
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 23, 2012



THE COMMISSIONERS finally received their appointment letters on 21 Sept 2012 – almost eight months after the Federal Cabinet decided on 8 February to set up this RCI.

Past RCIs were very quick in formulating the TOR and getting the letters of appointment from our Agong but not this RCI on illegal immigrants, Project IC and phantom voters in Sabah.
The TOR are only investigative and only one Term out of eight is empowered to make recommendation; and they would not identify the parties involved – meaning Tun Dr. Mahathir would be spared of any wrong doing.

The third Term is “to investigate whether the foreign migrants who have been given blue ICs, temporary identification receipts or citizenship illegally are registered in the electoral rolls” – means that they are not empowered to find out how many registered in the rolls, let alone the power to command the Election Commission to clean the rolls.

The stipulated time frame of six months only to investigate the thick files in NRD and to have open sessions in all districts in Sabah would be very taxing indeed especially with the Chairman not in good health.

It just shows the insincerity of Federal BN government to look at this treacherous issue. Najib himself personally knew about the seriousness ever since year 2000. The promise of security and sovereignty of Sabah within Malaysia when North Borneo took part in the formation of Malaysia has never been kept.

We want to save Sabah thus save Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat Sabah will again make sure the people of Sabah are well informed of this precarious situation. Pakatan Rakyat Sabah will organise in a near future a Public Forum related to this RCI.

One of the speakers is the writer of many books –Mutalib M.D. His first book – IC Palsu Merampas Hak Rakyat Sabah – was one of the accepted piece of evidence in the trial of my Likas 1999 election petition to prove the existence of non-qualified names in the then Likas electoral rolls. The rest is history.

Mutalib also wrote subsequently – 'Pengundi Untuk Disewa' and 'IC Projek -Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir and 007-Lelaki Melayu Terakhir. His books truly without fear or favour exposed many an intrigue revolving around this treasonous act against our country.

I will inform in due course the other speakers, the venue, the time and date of this Forum.


  1. At last. Now im wondering what will all the opposition party will going to say about this. No issues to spin already...

    1. Haha So we hope Members in RCI will do their responsibility so earnestly and honestly.

    2. Inilah yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh penduduk Sabah. Harap RCI ini akan dapat dilaksanakan secepat yang boleh.

    3. Come on la, everything need to politicize. You have so many time wasted in politicizing things.

  2. PBRS President Tan Sri Joseph Kurup said those who obtained documents through dubious means should come forward voluntarily and surrender their documents.

  3. since the RCI had been given 6 months to complete the job entrusted to them he was sure that they would start work immediately and start calling witnesses.

    1. Shafie said six months were adequate to carry out inquiries and studies on the illegal immigrant issue in accordance with the terms of reference spelled out.

    2. If the six months period is not enough, RCI could always apply for an extension of time from Agong.

    3. They have met Najib about this so I don't think we should be acted like nuts.

  4. Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said the setting up of the RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah issue should not be politicised

    1. opposition always politicised this kind of issue just for their own interest@to become a 'hero', not to solve this issue.

    2. In fact, we don't need to be so obsessive towards the opposition way of thinking and acting.

  5. I hope locals who made late birth registration will not be mistaken for illegal immigrants

    1. priority for local to get their birth registration or My Kad not PATI.

  6. The appointment letters reflect the Prime Minister's serious commitment to resolve the perennial problems related to the huge presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah

    1. Indeed, otherwise we are still in the midst of the dark.

  7. The formation of the RCI is clearly a victory for the people of Sabah, and certainly, a historic moment, that will decide the fate of a nation, especially the future history of Sabah.

  8. dgn ini pasti RCI akan dimulakan tak lama lagi.

    1. semua kena beri kerjasama dalam memastikan RCI berjalan dgn lancar.

    2. amat diharap isu PATI dpt diselesaikan.

  9. tiada PATI, tiada masalah di Sabah.

  10. Professionals in Sabah view the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah as proof of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s sincerity to resolve the problem.

  11. A law graduate from Universiti Malaya, Salman Nurillah, said the setting up of the RCI would eliminate the perception on the presence of phantom voters in elections in Sabah.

  12. It also proves that the government led by Najib has never ignored the people’s desire to see the government doing something to resolve the problems on phantom voters and illegal immigrants..

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  13. In 1994, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - as the deputy prime minister - strongly rejected the formation of a RCI to investigate issues arising from the influx of illegal immigrants to Sabah.

  14. It was proposed by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). Party president Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan was first to campaign about its set up, brought it to the Cabinet but was shot down by Anwar who said it was not yet necessary.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  15. However, there is a strong reason for Anwar rejection in 1994. Many didn't know about it but some do.

    He was (and still) very close to the Philippines government. After a few visits to Manila, the self-proclaimed 'Jose Rizal of Malaysia' managed to con and convince them that the Pinoys in Sabah would be protected and given proper assistance.

  16. Those from Mindanao were the ones who gained Anwar's utmost attention. At that time, he had a close relationship with Nur Misuari, the leader of Moro Liberation Front. Misuari himself was given the assurance that his people in Sabah were safe and would not be flushed out of the country.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  17. Anwar is actually worried with Najib's announcement. Why? His relation with Philippines former President Estrada and Ms Aquino would be at stake should the commission decides on sending home all unregistered Filipinos.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet


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