
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Indeed, ministers should drive their own cars

YOURSAY | ‘No more car parks in buildings? Now everyone can park on the roadside.’
Shunyata: I'm not sure why Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (Ku Nan) is such a fan of making premature statements. Are we not a few decades behind the exemplary cities he cited?
I agree that city traffic and air pollution from car emissions could be reduced, but when you make a suggestion like removing parking bays when our infrastructure has much room for improvement, it only begets scorn.
In addition to this, many people need to lug bulky items in and out of their workplaces; for example, lawyers with their documents, architects and engineers with their drawings. It would be a nightmare to have to haul boxes and baggage up an LRT each time in such situations.
Drngsc: Ku Nan, please compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges.
Kuala Lumpur is a far cry from Tokyo. The people there are cultured, disciplined and civic-minded. They do not throw rubbish into drains. In fact, they clean their city and pick up the rubbish. In addition, the public transport system works in Tokyo.
Most important of all, their government does not lie to their people. They are transparent and they are accountable to the people, who can change their government in free and fair elections.
Now, consider Malaysia, You can see how different this rotten orange is to the apple of Tokyo. Wake up, Ku Nan. Please stop talking nonsense.
RightsForAll: As it is, the sheer number of people parking illegally in KL is ridiculous. So, let's encourage drivers to park illegally even more then?
Look at churches, temples and mosques, they do not have sufficient parking - but does that stop people from parking on the streets? With the mentality of Malaysians, Ku Nan’s ‘suggestion’ will wreak nothing but havoc.
Watch Out: Ministers and senior government officers should be made to drive their own cars and without outriders for them to actually understand the plight of the masses.
How can they formulate policies without first-hand knowledge? If they take public transport, the path is cleared for them by their minders. They don't have to struggle to get a seat or queue up for hours to buy tickets whenever the vending machine fails.
India, being such a large country with threat of terrorists all the time, has done away with police escorts or sirens for the ministers. Is Malaysia not safe for our ministers?
The minister can say do away with parking bays because he will have his driver to send and pick him up. Not everyone can afford this.
Anonymous 1802761448130592: Before anything, please provide proper pedestrian lanes. Take a close look at the few existing pedestrian walks we have in the city.
Most of them are pathetic - with uneven levels, kerbs that are way too high, non-contiguous stretches and which are poorly maintained.
Anonymous_1371825132: Factor the climate in those cities. You can walk around in them for hours without raising a sweat.
Furthermore, their public transportation is well-developed. Our environment does not favour this strategy, at least at this point in time.
Anonymous_40f4: Is this to reduce traffic or to enrich a certain parking firm that has been allowed to take all the parking in KL? When the public transport is pathetic, how does Ku Nan expect people to travel without cars?
The minister must answer for the staggering alleged wastage of RM650 million of the rakyat’s money on the Info Trafik dan Lampu Isyarat (Its) boards.
All you see flashing is "Jangan berhenti dipetak kuning” and the following month, it is “Lorong bus untuk bas/taxi sahaja”. As if we don’t know.
And Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has to spend RM650 million to teach us this? In other countries, heads would roll for this colossal wastage of taxpayers’ money.
AJ: When I think our ministers have reached the bottom, one more will break that barrier. We are now comparing KL with Tokyo?
Why not Singapore, maybe because Singaporeans, coming from the same stock, have solved the problem? People working or having business in KL don't live there.
I have to walk two kilometres to get to the nearest public transport.
Gungadin: So, no more car parks in buildings. Brilliant idea. Now everyone can park on the roadside.
Shunyata: Tengku Adnan would really fare better speaking less. After all, he always has to cover for a previously uttered mistake.
The ‘kapchai’ ban was never meant to be implemented? The man had proposed the idea with such zeal and conviction the first time around.
The problem is, he speaks of common city folk as if we are a burden, a pest almost. Even mamak eateries have not been spared.
The Analyser: Ku Nan, maybe you should think a bit more before you open your mouth. As for sounding off before you consult with the relevant officers, that says it all.
You simply have no respect for the people employed in a professional capacity whose opinions have no value when compared with your irrational impulses. Did you ever wonder why the people under you have no respect for you?

Not Convinced: City car park ban just a thought exercise, says Ku Nan. Perhaps he should stop thinking and spare us the nonsense.- Mkini

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