
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A mud fight between two Iron Ladies

YOURSAY | ‘Rafidah still has some principles while Shahrizat has sold her soul.’
CQ Muar: Can anyone imagine Umno Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil having such audacity to lecture her predecessor, Rafidah Aziz, about principles?
It should be interesting to delve into the minds of all those Wanita members, whether they truly unanimously agree about the so-called "principle" Shahrizat professed, when in fact both PM Najib Razak and Shahrizat are linked to corruption scandals.
How can Malaysians pride ourselves in the eyes of the world with such leaders heading the government? I, for one, lower my head in shame.
Monty: How sad indeed, Shahrizat, that you have sunk so low that you cannot see how low Najib and his government have sunk.
Of course you can’t, as you and your family are part of that corruption state. I applaud Rafidah for having the courage, even at this stage, to stand up and speak out, not for herself, but for the country's sake.
Make no mistake, Shahrizat: Najib will go down and sooner rather than later, and you will also have to account for some of your activities, too.
Anonymous #19098644: Rafidah still has some principles while Shahrizat has sold her soul to the devil to get him to declare her innocent of any wrongdoing over the RM250 million cow condo scandal.
This is the first time a Wanita Umno head is not an MP and a minister. It shows you the kind of credibility Shahrizat has.
GE14Now!: This woman has the nerve to say what she said here. The truth of the matter is that the entire lot of Umno politicians and followers are crooked.
They have no principles and if they did have some, they would have either been bought over or threatened so as to bend their wills.
Hopeful123: Shahrizat, it should not be blind loyalty and apple-polishing. The leadership decades ago was far superior and honest compared to the current one.
You must have the courage to differentiate right from wrong.
Fairnsquare: Despite that the AG has dropped the charges against National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) and your husband, Shahrizat, the rakyat will never forget that money meant for cattle-raising was allegedly used to buy condos.
While a forgiving Wanita has accepted you as its leader, the rakyat have not and will not do the same. Your views are not reflective of the rakyat's.
Odin Tajué: If Rafidah was once a woman of principles, then she at least has some credit to her name, whereas have you any at all at any time?
Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: Shahrizat, if a person can get RM300 million, he or she would be having principles like you.
There is a Chinese saying, "If one gets so much goodies, he/she is willing to sell his backside to the giver."
6th Generation Immigrant: Does Shahrizat know what tainted and implications mean? This is afflicting Umno through the impropriety of the PM and party president.
If you are so principled, you would have advised the PM to take a short leave of absence in order that the president fights his case outside party encumbrances.
He did not and today even Umno members are questioning the president and his men, which is what Rafidah is doing.
The president is surely and slowly killing Umno.
Roguekiller: Hi, Shahrizat, Rafidah is 1,000 times better than you in terms of principle, knowledge, honesty, straightforwardness and appearance.
She is much older than you, yet she looks smart.
Despite riddled with scandal, you have to the cheek to move around. Aren't you ashamed? Probably not. You don't feel it because you have thick skin.
Rikusmati: How can one be principled if one is a party to a RM250 million government loan? How can one be so principled if one does not even know what one's husband is doing?
Only a shameless one would dare chastise another when one has no integrity, no accountability, no guts to own up and no guts to tell that all around them, the nation is being swindled.
Anonymous 2358311441466692: We call that birds of a feather flock together in your aim to support your president. It has nothing to do with principle, honesty or integrity.
Vijay47: How sad that Rafidah was once a lady of principles and by inference, no longer one.
But how sadder still, Shahrizat, that you were never a lady of principles. Shaking your head? That's what cows usually do when about to be milked. -Mkini

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