
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 22, 2012


THE QUEEN Elizabeth Hospital 1 (QEH1) tower block construction is seen slowing down and the anticipated completion date is again being pushed forward to a new date at the end of next year. There is still plenty of work involved in the new hospital block. The extension of time on the project has not been granted officially.

This raised much public concern and the people are questioning why the delay on this much needed hospital block with 660 beds is facing repeated delay since its commencement many years ago. They said this reflects on the inability of the government in ensuring a good health services in Kota Kinabalu and Sabah as a whole.
According to reliable sources this is caused by the demolition of the old tower block and certain design adjustments. The whole new hospital block has to incorporate certain new features and installation which was not catered for before. Further more the structural work also met with some delay according to the construction schedule. When asked whether there is the problem caused by lack of money, the source said that is not the case.

KK MP Hiew King Cheu visited the site and he felt that there is so much work still have to be carried out and may be quite impossible for the contractor to complete the work on time. He said beside the building structure, there are plenty of external work and internal renovation, finishing work, mechanical and electrical work, and plus the fitting out to be carried out to completion. These works are fine and complicated work scope therefore the time required will be more.

The most important outstanding item in the QEH1 is still the problem on the car parking. It is understood that the new hospital complex has not catered for the car parking of the additional hundreds of cars flogging into the hospital once the new block is completed eventually. The existing parking facilities in the QEH1 are already not enough at the moment.
Many cars are parking on the road side risking traffic police summons. Hiew wants the authorities to immediately start constructing a new multi storey car park for the people to park their cars. If the work can start immediately now, it would be able to catch up with the completion of the main block and enable to cater the many cars that will come to this hospital. There should be no further delay in the construction of the multi storey car park.

The Health Ministry should show some action and not just keeping quiet on all this pressing issues. The people are waiting to see the early completion of their much needed hospital new block. Janji Ditepati will have no impact on this particular hospital project.


  1. Damai Specialist Hospital is seeing an increase in Indonesian patients who opt to seek treatment here. By doing so, the hospital was also doing its part in promoting the medical tourism

    1. Well, Damai Specialist is a private owned hospital so I think this is part of their job to ensure the management is running well.

    2. Hope the patient is not Indonesian that called PATI.

  2. Identify the main problems and overcome them.

    1. QEH1 Director has clarified the matter and I think one of the main contributors is the weather, keep changing all the time.

  3. Kelewatan pembinaan HQE ini perlulah diperjelaskan. Mesti timbul pelbagai andaian mengenai perkara ini.

    1. The Director has explained this matter in today's newspaper. Yake a look.

  4. tambahan lagi sekarang ini ruang wad tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah kehadiran pesakit di Kota Kinabalu ini.

  5. Betul kata Rafizi Khan itu. Cari punca masalah yang berlaku dalam pembinaan ini dan cuba cari jalan penyelesaian yang berkesan.

  6. In fact, the Federal Minister has been informed about this stuff.

  7. No worry, the government won't let us down.

  8. Pemaju sepatutnya lebih bertanggungjawab dan tidak mengutamakan keuntungan semata-mata, sebaliknya mereka perlu melihat ia sebagai amanah kerajaan dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan kesihatan terbaik kepada masyarakat.

    1. Blacklist contractor that can't complete the project.

  9. perlu diperjelaskan mengapa ia masih belum siap.

  10. PATI harus dihantar balik an bukannya diberi rawatan. Perkhidmatan tersebut hanya untuk golongan yang sah.

  11. Cari punca dan cari cara penyelesaian.

  12. biar lambat asal selamat.. apa gunanya projek cepat siap jika kualitinya tidak memuaskan?

  13. jika projek siap cepat, nanti pembangkang akan cakap pula projek kononnya dibuat secara terburu2..

  14. Deputy Health Minister, Datuk Rosnah Shirlin said the construction of the new RM364.8 million Queen Elizabeth I tower block is on track and due for completion on Dec 12, 2012.

    1. According Deputy Health Minister currently the Queen Elizabeth I tower block is 32% has been completed

    2. Datuk Rosnah Shirlin also said so far the Queen Elizabeth I tower block progress is on schedule.

  15. QEH1 Director Dr Heric Corray said the contractors involved in the construction of the QEH1 have submitted proposals to extend their contract period and this is being evaluated by the Ministry of Health.

    1. QEH1 Director Dr Corray admitted to the delay, saying there were several factors contributed to the delay, and cited sup specialist treatment services such as Hepatobililary, Geriatrics, Breast and Endocrine, Medical Haematology and Vascular Surgery. Apart from that, the improved technology in medical tools has also contributed to the delay because tool specifications which are listed in the project had to be upgraded according to the latest technology so that the patients receive the best services, adding that the continuous rain and unpredictable weather are also among factors.


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