
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 2, 2014

The Intolerant Stereotype Misguided Attitude Syndrome

Most things haven't changed much these days. Even filing the income tax, still paying maximum income tax. Been paying maximum tax as a dutiful citizen to be only remind daily by some overzealous zealots and right wing NGOs that I am a 'Pendatang' of sorts, can't call my Allah Allah and to go back to Tongsan if one is not pro government, i.e., BN ala UMNO or is a follower of their self proclaimed the chosen race by their one true God with them being assured a place in their heaven and the rest of us infidels rot in their hell hah!

Nothing has changed much too with the route to work and home where the MRT is being built is as chaotic and becoming a daily torture and nightmare. The humongous pylons are taking away the road lanes reducing it to fit from three to two cars and will be so once it's completed. One wonders if it's a ploy to inconvenience and annoy the motorists to leave their cars at home. So expensive RM50 billion thingy and you'd think it will provide convenience to all. But then in BolehLand we have our unique BBR Bolehland Book of Records where projects must be in the millions or billions the higher the price tag the better it seems. And, noone can question it, not even if it costs RM340 million for a pedastrain 300 m walkway distance from the Museum to KL Sentral. Gosh for a supposedly cheap LRT fare you get to walk in a passway paved with gold we can supposed, while motorists sweat it out in their car hah!

So the KLIA2 rail link cost of RM100 million for a 1km route is considered chicken feed we can supposed. It should be because you are using public money to make a private consortium rich! Hah sounds familiar moo eh? It's also not a surprise if you get scolded for even asking why. Just like treating us taxpayers some who pay maximum like the foreign media at the MH370 PC. Our Ministers who cannot be questioned tells us it's justifiable “This is so that the facility can be properly maintained and passed on to the future generations,” so the H minster said.

Yes, properly maintained we are comforted right? And we are used to the 'passed on to the future generations" like the toll roads, the LRTs and of course the half a trillion debt the government has spent are for the good and "passed on to the future generations" to shoulder too we supposed hah!

The rail link must be a magnetic levitation thingy, i.e. A high costly floating in the air amount of money that defies gravity and our imagination hah! So now we know their idea of public transportation is charged high so no surprise Barang Naik for LRT and soon tolls and other PUBLIC things. Operative word PUBLIC ..public money is used not theirs. So too public use their money to pay what not theirs so charge high higher hah.  

To avoid the horrible jam, have continued to using a kapchai to work. You can't depend on the taxi fellows as out of 5 at least 4 will fleece you in hot and rainy days. Just last week wanted to be lazy and hailed one for a short 1 km or 14 mins walk and the fare is RM10! So do we have sympathy at all for our taxi fellows who cheat. Not at all. We should boycott them say NO. Even getting free tyres from our taxes they still are an ungrateful lot want to cheat us!

Speaking of ungratefulness, there seems a lot of reminders to us folks who do not tow the NGOs who are pro UMNO BN. They seem more visible than our 1Malaysia leader who thinks visibility is publicising shioksendir selfies on Tweeter with powerful more matured leaders hah! Gosh please leave the selfies to Gen Y and kids or as the psychologists say those with low self esteem with cuckoo mentality seeking flashes of glory with their selfies and wefies...including yours truly hah! You are a leader and you wanna be like the Gen Y, then be a an ole youth leader then can?

Back to being told we are an ungrateful lot who don't know our history, Constitution, especially those who are infidels and those who seem to want justice which is labelled some Zionist, Jewish, christian or non bumi i.e non Malay, ie UMNO Muslim race plot to take away a piece of paper given given rights and privileges! Seems this NGO been upstaging even Perkasa, UMNO and 1Malaysia even PAS and the ulamaks or Jawi or Mais as the self proclaimed defender of the race and God i.e., religion. This NGO who recently chided those who oppose hudud or those who seek to have a just and fair society are making themselves the new moral and religious right fellows. Their views whom they think are God given really make them to be those with the ISMA syndrome,  i.e. Intolerant Stereotype Misguided Attitude Syndrome.

Why do we bother about fellow with ISMA syndrome. Even an ass has more economic value than these fellows who in the Manglish language referred to Ia Selalu Macam Asses - a hee haw to that hah! So should we be cowed and pack our bags to go back to tongsan or be flogged under a hudud law supposedly for one religion huh? If one should meet anyone or a group with ISMA syndrome do ask them to just SHUT UP! hah

And on hudud, a Muslim colleague assures me no non Muslim should fear as it's only for Muslims. Ok ok so, it's like You live by the sword, you die by the sword analogy. In this case, You live by the book, you die by the lost in translation or lost in interpretation or misintepretation of the Divine Revelation we can supposed huh?

So we not of that faith should shut up right? So we can just stand by when you see a human being getting their limbs butchered by doctors eh? Do we in the modern era just stand by to allow a human being to have limbs cut off and can't fend for himself or herself to survive? Makes God such a cruel vengeful fellow. No thanks... I'd stick to my own Allah can even if you are inflicted with ISMA disease and call me an infidel kafir who will burn in someone's hell hah! No point trying to argue who is the chosen one, who more kafir and who goes to heaven or hell. Let Him decide, if He or She really exists hah! Meanwhile why not live the here and now, make love than war can?

Finally got water back and should we praise and thank those mismanaging it for uninterrupted supply! For someone who hardly even finish the free quota, it's total mismanagement and politicking using us innocent folks for vested personal political power. May these selfish politicians drown in their greed hah! What wawasan 2020 when basic H2O can't even assure of hah! We really pail opps pale in comparison with third world country. At least they have a water pipe to draw water. Here no water truck even. And we are nearing first world kononnya pulak. Even bought water from the supermarket to bath! How do you keep water if you are working and it comes during your work hours?

Was at the AGST or anti GST rally on May 1 and saw the sea of red power. Hmmm were we not told that red belongs to the ketuanan party huh? Or are they associating it with their imaginary Red Bean Army. Wonder where is the Blue Ocean squad supposedly to be formed to fight the Red Bean. Did they land somewhere in some blue ocean younder perhaps the Indian Ocean or the Bay of Bengal or South China Sea?

It was an anti GST of sorts because other anti whatever issues were also expressed in posters, banners and what have you. It was orderly and carnival like. Kudos to the authorities for allowing the assembly even though the red trucks were parked some distant just in case someone decides to give a show of who is more powerful hah!

BolehLand folks are an inventive lot when it comes to acronym perhaps following the ones spawned by the 1Malaysia thingy that got too many to keep track of eh? GST is everything else except its intended name and purpose i.e., Goods & Services Tax. Do we really believe all the hogwash it will strengthen our country's financial standing? Wonder those ASEAN countries having GST except the red down down south are really with fine and sound financial standing even having it implemented long ago hah! It's really a licence for a Gomen Selalu Tipu or Government always cheating in the sense they collect taxes from you.

Even when UMNO BN leader 1Malaysia telling us income tax not sufficient they still managed to get us into half a trillion ringgit in debt and still ask for billions of ringgit Supplementary Budget. Gosh you got what in Economics huh? And they scold the struggling ordinary folks from overspending and getting bankrupt hah!

So with GST got more money will bet my GST I pay it will enable more Government Spending Terribly. Do we really believe GST is good for us when they cause us to accumulate huge debt huh? Will AGST stop GST. No said UMNO. But it shows that it can be rescinded if the people vote in an alternative government who will abolish it right?

Some scenes below, copyright author 2014 please.

And what a laugh to have whatever JITU integrity units to fight and monitor graft in the government. Just look at the Auditor's General Report can ah to see the JUTA juta or millions of money wasted! Cheaper than JITU we can supposed. You can't run away from graft in this country no matter how many kilometers you run for anti graft right? Just the other day a friend related how he got stopped and was told normally the gua tolong I etc price is RM50 hah!

So you thought things have gone better since the last posting here? My work has gotten more and with it more taxes to pay when you achieve more from your own hard work. Even if you reminded you are pendatang while other pendatangs get nationalised faster than I fill in my income tax and pay it, please be brave and stand up to those with ISMA syndrome and mentality to show we are better and more matured and our love for our God gives us strength to have a wee bit of humility and humanity... hmm a shioksendiri statement? Perhaps but a way less that in Manglish  the selfie with a certain OB -one we can supposed eh? - YAHMEH!!!

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