
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 19, 2024

Pakistan Launches Air Strikes 40 Miles (64 KM) Into Iran After Iranian Missile Strike Into Balochistan

 Recall some months ago I said that when I see Muslims gathering together in groups they are often getting into trouble. Actually I said worse. And I said that long  before Gaza - which is now more than three months old. Well its happening again - this time in Pakistan and Iran.

Recall two weeks ago (3rd January 2024) there was a bomb explosion in Kerman, Iran which killed close to 100 people. The ISIS claimed responsibility but the Ayatollahs could not really figure things out. 

So of course the people in Iran said the Ayatollahs were fools and could not guarantee public safety. There was a lot of pressure and laughter against the Ayatollahs.

Not knowing what to do but wanting badly to be seen to be doing something the Ayatollahs launched attacks OUTSIDE IRAN in Iraq, Syria and of all other places Balochistan in Pakistan. Iran killed two Balochi children in the Tuesday missile attack.

  • Iran admits carrying out deadly strike on Pakistan territory
  • Iran admitted missile and drone attack on western Pakistan on Tues (16 Jan)
  • two children killed, three injured in the attack in Balochistan.
  • Iran targeted Jaish al-Adli, an "Iranian terrorist group" in Pakistan
  • attack comes after Iran attacked targets in Iraq and Syria earlier this week
  • Pakistan warned Iran of  "serious consequences".

Those serious consequences happened today. Today the Pakistani Airforce retaliated and bombed the Balochi people in eastern Iran, 40 miles or 64 km into Iran from the Pakistan border. 

Now do remember these little details like Balochi people, missile strike, 64 km, airforce strike etc. 

Here is a six minute video with star reporter Anas Malik (audio only) reporting for WION.

My Comments : I think the whole thing is a set up. The Iranians killed two Balochi people in Pakistan. In this "retaliation" airstrike today Pakistan killed about NINE Balochi people in Iran.

Who are the Balochi people and why did BOTH Iran and Pakistan bomb them? There are seven million Baloch in Pakistan and another two to three million inside Iran. Both Iran and Pakistan have problems with their Balochi minority. "Problems" means 'shoot to kill'. They look at the Baloch like they are rodents or pests who must be exterminated.  Especially in Pakistan. 

The feeling is mutual. The Baloch do not like (actually hate) both Pakistan or Iran. So there are anti-Iranian Baloch militants who seek refuge inside Pakistan (like Jaish al-Adil) and anti-Pakistani Baloch militants who seek refuge inside Iran (like the battle hardy Baloch Liberation Army). The Baloch are common enemies to both Iran and Pakistan.

After that Kerman bomb attack I think the Ayatollahs called Pakistan and told them. 'Look the people are laughing at us. We need to bomb someone. We want to bomb the Baloch inside Pakistan. Then in retaliation you can bomb the Baloch inside our areaWe will turn off our air defenses and can you do the same.'

I know this is high fallutin conspiracy-theoring but practically this is what happened. Here is some news:

The Pakistani strikes in Sistan and Baluchestan province followed Iran's attack Tuesday on Pakistani soil that killed two Balochi children in the southwestern Baluchistan province. The attacks Tuesday and Thursday appeared to target separate Baluch militant groups that the two countries have alleged find safe havens in the other.

When the Iranians shot missiles into Pakistani Balochistan on Tuesday 16th January, the Pakistani air defense radars did not detect the missiles at all. They realised they were attacked only after the missiles had exploded. Indian security analysts were quick to point this out. Pakistan is a nuclear power yet there were such large "gaps" in the Pakistani radar.  How can that be? As though their radar was turned off.

And when the Pakistani airforce bombed Iranian Balochistan today they struck 64 km inside Iranian territory without being picked up by Iranian radar. No Iranian jets were scrambled. 

Ponder this folks - would the Ayatollahs risk war with Pakistan (a nuclear power) over Balochi irritants? And would Pakistan risk war with Iran over the same Balochi irritants?  It just does not add up.

Since Pakistan said this was a "retaliation" they should have retaliated against an Iranian airforce bases or Iranian military bases. Instead they chose to bomb SIX Balochi villages. 

I am sure the crowds-for-hire in Islamabad and Lahore are out in the streets tonite burning the Iranian flag. 

In both attacks the Balochi people got killed. Who cares about them?

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