
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hospital probes woman’s complications after surgery

External panel may be appointed to look into Mazlina Ismail's problems after D&C procedure.
KUALA LUMPUR: An external inquiry panel may be appointed to look into the case of Kuala Lumpur Hospital patient Mazlina Ismail, who reported nine months of complications after suffering a miscarriage last year and undergoing a dilation and curettage (D & C) procedure.
Hospital director Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain said detailed reports had been made by the hospital’s Obstetric and Gynaecology (O&G), Orthopaedic, General Surgery, Anesthesia and Neurology departments and physiotherapist to identify the causes of the complications.
Dr Zaininah said HKL had carried out an internal investigation involving its senior specialists from other departments. The outcome of the investigations would be handed over to the Health Ministry’s Medical Practice Division soon and it also proposed the setting up of an external inquiry panel.
Yesterday, Seputeh Umno division chief Mustapa Kamal had called for an explanation from HKL after a report on TV3 that Mazlina had not been able to walk for nine months and had lost two toes. She had alleged negligence by HKL.
Dr Zaininah said the hospital’s investigations were to determine whether there was misconduct or shortcomings in providing services or on the part of the clinical officers handling the case.
“Following the serious complications experienced by Mazlina, all the specialist treatments available at HKL were provided for the patient to save her life. She was continuously treated for over four months including at the Intensive Care Unit, given repeated surgery, dialysis treatment and physiotherapy,” she said in a statement today.
She said the hospital’s investigation panel had a face-to-face meeting with Mazlina in the presence of her three younger siblings and another family member on April 27.
“All of them were briefed on the measures taken by the O&G Department and HKL management to ascertain the causes of the complications to prevent a recurrence of such an incident,” she said.
Dr Zaininah said after being discharged, Mazlina continued to be given outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation treatment by various departments and coordinated by the O&G Department.

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