
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 16, 2012

When will Hisham and Najib condemn political violence?

YOURSAY 'Is the minister willing to provide safety for the opposition leaders in the same manner as is accorded to BN leaders like himself in the run-up to GE13?'

'Malaysiakini spun my words on PKR safety'

your sayNot Confused: In any mature democratic country, politicians are well experienced in dealing with the media. They are expert at making statements that cannot be twisted and are doubly careful to make sure that what they say is exactly what they mean.

The Malaysian home minister is clearly not well-versed in making public statements. How the heck could he be a lawyer? In court, what you say is extremely important as it will affect the outcome of a case.

Anonymous #02382443: Sorry Hishammuddin Hussein, I beg to defer. It is not what the people or the majority of people in Johor wants.

Even if a single individual's right is transgressed, it is the responsibility of the state to protect that individual.

Anonymous_3e86: So, did he understand what "guarantee" the reporter was asking him? And what did he mean by "political risks"? Did he mean that being stoned and having splashed with red paint are "political risks"?

If a member of PKR gets seriously injured or even killed, is that a "political risk" which need not be investigated by the police? Did he imply that should he come into a Pakatan area and he gets pelted with stones, it is a political risk that he has to take and the police will not take action?

Can he confirm this is what he meant? If so, it looks like he may not be able to step foot in five states.

Changeagent: "No need for guarantees. It is decided by the people of Johor themselves," said Hishammuddin.

The foot-in-mouth minister should clarify which part of that statement was spun by Malaysiakini.

And while he is at it, he must also explain since when did Johoreans get to decide on safety and security matters? And since when did that responsibility get outsourced to the locals?

Onyourtoes: Why do you have to say "the position of the opposition in Johor cannot be guaranteed"? Did the opposition ask you for that guarantee?

Don't be an oxymoron, Hishammuddin. You are answering when no such question was asked.

Doc: Taking into consideration Hishammuddin's history of blurting out idiotic statements, I can assume Hishammuddin is looking for a scapegoat, in this case Malaysiakini, to blame in order to mask the bad publicity his statement is generating.

Odin: To people denser than two short planks, Malaysiakini may have spun Home Minister Hishammuddin's statements. To those who are even reasonably intelligent, Malaysiakini has not.

Trying To Be Smart: Granted, it is almost certainly a misquote - it is improbable that the home minister had given such a foolish answer to ridicule himself and the government.

All that is now required of the government is to seriously investigate all such political intimidation fairly to continue to remain relevant and be respected as the ministry responsible for law and order.

Anonymous #07443216: Hishammuddin, your elegant silence on the political hooliganism and violence will only tell Malaysians one thing - that you are a liar and you actually knew and condone these incidences.

As such, Malaysians are of the opinion that you are unfit to hold the position of home minister.

Bob Teoh: No need to spin further. Is the minister willing to provide safety fpr the opposition leaders in the same manner as is accorded to BN leaders like himself in the run-up to GE13?

Anwar and Pakatan leaders may just end up as new cabinet ministers, so they need to be protected.

Didymus: Excuse me, Mr Home Minister, I am a Johorean and I am not a ‘samseng' (gangster). Do not attribute the gangsterism of your supporters to decent and innocent Johoreans like myself.

We are sick of this new culture of gangsterism and intimidation which you are condoning by your silence and inaction. Now we know who is the chief ‘samseng' in our country and we are ashamed that you are a Johorean.

Fair Play: Malaysiakini, no doubt you have the necessary information to back up your reporting. Much as the home minister would try to explain, the comments posted by Malaysiakinisubscribers said it all. - Malaysiakini

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