
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 14, 2012

Sleazy anti-Islam film slammed for depicting Prophet as a buffoon & sex maniac

Sleazy anti-Islam film slammed for depicting Prophet as a buffoon & sex maniac
PAS Youth has joined the chorus of condemnation over an Israeli-American film director's extreme insult of Prophet Muhammad through a film whose trailer's appearance on YouTube has sparked violent protests.
The wing's secretary Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil said the 14-minute trailer was nothing more than to invite outrage from Muslims.
"As Muslims, we should be sensitive and feel outraged by the issues being played up by certain quarters," he told reporters.
The trailer has been on YouTube since July, but it was promoted by a staunchly anti-Islam Egyptian-American Coptic Christian Morris Sadek who posted the video on his blog.
The video among others depicts the Prophet as a buffoon and sex maniac.
But the film maker Sam Bacile, an Israeli Jew, has remained defiant, and continued spewing his venoms against Islam when he was interviewed by phone by Associated Press yesterday.
Bacile made no apology for his film which led to the death of four Americans in Libya, including its ambassador to that country, when crowd stormed and set fire to the US embassy in Beghazi.
PAS Youth meanwhile said it was planning peaceful protests nationwide to condemn the film. A gathering is also planned outside the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur to urge Washington to take action against the culprits behind the sleazy film. Similar rallies are being planned tomorrow by Muslims worldwide.

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