
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 31, 2025

Festivals like CNY can revive and foster goodwill and national unity


2024 was a year replete with a lot of polemics and controversies concerning racial and religious issues that tore at the harmonious fabric of the nation. Not a week passed by without someone bringing divisive issues to inflame the situation.

Many of the polemicists felt embolden when action was not being taken against them and as such had begun to up the ante of hatred and antagonisms against fellow Malaysians.

The inaction of the authorities was mainly to blame as many leaders did not want to rock the fragile partnership of the coalition parties in the national unity government.

The result has been more recriminations and accusations that are now tearing at the fragile fabric of the nation held together by goodwill or muhibah since Independence.

Nowadays sensitive religious issue are coming to the fore and the political and community leaders’ feeble response is a cause for concern as the polemicists and hatred-sowing leaders act with impunity.

Most of the national leaders still value unity and harmony but the unstable political set-up at present which was the result of changes in the past few elections may have contributed to this.

The festive Open House which was a unique concept not practised in any other country. Initially sponsored by the federal and state governments over time the MPs and state representatives too began hosting open houses of their own in their constituencies.

The Open House provided a good opportunity for the nation’s diverse communities to come together and forge better understanding and goodwill. It offers a wide array of tempting Malaysian food and delicacies that even the tourists and diplomatic staff of various countries enjoy.

(Image: Malay Mail)

At the same time Malaysians too started their own open house tradition by inviting neighbours and friends for the festive celebrations at home.

Malaysia due to its diversity has one of the highest number of festivals and celebrations, and the Open Houses linked to them have even become major tourist attractions giving much credence to the nation’s tourism tagline – Malaysia truly Asia!

The government has been persistent and consistent in holding Open Houses which remain fully attended by all communities.

However, over the decades the neighbourhoods have experienced many changes where people visiting Open Houses of people of different races have been much reduced due to people becoming more sensitive about religious issues.

For Malaysia to be united and progressive there had to be more communal integration. The newly mushrooming housing estates after Merdeka were a good opportunity to overcome this problem.

There was a need to integrate the communities and the housing estates in the urban setting provided a timely opportunity.

Although the Chinese were initially the main urban community, after the 1980s more Malays and Indians began residing in the housing estates in urban areas. This was a positive development auguring well for the unity of the country.

However, in the last few decades negative things have begun to happen such as the separation of communities even in the housing estates. Malaysians are becoming overly sensitive to religious and racial issues.

Malaysian political, community and religious leaders who value unity and harmony in the country for its continued stability and socio-economic progress need to rise to the occasion.

They need to set matters right by their timely intervention when hatred and tension are aroused by some rabblerousers and controversialists who deliberately politicise and sensationalise matters for their own benefit.

The non-Malay/Muslim communities had been subjected to much criticisms lately and it is time to stop the enmity and renew the amity among the communities, and this year’s Chinese New Year (CNY) provides a good opportunity to do this.

In this regard I would like to make a comment concerning the traditional Yee Sang event hosted a few days ago by Transport Minister Anthony Loke which was attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the DPMs and also East Malaysian leaders.

(Image: The Star)

However, there was conspicuously not a single Indian to represent the nation’s third largest community. Many Indians who saw the video were disappointed at the non-representation of Indians in this festive unity event.

Indian leaders from the unity government’s coalition partners such as the MIC, PKR or DAP could have been symbolically included as that is how the nation’s diversity is always and normally portrayed.

Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo or Deputy Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister R. Ramanan could have represented the Indians. Deputy Minister K. Saraswathy from the National Unity Ministry could also have been the right choice.

This is regrettably an indication of how the Indians are being slowly relegated or rather effaced officially by the government in mainstream affairs.

Since the demise of Tun Samy Vellu not only have Indians lost their leadership positions but also the influence and clout they once had. The Indian community that easily fell for the electoral guiles, promises and ruses of the fake multi-racialism of politicians and parties should share the main blame for its own self-destruction.

The government, being more responsible that politicians and parties, needs to ensure that the nation’s diversity continues to be nurtured despite challenges, differences and changes.

It is celebrations like CNY that make us truly Malaysians in spirit when we extend festive greetings and well wishes to friends and neighbours.

Malaysians must go to the CNY Open Houses in large numbers to make it a big success this year. Collectively, it makes a big impact to our national theme of ‘Unity in Diversity’.

In the true spirit of goodwill and friendship let us all wish the Chinese community a Happy New Year for their great contributions to the country.

V. Thomas is a Focus Malaysia viewer.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT. 

- Focus Malaysia.

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