city folks already know.

Black Mamba: Anwar is a marked man. Plainclothes police are everywhere ready to neutralise his bodyguards defending him. Any of his foes can take a shot at him if he is unguarded or defenseless.

This reminds me of the assassination of unarmed and unguarded Benigno Ninoy Aquino Jr when Ferdinand Marcos was the corrupt Philippines president.

Doc: Anwar must ask why the police did not identify themselves when the hecklers started the commotion and who ordered them to be there. Make a report with video evidence and let's see how fast the police will act.

Geronimo: In 1986, when the battle royale was on for the Umno presidency post between Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, a correspondent from the Far Eastern Economic Review wrote:

"These Umno fellows are a strange group of people. When you step on their foot, you are wrong. But when they step on your foot, you are also wrong."

When such remarks came from a reputable magazine such as theFEER, you will know that Umno have turned us into an international laughing stock. - Malaysiakini

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