
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 18, 2016


Chinese Malaysians have attracted lots of attention lately. They are labelled as loud, rude and assertive. They are “cronies”, “schemers” and “corrupters”. They like to use money to settle problems, cut queue and gain favours.
It could be true many cronies are Chinese tycoons. They exploit and capitalise on our poor governance system to gain enormous wealth. They then flaunt their wealth to the envy of others.
With money, they buy everything, including influence and favour. They don’t just bribe public officials to circumvent regulations or to overcome violations; they bribe parking jockeys, hotel chamberlains, teachers, hospital attendants and even restaurant waitresses. They want the highest priority and the best service to be given.
More recently, Chinese Malaysians are also being branded as anti BN and anti-federal government. They are accused of being parochial, chauvinistic and disloyal. They are even accused of stealing lucrative jobs in government-linked companies (GLCs).
I think this is where generalisation and stereotyping are carried to the ridiculous level. The intention is to hurt and to belittle the self-esteem of the community.
I was thinking, if indeed Chinese Malaysians are self-serving cronies, our governance system must have allowed it. Those in power must be either stupid or sufficiently corrupt to make the cronies rich and the interests of the people compromised. The cronies, by definition, can’t make the final decision. They only influence, conspire and manipulate decision to their favour.
It is simple, when there is a powerful crony, there must be a corresponding hapless politician or authority.
Similarly if Chinese Malaysians love to bribe, others must enjoy being bribed. Otherwise how does bribery happen? Those who advocate going after givers alone are probably the most corrupted takers. Between a taker and a giver, even a nincompoop knows the former has more power than the latter.
Here comes the contradiction – if Chinese Malaysians love cronyism and bribery as claimed, then why are they being accused of championing Bersih and other activist movements? By the way, did any ordinary Chinese support the biggest crony and schemer in the 1MDB fiasco? Did any one of them help this crony to roam free till today?
Similarly, how do Chinese Malaysians become chauvinistic and parochial when all they desire is their mother tongue education and their yearning for higher income, better living and more comfort in life? They don’t sit around all day talking about their religions or cultures being greater or more superior to others.
They do not ask for more rights than what are accorded to others. They do not ask for more privileges than what others are enjoying. In fact, they concede that certain communities have more privileges than them given the nation’s history and constitution. So what is the problem here really?
Let’s not divert the issues to somewhere else. Chinese Malaysians should not to be blamed for corruption, cronyism, disloyalty and parochialism now pervasively taking roots in this country.
They only want a government that is competent – in providing the people with good education, the state of the art infrastructure, efficient transportation, communication, healthcare, environment preservation, sound macroeconomic management, protecting and preserving the ringgit, safety and security, and genuine respect for Malaysia’s constitution and the rule of law. Are these too much to ask or expect as tax paying citizens?
They are not even asking for Chinese Malaysians to be in control. They are asking those in control must be clean and smart enough to handle bigots, holier-than-thou artists, cronies, schemers and corrupters. Is this too much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. saya pendatang baru di ROOM ini ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada Aki Sholeh Paty , berkat bantuan No togel 4Dnya 7888 yang aki berikan ternyata benar2 tembus, saya tidak tau harus berbuat apa untuk membalas kebaikan AKI,awalnya saya kurang yakin dengan angka yang MBAH berikan, tapi ternyata alhamdulillah saya menang 4D lagi dan sionya, sudah berapa banyak peramal yang saya hubungi tidak ada satupun yang tembus malahan hutang-hutang saya bertambah banyak,kini kehidupan saya jauh lebih sukses dari pada sebelumnya ini semua berkat bantuan AKI SHOLEH PATY,bagi teman-teman pembeli kupon putih yang tidak pernah merasakan kemenangan 4D silahkan hubungi Aki Sholeh Paty di nomor : 0852-4466-9169-dan angka yang di berikan AKI SHOLEH PATY dalam7 putaran ini tidak perna meleset,anda jangan mudah tergiur dengan janji-janji saatnya kita perlu bukti hanya AKI SHOLEH PATY yang menjamin 100% kemenangan.kalau mau bukti hubungi sekarang. SEMOGA.JP


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