
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Grand Illusion and The Real Delusion

One isn't sure what our younger generation do or how will behave these days. Not that baby boomers and Gen X behave differently in terms of their idealism or rebellious nature of the Gen Y's today.

Back then, the wearing of psychedelic clothes was considered a threat to the conservative social mannerism of the day and disrespectful or rude against societal standards - which the government of the day sought to play moral police to protect the people.

So being a hippie those  days was considered being rebellious to cultured fellows.

But odd there weren't those menacing self appointed taliban jihad groups out there dragging cow heads or pissing on religious leaders picture or baring their bums or swaying their butts or performing funeral rites,  or throwing shoes or stomping on people's photos or even tearing them.

Today all of the above happen and we call ourselves modern, hip, matured, the world's best model of moderates, the purest religious state, progressive,, 2020 mentality, world's top in this and that hah! Are the baby boomers and Gen X and a growing number of Gen Y following leader by example that civilised and cultured at all hah?!

We always tell youths they are the hope of a better future. In BolehLand, our politicians make themselves fatherly figure of and to Gen Y to show their care and concern - whether genuine or double standard fake - depends on the actions of the politicians and how much and many freebies you throw at them, pun imtended.

We have many ole politicians and leaders trying to court Gen Y by behaving like them and trying to be one of them to gain their acceptance! It involves trying to look funky in rock concerts, spending millions to organise games for them and using yet millions of taxpayers' money to give the freebies -free books, free attire to attend Youth rallies, in short, win their hearts and minds with bribes of cash and goodies.

Some think this reflect how the older folks run their business and are just teaching them young to know the game early we can supposed eh? 

Then someone -whether taxpayers' money for highly paid foreign or local cohorts image consultants one isn't sure but the sure thing is spending the hard earned money of taxpayers - had a brilliant idea to make these leaders look good, caring,sincere and genuine politicians - with pure intention and loving hearts to Gen Y.

So began yet - to some, that annoying symbol that has raped and scarred the landscape - appearing again. This time odd the mandatory digit 1 has been cleverly symbolised by the ego 'i' . And those who know their English grammar will know it is a first person speak '1'. So I am for you, though one can dispute the digit 4 (a first other than 1) is digit four 'for' or represent that not so feng sui  digit, at least to the cinaapek, while those son of the soil thinks it's to get something. Which is quite the intention perhaps because by spending millions it is expected for the giver to get back the mandatory payback from receivers in the often declared famous jingle which to IT savvy Gen Y is reads as  Ping 'i scratch your back you scratch me Ping.

But many think it isn't wooing, but another shioksendiri personality cult. You see vain fellows can't get enough of being full of themselves. They want to over kiasu others, to be no 1, world's no 1 political twit, opps tweet and what have you. So you need to weave in the 'i' in the beginning to signify giving adulation and worship to the only '1' we can supposed hah!

So to ensure what the '4' ie 'for' you is or should be, you consistently offer the same thing, throwing lots of freebies at you, promises of free money, activities, free money for school, free money to attend national celebrations, free money to volunteer. Hey in fact, throw  many more million ringgit taxpayers money to Gen Y. - to let them know 'i am really for you' no bluff bluff one huh?

Sort of win their hearts and win them on their side by throwing them material things.

And to prove your genuineness and sincerity to Gen Y, what better way to do it but to weave into becoming their geng member, either for them to welcome you or drunk them with freebies they'd welcome you as their sugar daddy hah!

So we see Gen X politicians grooving with Gen Y and try so hard to be 'one of the geng'. So we have ole politicians and leaders taking up the activities of Gen Y to fit in -  create a blog, a tweet, a facebook - meet up with your fans - using taxpayers' money of course. You become IT savvy, you even glorify mat rempits! You then urge them to send millions of tweets to prove this ole man got youths' attention 3.6 million times (never mind if autobots and deceptions tweeted) and to nudge that Justin b he ain't the only king tweeter eh?

So our big sugar daddy knows what melts Gen Ys' hearts and get them mesmerized - Yes indeed, spend millions to steal the youth's energy and soak it all those frenzy mob and youthful energy that fills rented venues of the seat of government and run down national stadiums. Get other ole farts member politicians and party members to act like human teleprompters singing praises and glory of the great leader in  as background chorus or over the PA and behaving like maestro masters urging the young puppies to yelp when asked to.

There are followers and fans who do utter 'I wish my dad is like that' And ain't it shameful to all those struggling dads and single moms out there struggling to make a living, the honest way hah! 

So if you want to awaken the Gen Y, you bring up this iconic totem logo and when you have them planted on every other 10 cm distance in a venue, it's like some hypnotic beacon that will turn our Gen Y into a frenzy aroused group of teens mob fans like they were waiting for Justin Bieber to appear before them. Except that this ole politician ain't the superstar the millions of taxpayers money can't try to make him out to be.

As they say, if you ain't the real Justin Bieber, you are just half of the real thing, a fake imposter who only deserves to be called Justbe, a wannabe Justin B hah!

So whenever this godlike symbol is shown to Gen Y together with its theme song, our Gen Y are given such a Grand Illusion that they have found a saviour who will fulfill their dreams -by giving them free freebies now plus all Gen Y has to do in return is to scratch back... Simple right?

The Grand Illusion?

But when some Gen Y do no want freebies, tangible materialism but sought for intangible desires like equality, justice, fairness, meritocracy and voiced out against corruption, hypocrisy, double standard, this is when the Grand Illusion becomes Real Delusion to Gen Y.

When Gen Y presents such intangible universal wish lists, they do not know why why they are gassed, hunted like criminals and labelled like one, called communists, rebels, revolutionaries, thugs, deviants, LBGT even, intimidated, humiliated - in short they don't deserve the 'for you' but the digit 4 you, the bad Chinese feng sui sounding version that is hah!

The recent rowdy rude behaviour is unforgivable and it also shows the dark side of the Grand Illusion Master snuffing out Gen Ys' bright future especially those who misbehave even if double standard is adopted hah!

Asked Gen Y what they thought of the treatment on a rude part time model recently, some were disgusted than shocked because our Gen Y are not as dumb and easily swayed by the Grand Illusion & sugar daddy. Those who love yellow are such Gen Y examples who are never shocked to see or hear of the double standard of institutions that are supposed to be seen to protect and be fair!

Gen A to Y would join in the fun and games, why not if  it's free right? Gen Y are well mannered really. They clap when Gen X and ole politicians try to rock with them. They tweet because it's one of those itch they need to do to relieve their boredom or be part of the geng so as not to feel left out or affect their low self esteem. They'd wave flags because they hope they get the attention of leaders they have wish lists different from what they are made to listen to and believe in.

But then politicians being politicians especially those who turn into Gods or worshipped like ones by their cohorts, they are convinced by the thousands who turned out and given goodies, free food, costumes, games and money to spend, and receive millions of tweets perhaps, that Gen Y believes them when they proclaim in song and flag and t-shirt i am for you- the attempt to tell Gen Y, 'believe me I know what you want and I can give you... with proviso,  PROVIDED you do as I say and want. If you don't obey,  and oppose me - and ...

... If you misbehave, this is what you will get..and I will set an example of you as a warning...

... Which is telling Gen Y who is not with me ...
The Real Delusion


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