
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 16, 2012


THE AIR travelers who pass through the Sandakan Airport have many complaints over the conditions of the airport. This was observed and heard by the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament during his visit here yesterday. He overheard this when he was walking out of the arrival hall from two foreigners.They commented on how bad the airport terminal is.

The most surprisingly is the baggage delivery conveyor belt which has fallen into pieces and luggage got stuck and damaged. The rubber conveyor plates has fallen off and not being replaced. The roof is leaking here and there, leaving wet patches all over the suspended ceiling and some even had fallen down.
The ceiling at the passenger loading arm is facing water leakage in many places. The canteen has rain water leaking through the roof and pounding on the floors. This caused plenty of inconveniences to the passengers. The whole roof of the airport needs a complete repair and redo. Besides that, there are many more areas in the terminal also needed quick attention.

KK MP Hiew said this airport is frequently used by the Chief Minister Aman and his Sandakan BN YBs, why they did not notice the ill condition in the airport? Are they going through the VIP lounge only where it is nice and good, and other areas in the airport is not their concern?

We pay heavy airport taxes and what is the standard of the services we are getting now? This airport was promised to be upgraded and even saying to turn this into an International Airport, what happen now, have they forgotten about the promises made?

The BN government has neglected the Sandakan airport and it is not attended to since its completion 30 over years ago. It is left at its poor stage without given proper care since the taken over by the Malaysian Airport Berhad.

It seem that the people paying the heavy airport taxes had not been used back to improve the facilities in the airport for the comfort of the passengers. The Malaysia Airline and Air Asia are renting the airport and paying rental to MAB. They too complained that it is not fair to them and their customers.

MP Hiew said it is time to review the terms and conditions of the MAB with the government to see whether they have really breached any of the requirements. If so, it is advisable to determine on whether MAB is to continue their contract to run the Malaysia Airports.


  1. Masalah ini perlu diatasi sebaiknya. Pastikan kemudahan di airport dalam keadaan yang terbaik.

    1. Semoga kerajaan mengambil tindakan wajar untuk membaiki lagi kelemahan airport Sandakan.

  2. MAB perlulah memantau sebaiknya mengenai masalah ini. Kita dapat lihat ini satu perkara yang tidak patut berlaku. Pengguna membayar cukai airport tapi kemudahan yang diberikan pula kurang memuaskan.

  3. masalah ini harus diselesaikan. perbaiki kerosakan.

  4. Imej lapangan ini amat memalukan.

  5. MP Hiew said it is time to review the terms and conditions of the MAB with the government to see whether they have really breached any of the requirements. If so, it is advisable to determine on whether MAB is to continue their contract to run the Malaysia Airports.

    Tindakan ini baik agar pihak yang bertanggung jawab menjalankan tugas masing-masing untuk memberi yang terbaik kepada pengguna airport.

  6. Siapa harus bertanggung jawab terhadap isu ini?

  7. Harus juga pihak berkuasa memberi penjelasan.

  8. Immediate action to upgrade this airport is needed.

  9. selepas ambil gambar ni ada buat aduan terus kepada pihak pengurusan lapangan terbang??

  10. apa2pun saya harap ada la tindakan selepas ini.. jangan biarkan masalah ini berlarutan.. biar diluar saha yang buruk, jangan didalam..


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