
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Mahathir and Anwar are taking Malaysians for a ride. They point to the so-called cancer that Malaysia is suffering from and say that this is the reason Malaysia needs to be saved. What they do not say is that this cancer was caused by them in the first place. So, technically, we are being asked to save Malaysia from Mahathir and Anwar, and from Kit Siang who is using the Malays to screw the Malays.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
This was what Malaysia Dateline reported on 21st May 2017:
Naib presiden Amanah, Datuk Husam Musa merayu rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Harapan menerima Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai calon perdana menteri jika menang dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14).
Beliau yang menggelar Tun sebagai “re-born Mahathir” berharap semua pihak mengambil kira mengenai kesungguhan Mahathir untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia.
“Beliau bukan lagi Mahathir yang dulu tetapi seorang yang baru dan sanggup bersama rakyat untuk selamatkan Malaysia dari dirosakkan Datuk Seri Najib dan Umno,” katanya di majlis forum sempena program Temu mata dan dialog anak kelantan di perantauan di pusat bandar Melawati, hari ini.
Husam was asked to test the waters by proposing Mahathir for Prime Minister and see what happens
For those who do not understand Bahasa Malaysia, Husam Musa of DAP’s Islamic party, PAN a.k.a. Amanah, is asking Pakatan Harapan to accept Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the candidate for the next Prime Minister if the opposition coalition wins the next general election.
Now, knowing Husam and knowing what type of person he is, he would never propose something like this unless he was asked to do so. So this is not Husam’s personal initiative but something that was engineered to test the waters and see what happens and what response this proposal receives.
This is vintage Mahathir and he has done this many times before.
The humorous part of Husam’s statement is when he labelled Mahathir the ‘reborn Mahathir’ and said Mahathir is no longer the old Mahathir and that Mahathir is prepared to be together with the rakyat to ‘save Malaysia’ from being destroyed by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Umno.
Guess whose words these are and who helped Husam draft this statement.
Basically, Husam’s party, PAN a.k.a. Amanah, is with Mahathir’s party, PPBM a.k.a. Pribumi, in not supporting Anwar Ibrahim for Prime Minister. They know Anwar cannot become Prime Minister and Azhar Harun — a leading Malaysian lawyer and a staunch Pakatan Harapan supporter — has explained why in his piece Anwar for PM? (READ HERE).
And trust me, Azhar knows what he is talking about. He was one of my lawyers (together with Haris Ibrahim, Malik Imtiaz, Ashok Kandiah, and a few more) who got me released from my detention without trial in November 2008 on unconstitutional grounds. It was a brilliant argument that even the judge could not disagree with.
Art Harun explains why Anwar cannot legally become Prime Minister
Anyway, what Azhar said is what Malaysia Today had already said many times before. In short, unless His Majesty the Agong grants Anwar a pardon (and there is no reason why His Majesty should) Anwar is not eligible to contest a by-election or the general election until after 2025. So that means Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will have to be the ‘interim’ Prime Minister for seven or eight years before she steps aside for her husband to take over.
Now, do you think Mahathir will agree to that? Mahathir will be past 100 years of age or already dead by the time Anwar takes over as Prime Minister. So what is going to happen to Mukhriz? Does this mean Mahathir can forget about Mukhriz ever becoming Prime Minister?
Mukhriz can become Prime Minister only if Lim Kit Siang agrees to it because, if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election, that can only be because they won not less than 112 seats in Parliament — and that, in turn, can only mean DAP has won 55 seats. Short of that Pakatan Harapan is not going to march into Putrajaya. And, with 55 of the 112 seats, that would make DAP the largest party and hence they get to decide who becomes Prime Minister (and not PKR who would have won only 30 seats or so).
So, if Pakatan Harapan does win the next general election with, say, 115 or so seats, DAP calls the shots and decides who becomes Prime Minister. And DAP, through Husam, wants Malaysians to know they are backing Mahathir for Prime Minister. Hence all this talk about Lim Kit Siang becoming Prime Minister is not true.
It is safe for Kit Siang to propose Anwar for PM knowing that it will never happen and that DAP will decide later once the votes are counted
But then just two days ago Kit Siang carried a placard saying ‘Anwar PM KE7’. So, is it Anwar or Mahathir for PM then?
There is a saying: if you cannot explain it then confuse them. So now there is confusion as to who is going to become the Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election. And that is the way Pakatan Harapan would like it to be: utter confusion.
The next Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election will be Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Anwar Ibrahim, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Mukhriz Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang or Lim Guan Eng. According to Zaid Ibrahim, if they cannot decide on which of the above then they might even choose him, just like how Tun Ghafar Baba became the Deputy Prime Minister.
So who is Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister?
So, the new general election campaign war-cry will be: ‘Do you want Najib Tun Razak as Prime Minister or do you want Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Anwar Ibrahim, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Mukhriz Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Zaid Ibrahim or maybe even none of the above as Prime Minister?
Dr Rozhan Othman, another hardcore PKR supporter, wrote Kiamat Melayu sudah tiba, which was published in Free Malaysia Today (READ HERE).
In English this translates to ‘Doomsday has arrived for the Malays’. In this analysis of the doomsday scenario for the Malays, Dr Rozhan talks about why the Malays have failed and he blames the Malay dependency of the New Economic Policy (NEP) and corruption mainly amongst the Malays as the reasons. In fact, Mahathir said the same thing today when he said that the Malay civil servants have become more corrupt than before.
Cancer does not occur overnight. And the cancer amongst the Malay community took a long time to develop into what people like Dr Rozhan and Mahathir would call terminal. When did the cancer start and why was it not cured when it was first detected? That is what Dr Rozhan and Mahathir should be talking about instead of just saying that the cancer is terminal and it is now doomsday for the Malays.
Dr Rozhan says the Malays are doomed
It was Mahathir himself who cried during the Umno annual assembly and said he had failed the Malays. Umno, said Mahathir, had turned into a corrupt party and it is all about ‘money politics’ (a polite word for corruption). Today, Dr Rozhan says the Malays are doomed while Mahathir says Umno is doomed.
Okay, even if that is true, why and how did it happen? I mean, we are talking about a cancer that took almost 50 years to become terminal.
It was Mahathir who in 1970 said the Malays must take the country back from the Chinese and the only way for that to happen would be for the Malays to get rich at all costs. So money must be the thing that motivates the Malays or else the Malays would always be slaves in their own country –slaves to the Chinese, that is.
Then Mahathir barred government officers from holding posts in Umno (which used to be 70% from the teaching profession) and that was when the businessmen, professionals and corporate people took over the party. Government officers and teachers were poor while businessmen, professionals and corporate people were wealthy. So Umno turned into a party just like MCA — a party for towkays.
Anwar spent RM600 million to oust Ghafar and Mahathir allowed it
Anwar then introduced ‘money politics’ into Umno (and Mahathir openly blamed Anwar for this). People were spending RM6 million just to win a branch leader’s post or RM10-15 million to win a division leader’s post. No one would vote for you unless they were paid to do so. Anwar himself spent RM600 million to oust Ghafar and take over as Deputy Prime Minister (RM200 million in Sabah alone).
Mahathir himself admitted in 2015 that during his time Umno spent RM1.5 billion for the general elections (which is why, he said, he could not understand why Najib needed RM2.6 billion).
All this happened when Mahathir was Prime Minister and Anwar was his number two. And today both these people are in the opposition and want to ‘save Malaysia’ from the ‘very corrupt Umno’. If Malaysia really needs saving it is because Mahathir and Anwar caused the cancer. And do we want these same people, who in the first place caused the cancer, to be allowed to come back into power?
Mahathir and Anwar are taking Malaysians for a ride. They point to the so-called cancer that Malaysia is suffering from and say that this is the reason Malaysia needs to be saved. What they do not say is that this cancer was caused by them in the first place. So, technically, we are being asked to save Malaysia from Mahathir and Anwar, and from Kit Siang who is using the Malays to screw the Malays.

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