
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 10, 2016


The previous Agong invited Mahathir to the Coronation but the current Agong un-invited him. And no one would have known had Mahathir’s daughter not caused the ‘un-invitation’ letter to go viral on the internet. Effectively, the Agong has struck Mahathir off the protocol list and has declared him a pariah who is not fit to hold his Tun title. The decent thing for Mahathir to do now is to surrender back his Tun title to show he still has some principles, pride and dignity and is not shameless.
(The Star) – The Sultan of Kelantan, DYMM Sultan Muhammad V, was chosen as the 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong at the 243rd Conference of Rulers held at Istana Negara here on Friday. In a official statement, the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, Datuk Seri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, said the appointment would take effect on 13 December 2016, for a period of five years. (READ MORE HERE)
Since then there has been a very interesting development to what would have normally been quite a boring event. And that interesting development is that an ex-Prime Minister with a knighthood (a Tun is equivalent to a Sir) was invited and then uninvited to the Coronation of His Majesty the Agong next week.
This is actually not the first time Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad suffered a royal snub. Earlier, Mahathir was not invited to DYMM the Sultan of Johor’s Coronation and to the wedding reception of Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (READ HERE).
The fact that the Sultan of Johor snubbed Mahathir is apparent when Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, also an ex-Prime Minister with a knighthood, was invited (and was seated at the main table with the Agong the other Sultans, including the Sultan of Brunei, and the Johor princes and princess) while Mahathir was not.
The message that the Sultan of Johor was sending Mahathir and the whole of Malaysia could not have been clearer. But in this latest episode Mahathir was not just not invited, like in Johor’s case. Mahathir was actually invited by the previous Agong (Kedah) and then uninvited by the current Agong (Kelantan). And Malaysians would not have known about this if Mahathir’s daughter, Marina, had not viraled the ‘un-invitation letter’ on the internet. So the leak was actually an inside job, probably meant to garner sympathy and support from Malaysians.
In fact, not many people were aware of this un-invitation if Marina had not publicised it. And the fact that Mahathir was originally invited to the Coronation (by the previous Agong) and then uninvited (by the current Agong) not only makes this the first time in history for something like this to happen but also is as good as declaring Mahathir a pariah who is not fit for a knighthood or Tun-ship.
The decent thing for Mahathir to do now would be to return his Tun title since this title is awarded by the Agong. That would be what a man of principles and who has any pride and dignity or feeling of shame would do.
Mahathir DAP
Mahathir has reduced himself to the level of a Baruah DAP
The fact that Mahathir does not uphold the dignity of his Tun-ship makes it even more crucial that he surrender back that title. A Tun should uphold the dignity of his is her title and should not lower himself or herself down to the level that Mahathir has done. What Mahathir has been doing the last 24 months, and this year of 2016 in particular, makes him unqualified for a knighthood.
I was told there is actually a very serious reason why Mahathir was struck off the protocol list and was sent an un-invitation letter. In fact, what Mahathir did tantamount to treason and he could be charged for the crime of ‘waging war against the King’, which attracts the death penalty upon conviction. About 15 years ago, three Malaysians were sentenced to death and 16 were given life sentences for this particular crime. Anyway, we will talk about this later in another article once I can get more details and confirmation of what happened.
What Mahathir has been doing these last 24 months actually made DYMM the Sultan of Kelantan murka. And it is not only the Sultan of Kelantan who feels this way. Mahathir tried to pressure His Majesty the Agong with his Citizens’ Declaration and Save Malaysia campaign. When the Agong refused to see him, Mahathir said His Majesty was under house arrest. To dispel talk that His Majesty was under house arrest, the Agong met Mahathir and the old man just presented a letter to His Majesty without the 1.3 million signatures that he claims he has. When the Agong asked about the 1.3 million signatures Mahathir was evasive in his reply.
Mahathir tried to take the Agong for a ride and when His Majesty would not layan the old man’s nonsense, Mahathir tried to work on the Conference of Rulers instead, who also rejected Mahathir’s so-called Citizens’ Declaration petition with the 1.3 million signatures that were never sent to the Agong or to His Majesty’s brother-Rulers.
Mahathir has turned this whole thing into a circus and reduced His Majesty the Agong and the Conference of Rulers into circus clowns. And this is the same Mahathir who 25 years ago made the Malaysian Rulers into an international laughing stock. The press the world over made fun of the Malaysian Rulers because Mahathir led a campaign to drag the image of the Rulers through the mud.
Malaysia Prepares To Strip Sultans Of Their Immunity (READ HERE).  
Since then many non-Malays, who used to show great respect to the Malay royalty, now say very nasty things about the Rulers, all because Mahathir taught the Chinese, Indians and others how to mock the Malay rulers. If this has been 100 years ago instead of just 25 years ago, Mahathir would have been sentenced to death and his body hanged upside down to rot in the sun like what they did to Tok Janggut.
Mahathir escaped this fate because Sultans can no longer sentence you to death like 100 years ago in 1915
We must not forget that it was Mahathir who declared war on the Sultan of Kelantan’s late father, Sultan Ismail Petra, and called him a smuggler. Sultan Ismail had imported a Lamborghini Diablo in the name of his son and Mahathir confiscated the car when it arrived at the Subang Airport.
The Sultan was so angry he asked his people to go to the Custom’s office in Subang and take the car by force. The Custom Officers just stood there and watched as the Sultan’s people drove the car off. Mahathir then announced that the Sultan is a smuggler because he did not any tax on the car.
The truth is the Sultan and Crown Prince are allowed a certain number of tax free cars. And it is the State Government and not the Federal Government that decides this. Mahathir did not tell the people this. Instead he told the people that the late father of the present Kelantan Sultan and Agong is a smuggler.
The icing on the cake (further to that treasonous waging war against the king crime that I mentioned above — which I will give more details later), is Mahathir’s appearance at DAP’s convention last weekend and his deal with Lim Kit Siang plus Mahathir’s involvement in Bersih and the yellow that is being used as Bersih’s identity.
Yellow is a royal colour and the reason Bersih used yellow in 2007 was to pledge loyalty to the then Agong (DYMM the Sultan of Terengganu). In 2007, Bersih was a movement to present an Election Petition to the Agong and then leave it to His Majesty to decide what to do about it. Today, Bersih is about ousting Najib, Umno and Barisan Nasional and to erase Malay political dominance and replace it with a DAP-led Pakatan Harapan.
The reason DAP closed down Pakatan Rakyat and set up Pakatan Harapan was so that they could kick PAS out of the coalition. And the reason they are doing this is to oppose the RUU355, which involves the Sharia amendments for the State of Kelantan.
Sultan Kelantan
You do not want to mess with this Sultan: DAULAT TUANKU!
The Sultan of Kelantan is head of Islam in his state. Why is DAP, a party that is controlled by the Evangelist Christians, telling Kelantan what it can and cannot do regarding Sharia laws in the state? Kit Siang and DAP have launched a crusade against the Sharia while totally ignoring the Kelantan Sultan’s role and power in the this whole thing. And Mahathir has become DAP’s baruah, a party that treats Islam as an enemy and is telling Kelantan what it can and cannot do.
That one reason alone is enough for the Sultan of Kelantan to murka. Add the other things that we spoke about and Mahathir is lucky a death sentence has not been passed on him. Anyway, later we shall talk about the mother of all reasons regarding why Mahathir was un-invited to the Agong’s Coronation after earlier receiving an invitation.
royal kelantan family tree
The Ruling Royal House of Kelantan
In 1975, the Conference of Rulers elected Sultan Yahya Petra as the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia succeeding Sultan Abdul Halim Muazzam Shah of Kedah who ended his tenure as Agong. Unfortunately, Sultan Yahya did not complete his term in office as Yang Dipertuan Agong. He died in Kuala Lumpur on 29th March 1979. He was succeeded by his son – Tengku Ismail Petra who later reigned as Sultan Ismail Petra – sometimes known as Sultan Ismail II of Kelantan.
Sultan Ismail Petra married Tengku Anis – daughter of Tengku Abdul Hamid of Pattani and Tengku Azizah (daughter of Tengku Seri Maharaja Muhammad Hamzah mentioned earlier). Sultan Ismail Petra ruled Kelantan from 1979 to 2010. In 2009, he was admitted to the hospital and was bed-ridden ever since. In 2010, the Succession Council of Kelantan removed Sultan Ismail Petra from the throne in favour of his eldest son – Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra who later decided to reign as Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan. (Orang Dua Belas).


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