
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 15, 2016


Some people can be so sure of themselves that they actually amaze me,
Whenever I read political articles or comments which contain serious allegations against certain individuals, I do ask myself – Are these people very sure of what they are alleging?
I mean, these allegations were very detailed and not mere general statements normally associated with people who were just venting out their anger and frustrations.
Were they not scared that they might be wrong?
I do worry about that sometimes, when I’m writing this blog.
That’s why I always try to be very careful over such things.
Well, I did sometimes come up with accusations such as, ” Lim Guan Eng is not a very handsome guy”, but I don’t think that was too bad.
I don’t think even Guan Eng would be angry that I wrote that. It’s only my opinion and indeed, by a reasonable woman’s standard, Guan Eng is really not a very handsome guy.
Of course Betty would disagree, but she would also probably be glad that her husband doesn’t have me as an adoring fan.
Anyway, this is also a concern of mine whenever I have a conversation on politics with people who have lot of complaints and accusations to share.
Normally, I just kept quiet when the other person started to rant and rave about some allegedly corrupt leaders or other people.
It’s because I’m not sure whether what were being said were true or false.
But sometimes it did happen when the subject of accusations is someone I’m familiar with and thus I felt the need to say something.
In an incident that happened quite a while ago, a friend was criticising me for being so supportive of former Johor menteri besar TS Abdul Ghani Othman.
Our conversation went something like this,
Friend : Alah, engko ni naive sangat. Kalau dah namanya orang politik mana ada yang bersih. Aku tau la Ghani tu ada kes masa jadi menteri besar.
Me : Kes apa?
Friend : Dia songlap duit jual tanah orang kampung masa buat highway yang kat CIQ baru tu.
Friend : Ya la.
Me : Siapa beritau engko cerita ni?
Friend : Kawan aku kat Umno JB.
Me : Siapa kawan engko tu?
Friend : Ada la. Mana boleh bagitau engkau.
Me : Bagitau la. Boleh aku check dengan dia sendiri.
Friend : Eh, mana boleh.
Me : Okay. Tanah orang kampung kat mana yang Ghani songlap?
Friend : Tanah kat tepi highway tu la.
Me : Ya la, tapi yang kat sebelah mana. Highway tu kan panjang.
Friend : Ada la.
Me : Engko bagi tau la the exact location. Aku betul-betul nak check ni. Setahu aku Ghani tak buat kerja songlap menyonglap ni. Engko dah tuduh dia, aku nak check la betul-betul.
Friend : Alah, betul la. Kawan aku dah confirm dah kes ni.
Me : Engko ni pun. Aku tanya siapa kawan engko yang pandai sangat tu engko tak nak bagitau. Aku nak check location tanah orang kampung tu pun engkau tak nak bagi tau juga. Habis, macam mana ni?
Friend : Alah, memang betul. Ghani tu pun kaki songlap juga.
Me : Engko sure ke ni? (At this point I was already getting quite pissed off)
Friend : Memang lah aku sure. Kalau tak, tak kan aku nak cerita benda ni.
Me : Okay lah. Nak bagi senang cerita kita buat macam ni – kita sama-sama bersumpah atas nama Allah yang kita ni betul. Aku bersumpah atas nama Allah Ghani tak buat apa yang engko tuduh dia buat dan engko bersumpah atas nama Allah juga yang dia memang songlap duit tanah orang kampung tu. Macam mana? Engko berani tak?
My friend went quiet after that.
Some of you all may think that I was being childish for making that dare but to swear on Allah’s name is not a trivial matter for Muslims.
If you got it wrong, you will definitely go to hell.
Well, actually in Islam if you wrongly accuse someone even without swearing on Allah’s name, you are going to hell.
I think it’s basically the same in one way or another with the other religions too.
Anyway, I was just trying to scare my friend at that time.
My friend is actually a good person and devout Muslim.
He is definitely better than me in those sense.
He probably just forgot about the fact that it’s a sin to make false accusations that day.
Whatever it is, I think we need to be a bit more careful when it comes to accusing others.
– http://lifeofaannie.blogspot.my/

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