
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 21, 2012

SAPP stands by its Sabah IC plan

While opposition SAPP is flogging its plan for Sabah IC's for genuine Sabahans, Umno vice-pesident Shafie Apdal says it will be counter-productive.
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has justified its plan to issue ‘Sabah identity cards’ to bona fide Malaysians in Sabah as the only solution to overcome the illegal distribution of national identity cards to foreigners.
The opposition has insisted there is an urgent need to differentiate Sabahans from the dubious document holders who are on the electoral rolls as voters and have managed to sway past elections in favour of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
SAPP leader Yong Teck Lee said his party plans to wipe out the discrepancy between the will of genuine Malaysians in the state and that of newcomers who have been granted citizenship illegally and forced to vote for those in power for fear of being deported if the opposition forms the next Sabah government.
He said the plan would serve as a check against unqualified foreigners influencing the outcome of any election and the future of the country.
Yong’s plan however came under immediate fire from Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal.
“Why should we? We are a nation already. If (we say) Sabah is for Sabahans and Perlis is for Perlis people, the (nation) won’t go anywhere,” Shafie said.
Yong however stressed that new Sabah IC system would differentiate legitimate citizens of Sabah origin from illegal immigrants who hold Putrajaya-issued identity cards and would be used for all official purposes.
The former Sabah chief minister said the authority (of the state government) to issue identity cards was guaranteed by way of the 20-point Malaysia Agreement of 1963.
He noted that past identity cards have always indicated the place of issuance was Kota Kinabalu or Jesselton as the state capital was known before it joined the Federation of Malaysa, Sarawak and Singapore in forming Malaysia in Sept 16, 1963 unlike now.
Meanwhile SAPP’s tresurer Dullie Marie told a press conference here the party’s plan was to ‘safeguard the genuine Sabahans’.
“This (plan) is to safeguard the identity and rights of genuine Malaysians in Sabah. It must be addressed assiduously with full conviction and political will,” Marie said.
He said the issue of giving dubious identity cards had been going on for decades only to be denied time and time again until the recent establishment of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the matter acknowledged there is credence to the allegations.
Shafie disagrees
The opposition and its supporters are however doubtful that the Umno-controlled federal government is committed to resolving the issue pointing to how Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s administration has dragged its feet on the matter since announcing the RCI earlier this year.
Earlier this week Shafie who is also the Semporna MP cemented their misgiving when he was quoted saying: “We can’t even control the (Filipino militant separatist group) Abu Sayyaf and illegal migrants from entering Sabah, so why (are) we trying to control Malaysia.”
While acknowledging that the 20-point agreement – which, among others, controls the movement of Malaysians from the peninsula to Sabah and Sarawak – he said a new identity card would be counter-productive.
Shafie recounted how in the early 1980s he brought his wife who is from Kedah to Sabah. “I had to join one immigration line for Sabahans and she was in another for people from the peninsula” even though she was his wife.
Marie said that the statement by a federal minister from Sabah was an admission of failure by the federal government to provide security and prevent illegal migrants entering the state.
He said this was confirmed by federal secretary Abu Bakar Hasan who said that out of the 151,849 arrivals in Sabah through the Tawau port in the first eight months of this year only 120,980 had left and 30,869 persons were unaccounted for.
“For the year 2011 at Tawau alone, 217,453 entered but only 165,857 departed, leaving behind a staggering 52,857 immigrants unaccounted for. How about the other years and other ports of entry,” Marie asked.
He said this was the reason Umno top leaders could boast that “Sabah is a fixed deposit for Barisan National”.
The issue is seen as an election game changer given Sabahans’ growing anger over the surrender of the state’s oil wealth and the erosion of state rights including immigration control guaranteed by the 1963 Malaysian Agreement.
“This should not be perceived as disloyalty Datuk Shafie or other leaders,” said Marie.
The new Sabah IC proposal is one of SAPP’s responses to Pakatan Rakyat’s promise to restore Sabah’s autonomy.
SAPP is not an official Pakatan component but the Sabah-based party has an unofficial “working relationship” with the opposition coalition parties which are all headquartered in the peninsula.


  1. I think not half of the people will support SAPP's plan to issue ‘Sabah identity cards’.

  2. Yong's suggestion is just ridiculous!

  3. then, i wonder what is the use of an IC Merah? Isn't that enough to differentiate?

  4. we cannot blame the BN too much on the issue of immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia. They are very well aware of this. Kudos to Syafie afdal's comment on the abu sayyaf... the 2 neighboring countries (phil and indo) should also look in-depth into this situation to find better ways and means to resolve this matter...

  5. the deeper we go into the issue of immigrants, don't forget, they are the ones hired to build our roads and buildings and the ones to harvest fruit bunches from the palm oil plantations...

  6. if "they" all leave for their own respective countries, consider the effect it would have on sabah and its production level...

  7. Apalah cadangan si Yong ni. Terlebih pintar kah apa dia ni.

  8. Apapun saya harap isu pati dapat ditanggani kerana isu ini banyak menimbulkan masalah yang lain.

  9. Biarkan saja SAPP dengan cara dia. Rasanya tidak mendapat sokongan pun dengan cadangan yang diberikannya itu.

  10. Kita dapat lihat sendiri sekarang yang mana mengenai IC ini SAPP saja yang cuba untuk membezakan IC Malaysia untuk Sabah,.

  11. jangan terpedaya dengan SAPP mengenai IC projek ini. YONG TECK LEE individu yang tidak ada pengurusan pentadbiran yang cekap dan baik. Jadi berhati-hatilah selalu.

  12. Kita dapat nilai sendiri semasa beliau menjadi KM sabah dahulu. Apa yang sudah jadi? Jadi fikirkannya sebaiknya.

    1. YTL hanya menjadikan isu Mykad sebagai bahan umpan untuk menarik perhatian dan undi rakyat. Semasa YTL jadi KM tiada pun tindakan seperti ini, isu PATI sudah lama.

  13. Maka mengenai cadangan IC berbeza untuk Sabah ini tidak patut kita sokong. Apa salahnya semua sama? Kan kita ini 1 Malaysia maka kenapa perlu berbeza dengan yang lain.

  14. the officers in the NRD should have conducted their duty with full responsibility according to the guideline and existing laws when issuing birth certificates for late registration

  15. The funny thing is, how would SAPP implement this idea if they don't potential to win? No hope at all.

  16. Is SAPP trying to disunite the Malaysians?

  17. Their anxiety are getting more when their own Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim stated that he would retire if they lose in the coming GE, like what was published by newspaper Financial Times (FT).

  18. PKR would compete for 66 seats for the coming GE13. On the previous GE 2008, PKR managed to win 31 seats and gained multiple Malay votes.But, it seems that PKR's liberal approach is now causing trouble to the party in gaining votes from the Malays.

  19. kenapa sudah dekat2 pilihanraya baru tampil dengan IC khas?? janji terburu2 seperti ini tidak boleh dipercayai.. sama la macam janji air percuma Pakatan selangor.. akhirnya tidak terlaksana juga..

  20. amat bahaya jika YTL mempunyai kuasa terhadap imigresen atau terhadap pemberian IC.. tidak mustahil beliau juga akan menyalahgunakan kuasa itu untuk kepentingan diri beliau sendiri..

  21. YTL sudah pernah mentadbir negeri ini, apa sumbangan dia?? jangankan menyumbang kepada ekonomi negeri, malah dengan rakyat sabah pun tidak ada langsung sumbangan beliau..

  22. siapa yang memberikan hutan seluas 300000 hektar kepada 265 syarikat pembalakan? siapa yang hampir membankrapkan negeri Sabah dan rakyat Sabah??

  23. Yong Teck Lee yang sudah pernah diberikan peluang mentadbir negeri ini tidak patut diberikan peluang kedua.. kepimpinan Datuk Musa Aman jauh lebih baik dari beliau, malah Datuk Musa Aman juga yang bertungkus lumus menyelesaikan masalah2 yang disebabkan oleh YTL..


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