
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, January 21, 2024

‘Brother WJ’ will make a good Sarawak governor


Last Friday was the first time I wasn’t sorry for not seeking the permission of my ‘Brother WJ’ – as I used to call Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar – before I shared his message with a selected group of friends on my contact list.

Why? Because it was a very happy piece of news and I was overjoyed at hearing of Brother WJ’s appointment as the new Sarawak governor. (I know – nothing is official yet. But I’m no civil servant and not bound by any service rules. So, why not share some happy news amid the gloom around us these days?)

I’m excited at the news not because Wan Junaidi is a personal friend but because I feel that the former politician, minister and senate president will make a very good and competent head of state for my beloved homeland, Sarawak.

Needless to say, a wise head of state is essential for the overall well-being, progress and stability of a nation. Sarawakians can be assured that Wan Junaidi’s leadership qualities will contribute to the development of a flourishing society and help navigate the challenges that arise during his tenure as governor.

I’m actually very surprised that Wan Junaidi’s impending return to Sarawak as governor has generated so much public interest, especially over the past two days.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be. People are often drawn to individuals who are genuine and authentic. An open-minded individual is approachable and accepting of diverse perspectives.

This openness contributes to a positive aura and makes people feel valued and understood. Wan Junaidi easily fits the bill here.

Happy news

Since Friday, when the speculation about the new head of state first surfaced, many Sarawak leaders have declined to confirm Wan Junaidi’s appointment, understandably as officialdom dictates.

I’m not sure if I have played a role in the scoop for The Malaysian Insight (TMI) on Friday or whether I’ve jumped the gun in sharing my online conversation with Brother WJ.

Today, let me share this happy, serious yet light-hearted, little conversation with Wan Junaidi which also led to the first speculative story in TMI.

Last Friday, a dear editor friend, K Kabilan of TMI asked me whether it was true that Wan Junaidi had been appointed the new Sarawak governor.

I replied that I had no idea (which is true) but I would ask the man himself. The good editor insisted that I share the response from Wan Junaidi, if any. Sure, I would and I did.

Here is my short but happy conversation with Wan Junaidi:

Me: Hi, Brother WJ, an editor friend asked whether you have been appointed the new governor of Sarawak. Be very happy for you if it's true.

WJ: I’m in KL now and will be going back to Kuching tomorrow. PM Anwar told me on Jan 12 of the impending appointment and to give him two weeks to settle with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Premier (Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg) spoke to me around 12pm this afternoon informing me that he has received the watikah (warrant of appointment from the Agong) this morning and I’m going to see him tomorrow afternoon.

Abang Johari Openg

Me: Congrats. Now, truly happy for you. How shall I address you next?

WJ: Hehehe, just wait and I tell you.

Me: Certainly, no more Brother WJ. The day will come when I have to “Tun” you, with respect.

WJ: For now, bro lah, no big deal.

As promised, I forwarded Wan Junaidi’s message to Kabilan and TMI went to town with the story about an hour later.

At the same time, I also shared the news with selected friends on my list. Honestly, I see no harm in sharing joyful, happy news, even without permission from the subject, VIP or not.

Positive response

That evening, responses from my friends for Wan Junaidi and his appointment were very positive. People are naturally happy when competent leaders are appointed to helm an organisation or a state.

In turn, I shared these words of compliment and encouragement with Brother WJ. Here are some reactions:

“Very happy for Wan Junaidi. He is very suitable and qualified as the new head of state.”

“Good for him. Right man.”

“78 years old. Still fit and alert. Good for Sarawak. It looks like he is a natural leader to be governor. Good choice.”

“So nice of you to have a great friend indeed, Francis. And so humble, he remains.”

“He is well qualified, and deserving.”

“Happy for him.”

“I met and spoke to him in Kuching when he came to pay his last respects to a relative. From my close observation, he has strong, firm, honourable values - good qualities for a governor of Sarawak!”

“Hope all goes well with his appointment. He has my wholehearted support!”

“Well deserving man and with his background and achievements, I am confident he will look after Sarawak’s interest.”

A busy man he may be, but Brother WJ will always find time to respond: “Thank you very much, bro, for the kind thoughts and words, but for now it’s treated as social media speculation until an official announcement is made by the Sarawak government. Thank you again.”

Ha, I should end here now as Wan Junaidi, an author of several books himself, has ‘complained’ that my articles in Malaysiakini are a tad long.

See you at the Astana in Kuching, sir. If I do get to visit Brother WJ in Astana, it will be my first trip to the governor’s residence in some 40 years.

The last governor I visited at the Kuching Astana was Abdul Rahman Yakub who served as head of state from 1981-1984. - Mkini

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is a veteran Sarawak editor and heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS). He can be reached at sirsiah@gmail.com.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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