
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 26, 2021

TUN DR MAHATHIR DAN SEMUA ORANG MELAYU MESTI BACA : Abdullah Yusuf Ali (Quran Translator), Feroz Khan Noon, Aga Khan And The Zionist Project

 Tuan-Tuan pada tahun sudah (27hb Januari, 2020) saya telah menulis berkenaan Harry St John Philby seorang perisik British yang telah mewujudkan kerajaan Wahabi Arab "Saudi"  pada tahun 1930an. 

Harry St John Philby (yang sebenarnya ateis dan tidak pernah 'miss his whiskey') juga telah "memeluk Islam" dan mengambil nama "Sheikh Abdullah" serta kahwini seorang anak dara Arab 16 tahun, yang "di-hadiahkan" kepadanya oleh Raja Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, raja Arab Saudi yang pertama. 

Arab Saudi dan agama "Wahabi" mereka hanya percaturan Great Game oleh British untuk mencuri kekayaan minyak tanah Arab. 

Around the same time, British juga mainkan Great Game mereka di benua India - ia itu untuk memecahkan benua India menjadi dua atau tiga buah negeri, serta dendam British terhadap Afghanistan yang pernah tewaskan maraan tentera penjajah British.  

(Dendam British terhadap Afghanistan adalah menerusi garisan sempadan Durand Line yang memecah-dua kawasan kaum Pashtun dan dibahagikan antara Afghanistan dan British India. Kemudian dengan pemecahan India pada tahun 1947 maka Pakistan pula sempadani Durand Line dengan Afghanistan.)

British juga telah 'membela' kaum 'tali barut' dikalangan orang tempatan untuk membantu mereka dalam permainan Great Game. Golongan ini yang juga dikenali sebagai Anglo-phile adalah bangsa 'brown skin' yang menganggap diri mereka lebih putih daripada bangsa kulit putih (more white than white). 

Termasuk dalam golongan ini di India pada zaman itu adalah Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Seluruh dunia Islam pasca tahun 1930an kenali sangat Abdullah Yusuf Ali sebagai penterjemah Al Quran (ke bahasa Inggeris) yang sangat famous.

"Yusuf Ali belonged to the group of Indian Muslims from professional families who were concerned with rank and status. In pursuit of his aspiration for influence, deference, if not outright obsequiousness, became a central feature of his relationship with the British. During the formative phase of his life he mingled mainly in upper-class circles, assiduously cultivating relations with members of the English élite"

obsequiousness maksudnya 'penjilat'.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali mainkan peranan besar mewakili kepentingan British dan juga kaum Yahudi dalam pembentukan negara Israel di tanah Palestin.   

Abdullah Yusuf Ali telah menetap di England untuk seketika di mana dia pernah mengahwini dua wanita kulit putih - married Teresa Mary Shalders (1873–1956) at St Peter's Church in Bournemouth in 1900. Tetapi isteri pertamanya Teresa Shalders telah mengkhianati Abdullah dan melahirkan seorang anak luar nikah. Abdullah ceraikan Teresa pada 1912.

Kemudian pada 1920, Abdullah telah mengahwini Gertrude Anne Mawbey. 

"He married Gertrude Anne Mawbey (1895–1984) in 1920, and she having taken the Muslim name 'Masuma' returned with him to India to escape the harassment the couple suffered from Yusuf Ali's children from his first marriage, who resented him and his new wife."

Penghujung hayat Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1953) bertambah sedih kerana dia dipulaukan bukan saja oleh isteri dan keluarganya tetapi bangsa kulit putih pun tidak lagi memerlukan bantuan atau kepakaran Abdullah. Sila baca yang berikut: 

Sad Ending of Abdullah Yousuf Ali - the Translator of Quran

The Late Obituary of Abdullah Yousuf Ali, the author of the popular translation and commentary of Holy Quran, begins:

"(Sixty eight) years ago, on Dec 10, 1953, few in the Muslim world noticed a minor tragedy unfolding in London. The previous day, a sick man was found sitting on the steps of a house in London in a bitterly cold British winter day, and was taken to hospital by police.

On this day, a man whose name was already known around the Muslim world, died a pauper's death, without even a companion by his side. British authorities contacted the Pakistani High Commission in London to arrange his funeral and burial.

Ask any English-speaking Muslim what translation and commentary of the Quran they originally studied, and the chances are that it was the one by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. First published in 1934, it remains to this day the most widely read and quoted English translation of the Quran. "  

It is heart breaking to read about his inner conflicts arising from being one of the earliest Muslims looking up to the British Raj ideals. 

He wrote profuse propaganda during the first World War that encouraged hundreds of thousands of Indians (Muslims included) to join the British on the World War fronts. 

He was later co-opted into leading the Indian Muslim delegation to the League of Nations, which supported the resolution for the formation of Israel. 

The 3-member delegation also included Sir Aga Khan and Feroz Khan Noon. 

It is interesting to note that the documents related to this delegation's mission and deliberations are still classified (by the British) even after 70+ years. 

Feroz Khan Noon later became the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Jadi Abdullah Yusuf Ali bersama dua orang kenamaan dari India ia itu Aga Khan dan Feroze Khan Noon telah wewakili British India di persidangan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu untuk menyokong penubuhan 'Jewish homeland' (atau Israel) di Palestin. 

Serupa dengan Abdullah, Aga Khan juga adalah penganut mazhab Syiah. Aga Khan juga jadi famous kerana dia telah mengahwini Rita Hayworth, pelakon Hollywood gilang gemilang zaman itu  

Aga Khan kahwini pelakon jelita Hollywood Rita Hayworth

Tetapi antara TIGA wakil Islam dari British India yang ditugaskan menyokong penubuhan Israel di tanah Palestin itu, pelakon yang ketiga ia itu Feroz Khan Noon telah mainkan peranan yang agak luar biasa.

Feroz Khan Noon pernah menjadi Menteri Luar Pakistan dan juga Perdana Menteri Pakistan yang ketujuh. 

Sir Malik Feroz Khan Noon (7 May 1893 – 9 December 1970)  was the seventh prime minister of Pakistan, serving in this capacity from his appointment on 16 December 1957, until 8 October 1958.

Trained as a barrister in England, Noon served as High Commissioner of India to the United Kingdom before serving as a military adviser, over issues pertaining to the British Indian Army, to Prime Minister Winston Churchill's war ministry from the India Office.

Noon was one of the Founding Fathers of Pakistan who helped to negotiate and establish the Federation of Pakistan as a nation-state on 14 August 1947, resulting from the successful constitutional movement led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Yang berikut pula sedikit background penglibatan Feroz Khan sebagai 'bebudak suruhan British'.

By Shahid Qureshi: FEROZ KHAN NOON: 

"Israel had come to stay" declared Feroz Khan Noon. Mr. Noon was Pakistan's then Foreign Minister. 

Feroz Khan Noon had a background few were aware of. 

Sir Feroz Khan Noon, was a British empire loyalist with an Austrian Jewish wife Vicky Noon, who was a widow of a Hindu. 

When Feroz Khan Noon was High Commissioner for India in London (before Partition) in 1936-41, the British Colonial Secretary Lord Moyne, asked him to prepare a draft scheme for creating a Jewish state in Arab Palestine, but in a way that no blame should lie on the British imperialists for being anti-Arab or pro­ Zionist

The can-do Feroz Khan  submitted his proposal to the British Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery, who ALSO happened to be Jewish. 

Feroz Khan proposed that they first create an "Arabian federation", but also slip in an autonomous Jewish state within that federation. 

This Jewish entity should be a part of the treaty creating the federation.

"The full blown Jewish state would come into existence later, Sir Feroz Khan explained, but the "Arabian federation" would provide the cover that they all needed so that no Muslim ruler can blame England for having created a Jewish state in Palestine or part of Palestine'. 

Noon's proposals were forwarded by Amery to Churchill on 10 September 1945 (F0372-275-E6190/53/65)".

Jadi inilah al-kisah tiga jejaka "Islam" ia itu Abdullah Yusuf Ali (penterjemah al Quran yang famous), Aga Khan yang kahwin pelakon Hollywood Rita Hayworth dan Feroz Khan Noon - bakal Perdana Menteri Pakistan (pada tahun 1957) yang telah bergegas ke persidangan Yunaitad Nesyen (ok ok pada waktu itu dikenali sebagai League of Nations) untuk menyokong penubuhan Israel. 

Rombongan itu telah di-kepalai oleh Abdullah Yusuf Ali, penterjemah Quran kita yang famous itu.

Dan salah seorang "hero beragama Islam" itu Feroz Khan Noon telah juga menjadi penulis atau author  kertas cadangan penubuhan Israel yang ditulis oleh-nya untuk menyembunyikan peranan penjajah British dalam penubuhan Israel.

He (Abdullah Yusuf Ali) was later co-opted into leading the Indian Muslim delegation to the League of Nations, which supported the resolution for the formation of Israel

The 3-member delegation also included Sir Aga Khan and Feroz Khan Noon. 

It is interesting to note that the documents related to this delegation's mission and deliberations are still classified (by the British) even after 70+ years. 

Tuan-tuan percayalah British akan rahsiakan dokumen-dokumen berkenaan rombongan tiga jejaka Islam itu sampai kiamat.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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