
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, March 2, 2016


We all fear many things, but there are some things which only Umno Baru Malays fear.
Ordinary Malays have been brainwashed since birth, to fear the cross, the Christians, the Chinese and the communists.
Umno Baru fears these things too, but its worst nightmare is the Malay who is able to think and rationalise, and tell the errant Malay leader, "You are wrong! I am not going to listen to you anymore."
So, what are the things the Umno Baru Malays and the ulama class use to control ordinary Malays.
1. Chinese. The usual spin is that the Chinese are undermining the Malays, planning secret meetings with foreign powers, the Israelis and the Singapore Chinese, to overthrow the government. The headquarters of the Chinese underground movement is Penang. It is scary that such lies can be perpetrated to cause mistrust, but desperate people will go to any length.
2. Christians. Ignorant Malays were told that Christians were using solar powered, talking bibles, inviting Malays to dinner during their religious gatherings, giving financial assistance to poor Malays, housing and shielding Malay women who are victims of domestic violence. If no one will help the poor Malays, isn't it natural that they should go to someone who will help?
3. The Cross. The spin is that cunning Christians are incorporating cross-like features into building designs, so that the poor Malay has to eat, sleep and live in a house which is dominated by the cross. The cross is in fact, an air-well used to provide natural ventilation in the house, but the bigots must have their say.
4. Culture. To stop the Malays from excelling, they are told that the Malay culture does not accept being an acrobat, a gymnast, a ballerina or a beauty queen. Malays are also warned that it is not in their culture to protest, despite our forefathers turning out onto the streets, in large numbers, to protest against British colonial rule, in the 1940s and 1950s. It is not our culture to champion individualism, said former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He wanted us to be lemmings.
5. Communication. Malays who speak English, the universal language, are considered unpatriotic. Kampung children are not encouraged to use English as a medium of communication. In a world where English is important, the Malays who lack fluency in English are left behind. Umno Baru will then blame non-Malays for Malay failures.
6. Communists. Chin Peng and his men are frequently used to scare the Malays. During the war, the Japanese cultivated friendly ties with the Malays, and it is possible that this fact did not go unnoticed, after the war. The Emergency saw many violent attacks on innocent people. More Chinese died than were Malays but unscrupulous people, use the communists to whip up anti-Chinese sentiment.
7. Canine matters. The "Touch a Dog" event was well received by the Malays. It did not go down well with the religious authorities. It was not so much the touching of the dog which they opposed. Rather, they did not want Malays to think, and rationalise, and be in charge of their own destiny.
The Malay who touched a dog probably thought, "Wow. The ground did not open up and swallow me, just because I touched a dog; no lightning bolt struck me dead.
"My ustad told me that it is wrong to handle dogs, and I would be punished, if I did. I ignored him, and incredibly, nothing bad happened to me.
"So, what other things did he tell me, that I should challenge?"
This is what the bigots in power, fear most. The thinking Malay. - http://theantdaily.com/

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