
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 29, 2017

Must we elect an ex-dictator to lead us again?

YOURSAY | ‘Despite Dr M already in retirement, he is still preferred to the current BN leaders.’
Anonymous #33227154: Those who voted for former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad must be really forgetful or desperate.
They have forgotten that Mahathir is the father of racism, injustice, corruption and cronyism. He was instrumental in bringing down Malaysia to the low level it is in today.
Is Malaysia so pathetic that we must elect an ex-dictator to lead us again? It's time for fresh blood, not these folk like Mahathir or even jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The poll by Malaysiakini does not represent the wishes of the Malaysian people.
KCW: Yes, Malaysiakini’s poll does not really reflect the aspiration of the ordinary rakyat. We all know Malaysiakini is a watering hole for those who are anti-Umno/BN. Get an independent and professional poll for a more accurate result.
Aries46: KCW, Malaysiakini is a watering hole for those anti-Umno/BN? That makes up 51 percent of voters who voted against Umno/BN in GE13. Isn’t that good enough for you?
Mahathir himself says he has no such ambitions. And I doubt those who favoured him for PM expect him to take on the reins of power for the next five years. We need someone much younger in the calibre of Azmin Ali, Rafizi Ramli, Zaid Ibrahim or Mohamad Sabu, etc, to do that.
It is just that in the absence of Anwar, many see him as the next best choice to take on PM Najib Razak and Umno. It is Mahathir they fear most for the simple reason he still has significant influence among the Malays.
Let us not forget that whatever he was during his 22 years, they were prosperous and successful years for the nation and the Malays in particular. It cannot be denied he had the majority support of the masses, including in the 1999 general election, which was fought on the Anwar factor.
Pakatan Harapan without PAS is at its weakest and may probably be slaughtered in three-cornered tussles with Umno/BN and PAS.
It will be interesting whether reality and practicality or self-preservation rules the day for the opposition.
Anonymous1410769022: Well, I think people should not jump to conclusions. The survey was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and it is clearly evident that Dr M would be a better interim PM as compared to the current one due to his past track record.
He can unite the country and then hand over the reins to someone else thereafter. But personally, younger candidates should be identified to replace the current crop of leaders. I would choose someone like PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.
Wg321: I don’t think Mahathir wants to be the PM again. He knows that age does not permit him to do so. All he wants is to defeat Najib and also Umno because Najib and Umno are so incorrigibly corrupt.
Mahathir should be the interim PM. He is the only one who can split the Malay vote. There are many Umno members who dare not openly support Mahathir.
PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail does not have such influence over the Malay hinterland.
Anonymous_1395404501: Maybe the best option if Pakatan Harapan wins, would be Dr M as PM, Wan Azizah as DPM1 and Lim Kit Siang as DPM2.
Then when Dr M steps down, Anwar can take over with a new DPM1 and DPM2.
Worldly Wise: Mahathir was the 'ultra' whom then PM Tunku Abdul Rahman expelled from Umno in 1968.
Mahathir was said to be the architect of the infamous 'affirmative action policy' to favour the majority Malays from cradle to grave. His policy was apparently adopted by Tunku’s successor, Abdul Razak Hussein.
Therefore, Mahathir is enormously popular among the Malays. He will shake up BN.
Mafeeah: While I agree with many of you on the doubts for Mahathir to lead again, then again, who else? Najib? Ahmad Zahid Hamidi? Err, Anwar or Azizah or... Abdul Hadi Awang?
Wira: Mahathir, if you can defeat Umno and PAS in Felda areas, Bersatu will be the largest component party in Harapan, you can pick the PM. Anyway, win the general election first.
Worldly Wise: Harapan will get votes only if they name their candidate for prime minister. Unlike the Conservative and Labour parties in Britain, Malaysians do not vote so much according to party affiliation.
This party affiliation may be true for BN and DAP and PAS, but not so much for other parties. Even PKR is not so much established.
Mahathir can say that although he had differences with Anwar before, that is all under the carpet now. The entire situation has changed.
Goldee: Harapan must put forward the names of would-be candidates for the PM’s post before GE14.
Perhaps it is a good idea to name Dr M as one of the candidates. Should Harapan win the election, Dr M can be the caretaker PM until Harapan votes for one.
Vision2020: 'Do not count the chickens before they are hatched' is a good strategic reason by the Harapan-Bersatu coalition not to announce their potential PM candidate before GE14 and to avoid Umno from capitalising on and spinning the opposition leadership issue.
Sarawakian: Dr M is playing it the smart way. Campaigning for the PM’s post will make you unacceptable with so many interested parties.

But in your heart of hearts, you know he has to be one to be offered to the Malays to win their votes. When you, Dr M, pull the Malay crowds at Felda, you will be offered the post on a plate.- Mkini

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