
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Zam: SB man’s transfer risks national security

PM Najib cannot claim to be in the dark, or not involved in the Special Branch’s number one being replaced, and the number two transferred to the Prime Minister’s Department (PMD).
KUALA LUMPUR: A former Information Minister urged Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin, the Kedah and Johor Menteris Besar, other Menteris Besar and Chief Ministers to read former Inspector General of Police Rahim Noor’s in-depth interview with The Star on Tuesday, on Page 6, and give it serious consideration for its implications on national security. “Special Branch (SB) Deputy Director Abdul Hamid Bador who has been transferred to the Prime Minister’s Department (PMD) was Rahim’s former officer. Rahim himself was at one time head of Special Branch from 1986 to 1989.”
In defending Abdul Hamid in the interview, Rahim expressed sympathy for him, gave him a good testimonial and praised him for speaking up on issues which should have been revealed to the people, as recommended by the Special Branch itself two years ago. “Dia berani kerana dia percaya dia benar (He’s brave because he believes he‘s speaking the truth),” Zainuddin Maidin quoted Rahim as saying about Abdul Hamid and noted that he further added: “Kebenaran mesti dipertahankan mengenai 1MDB.” (The truth regarding 1MDB must be defended.).
“Dia akan melakukan apa sahaja until menjamin integriti, imej dan nama baik Special Branch.” (He will do anything to guarantee the integrity, image and good name of the Special Branch).
Zainuddin urged Khairy in particular to meet with Abdul Hamid and get the true story from him especially on how he was being persecuted by the powers-that-be. “Khairy should no longer think of himself alone but about keeping the youth movement he leads updated on the national security situation.”
“This is the time for him to show his bravery where it counts. The youths should be given the full picture.”
He advised Khairy, in his latest blog posting, against living in fear of Najib just to save himself. “Meet with Abdul Hamid, and in fact also Rahim Noor, perhaps both of them together, for the sake of Umno, national security, and the people. Don’t think of a future which remains uncertain.”
Zainuddin reiterated that the story of Abdul Hamid was a serious issue since it involves national security. “The Special Branch number one, Akhil Bulat, was replaced in July, and the number two was transferred to the PMD.”
“It’s difficult to accept that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak wasn’t aware of issues that affect national security. The SB’s number one being replaced not by his deputy, and, at the same time, the number two being transferred to the PMD risks national security.”
Any argument in favour of Najib on the issue, warned Zainuddin, was tantamount to insulting the intelligence of the people and treating them as if they were little kids in Year One in school. “Are we to accept that the Prime Minister does not know what’s going on in the police?”
“If so, he’s not being a very responsible Prime Minister.”
Zainuddin, also a former Editor-in-Chief with Utusan Malaysia, was delving into the thrust of Rahim’s in-depth interview with the national English daily on national security issues and reading it for its various implications. “Rahim said that there was virtually a movement underway to shut the mouths of everyone on the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal, especially those who can threaten the interests of a certain individual or individuals on the issue.”
“The transfer of Abdul Hamid to the PMD was very worrying,” Zainuddin quoted Rahim as saying in the interview and noted that he added: “Anyone who is rational would agree that it’s not the done thing to replace the number one with someone else, and transfer the number two out. It compromises continuity at the Special Branch.”
Rahim hastened to add that he was not taking sides, stressed Zainuddin, but he felt compelled to speak up and express his unhappiness, concern and frustration over the manner in which the top two posts in the Special Branch were handled by the powers-that-be, first a replacement and then a transfer.

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