
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 23, 2014

What the greedy Umno elite fear most has arrived: DYANA THE GAME CHANGER

What the greedy Umno elite fear most has arrived: DYANA THE GAME CHANGER
The by-election battle for the parliamentary constituency of Teluk Intan is not only going to be hotly-contested with DAP candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud expected to face fierce opposition from the Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate but it is also a reflection of race issues in Malaysia.
Dyana is Malay but fielded by the DAP in an apparent bid to show that the party is multi-racial. While the move is risky, DAP leaders are confident Dyana will fare well in DAP's bid to assert itself as a multi-racial party to Malaysians.
Will Dyana as a Malay get the support of Chinese votes and will the Malay's vote for a DAP candidate even though she is one of their own? It awaits to be seen in this by-election which is set to be a real game changer in Malaysia.
Racial issues have taken centre stage
But meanwhile, from this by-election, it can be witnessed how race plays an important part in Malaysian life.
While DAP, by fielding Dyana, wants the issues of race and religion to be blurred so that it does not matter, the fact is that the race and religion of a person is a big issue in this demarcated country.
The hard, harsh reality of life in this country is that your race and religion determines how far and what you can achieve in life in this country.
This certainly means an unfair advantage has been built up by the majority Malay-Muslim to oppress those of the minority races and religions in this country.
When will fair play, meritocracy and justice be really in place for all Malaysians?
Is the oppression of minority races a "perception" or reality in this country?
Perception - naive or wishful thinking
Malaysian prime minister Najib Tun Razak is of the opinion that the oppression of minority races in this country is really a negative perception. In his view, Malaysians of all walks of life are treated fairly and equally in this country.
But ask any Malaysia watcher and they will beg to differ. In fact, these pundits will offer a view on the contrary and state openly and in no uncertain terms that ever since the May 13, 1969 riots and affirmative action for bumiputras put in place the minority races have suffered a great injustice.
While those who are fortunate and lucky are able to bail out of this country and go to greener pastures, the majority of non-bumi's in this country are stuck in a system that oppresses them greatly.
This is a grave situation for non-bumi's. What is worse is that there is no relief or respite from their oppression by the larger proportion of the bumiputra population.
This really shouldn't be the case but most unfortunately this has been the situation for decades.
Rise of an elite
The BN government's attempt at social re-engineering has backfired miserably in the aftermath of the May 13, 1969 civil riots, and not only this, the bumiputras themselves have become saddled with the problem of the rise of an elite class equally oppressing them.
This really is a twin evil created by BN's governance since Merdeka. On the one hand, the minority races are oppressed, on the other hand it looks as if the vast majority of bumiputras are also oppressed by the rise of elitism in this country.
The elite who oppress the rest of this nation are basically political leaders, their cronies and sycophants who have bandied together to hold sway over the country.
The specious grounds upon which affirmative action was initiated to restructure society to be more fair for all has only backfired miserably to cause a corrupt and oppressive elite class to hold sway over the people of this country.
Affirmative action used as a "double-edge" sword by the elite of Malaysia
With the exception of the hypocrites within UMNO and the religious fanatics within Parti PAS, it does not matter whether Dyana clads herself in a bikini or not. What is important is whether Malay's like her can make a difference for the better in the lives of oppressed Malaysians?
It is time for true democracy to go to work to dismantle the governing elite in this country, their cronies or sycophants and to restore egalitarian rule in this country.
This is because the so-called spectre of affirmative action is being made use of by the governing elite to oppress the majority of bumiputras and especially the minority races.
The use of affirmative act is used as a guise, as a double-edged sword to oppress on one side the bumi's and on the other side the minority races.
Who are the governing elite in this country that are responsible for this travesty of justice?
Among them are political leaders of BN, some of the richest people in Malaysia and organizations that support and keep the elite sitting pretty in power.
Time to spring clean but with what?
It is time to spring clean the nation and to righten the wrong that has been created by the governing elite. This has to be a top-down cleansing of persons who are a stumbling block to real peace, progress and prosperity in this country.
The elite in this country are not only oppressive but they are also corrupt and evil and tinker with the resources of the rakyat for their own benefit.
They are not only self-serving and self-seeking but lack the characteristics and qualities of true leaders.
This is why Dyana Sofya appears like a bright, shining star offering hope of peace and goodwill to all Malaysians although she is fronted by a mainly Chinese-based political party.
If Malaysia can have more of this mix-and-match factors in their politics they will start getting things right and alleviate the suffering and burden of the rakyat by the evil and oppressive elite in this country.
But what is of paramount interest by people like Dyana Sofya, DAP and Pakatan Rakyat is that they work together in a united and cohesive way, settling their differences, and together ousting the elite in this country for good.
Not only politicians but Malaysians of all races should come together to banish forever the governing elite in this country and restore civil liberties and democracy in this country for Malaysia to be able to move forward. - Malaysia Chronicle

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