
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 25, 2017

For Dr M, what is shame compared with sins?

YOURSAY | ‘When one is full of ‘maruah’, there is no space for shame.’
Sarawakian: If the majority of Malays are shameless hypocrites how come Pakatan Rakyat got 51 percent of the votes in GE13? And how come support for Umno is plummeting below 40 percent?
The problem is the Malay ‘tidak apa’ (never mind) attitude which former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is trying to shake up in his blog. Only the Malays can save Malaysia and GE14 will be about decent Malays saying “Enough is enough!”
And we non-Malays can help by not stereotyping or belittling them. Go give a donation to the decent Malay/Malay-led parties like PKR, Amanah, or even Bersatu, like I did. There is a donation link right here on Malaysiakini.
Clever Voter: Morally bankrupt individuals from both public and private sectors are working together to share the spoils - their philosophy is ‘if I can't beat them, I’d join them’.
Even the religious agenda has now been hijacked. The Najib Abdul Razak government has seemingly legitimised the grey areas so it's not surprising people are even bold enough to assault another fellow citizen in the open.
Kingfisher: Indeed, quite profound the insights of Mahathir. But being shameless is neither an endowed (question of hereditary/environment) character trait of one community nor of specific individuals.
The onset of "shame" in one or many however is an auto-suggestive individual or collective self-consciousness and demonstrated upon a conviction of being improper and wrong.
Such ethical norms are possibly cultivated or derived from a set of common values propagated in a given homogeneous setting. "Shamelessness" has a virulent facet as the shameless are usually extra punitive and a danger to others.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: What is shame compared with sins? They are not worried that they are apparently living off ‘duit haram’, allegedly stolen from the people.
So, what is shame? In fact, those supporters hero worship the biggest alleged thief the country has ever produced.
The Analyser: If the Japanese kill themselves out of shame for being unable to succeed, the Malaysians take the easy way out and never try. Never try and you never fail.
Say nothing and you can say nothing wrong - the DAP mantra. But the Malays are just as bad. Each and every Malay is provided with five hundred excuses not to act... and they keep on trotting out excuses until they find one that fits.
Anonyxyz: Umno Malays are not the only ones guilty of apparently having no shame as there are the MCA and Gerakan Chinese.
Touche: The Chinese want an honest government for all Malaysians and that is the reason why they voted against MCA and Gerakan, who are the supposed lackeys for Umno.
There are exceptions like Rafizi Ramli, Anwar Ibrahim, Mariam Mokhtar, etc, but the majority of Malays are ‘stupid’ as claimed by Dr M.
Otherwise, how does one explain the fact that Umno is still in power despite all the alleged corruption, thieving and mismanagement?
When are the Malays going to learn from the UK to exercise their vote responsibly to change the government if it does not perform, or in France where Francois Hollande and his Socialist Party were punished.
Abasir: I guess when one is full of ‘maruah’, there is just no space for shame.
Gaji Buta: Tolerance is a fake word. The reality is that things are accepted or left alone, as there may be consequences if not.
In cases where people think there will be no consequences due to favouritism or 'might is right' mindset, they will do or say what they can, as they have supposedly nothing to fear.
Prudent: The kleptocrats' game plan for GE14 is clear. Race and religion to the fore. But how?
First PAS will be used to engineer three-cornered fights, especially in Pakatan Harapan's marginal seats. DAP and Harapan will be demonised through targeting their Christian members and representatives.
Zakir Naik will allegedly do his part in stirring up racial and religious hatred. But the queen piece is likely to be Rizieq Shihab - the leader of Indonesia's Islamic Defender's Front - who organised a 200,000-strong demo against Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok).
He is reported to be now in Malaysia.
Reverse123: The failures by the Umno-led government are not due to religion nor the Malay race. They happen because of the bad decisions made by incompetent people.
And these decision-makers, feeling insecure, then hide behind race and religion - the very same people do not feel insecure when making millions selling their ‘pink’ initial public offering (IPO) shares and at that very moment their God is greatest and they are supreme.
Drngsc: Thanks, Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusuf for publicising Selangor state assembly speaker Hannah Yeoh's book.
Now she can sell even more books. I hope that she will contribute some money to the DAP GE14 funds. They need money to fight Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and his ‘donations’.
Anonymous #69337042: The bullies are coming out and are increasing. This half-past-six 'academician' earlier made accusation against Yeoh and now another 'over' comedian acted like a gangster and slapped a film director.

A few weeks ago, about 10 of them emerging from a surau allegedly assaulted a driver and even damaged his car. When are they going to stop and repent?- Mkini

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