
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sticks and stones won't break our bones

YOURSAY 'It's about time Umno-BN realises that the country does not belong to them. The rakyat will decide who they want to govern the country.'

Stone and nails greet PKR's entourage in Johor

your sayFerdtan: Not only the Umno members, the police who allegedly harassed the family members at the wake for the PKR party headquarters staff member's mother have no respect for the deceased.

How come paying solemn condolences for their member's mother death can even start a fracas? Doesn't Umno respect the sanctity of the occasion when one's loved family member had passed away?

Even in war, sometimes there was a temporary ceasefire to remove the bodies from both sides - that is the ultimate respect for the dead. Is this the way Umno members behave, even to the extend of creating trouble for the deceased family?

In the eyes of all religions, including Islam, this is unforgivable.

ABU Member: Yes, this is not the Malay culture but definitely Umno's culture. Their violence reaction to the PKR entourage further confirms Umno's arrogance and their inability to defend the state against the opposition onslaught in a proper political campaign.

Instead, this incident will boost PKR's image in Johor and lead to the downfall of Umno in its own backyard.

Anonymous_3e86: It's about time Umno-BN realises that the country belongs to the rakyat - it does not belong to Umno-BN. The rakyat will decide who they want to govern the country. The problem is that Umno-BN thinks that the country belongs to them.

In recent years, they have plundered the country's wealth. When their dominance is threatened, they resort to violence to stay in power. They behave just like gangsters.

Moontime: It seems like Umno is filled with hooligans, emotional women who know nothing but shout hysterics at the enemy and immature imbeciles who resort to violence.

PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution was right - it is not Malay culture and/or Islamic teaching to shout obscenities and harass people, especially when they are grieving over the loss of a loved one.

My message to these Umno goons is simple (since they can't understand complicated concepts): How would you feel if other people treated you like that?

Your actions only serve to taint the image of Muslims and your own race. Violence and vandalism is never a solution to any problem.

An Old Malaysian: All these acts of hooliganism and violence perpetrated by Umno/MCA/MIC/Perkasa goons will not be reported in the Umno-BN controlled media.

The only way for such kind of news to reach the rural Malaysian folks is by word of mouth. Everyone going back home to their kampongs and towns should spread these news to their family members, relatives and friends.

Anonymous #07988903: Violence and intimidation is a sign of weakness, not strength. The display of power cannot instill loyalty and submission, but only resentment and has led to the eventual downfall of many regimes in the world.

DR JAG#04496187: Whatever you do, PKR, don't make a police report. Don't ask the fox in a chicken coop what's on the menu for dinner!

Triple your guards, and quadruple your chances of winning. You are winning battle by battle, and ultimately the war itself. - Malaysiakini

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