
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Another War Looms - Between Sunni Egypt And Ikhwan Influenced Sudan

I have seen the Nile River in Cairo. It is a very wide and awesome river and its blue water gives it an appearance of a moving ocean. Huge ships do cruise up and down the Nile too.
To understand the following news, first we must look at the map of the Blue Nile that flows through so many countries from the Horn of Africa into Sudan and Egypt.

The Blue and the White Nile (you can see the map below) provide water and life to a few hundred million people in Africa. Egypt, Sudan, the new South Sudan and Ethiopia sit astride the Blue Nile while the White Nile (the real Nile??) flows through Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. The White Nile merges into the Blue Nile in Khartoum in the Sudan. 

Now tensions are brewing between Egypt and Ethiopia over a huge dam that Ethiopia is building over the Blue Nile that comes out of Ethiopia.   

Before that, there are old geopolitical tensions simmering between Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea for quite some time.

Egypt and Eritrea are on one side.
In the opposite camp are Ethiopia, Sudan and Turkey.

Eritrea fought a brutal 30 year War of Independence against Ethiopia and finally gained their freedom in 1993 (after seizing the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa). So Eritrea and Ethiopia are not the best of buddies.

Sudan "was" a creature of the really useless and stupid Muslim Brotherhood) aka Ikhwan Muslimin. Under its previous dictator Hassan Thurabi (a very good friend of Brader Anwar Ibrahim - better watch out) Sudan became a real 'shithole'.   

Thurabi joined the Muslim Brotherhood as a young student. Hassan Thurabi even invited Osama bin Ladin to live in Sudan for many years.  Thurabi tried to impose his psycho-religion in a country with a Christian and Muslim population. The net result was that a war broke out inside Sudan and finally Sudan has split into two countries ie Muslim Sudan and Christian South Sudan, once again proving that these psychos cannot coexist peacefully with the human race.

Finally the Sudanese had enough of his really stupid Islamist crap and overthrew him. Thurabi is now under detention. He has seen the failure of his useless 'Islamist' ideas with his own eyes.  They created hardship and stupidity and split Sudan into two countries. What a useless life.

But the 'Islamist links' are not over yet folks. This cancer is still around. Sudan is now a good friend of Turkey's Erdogan - another Muslim Brotherhood  psycho. For your information Ahmed Davutoglu, Turkey's former Prime Minister and long time Foreign Minister was a professor at our UIA at a time when the UIA was firmly under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood / Ikhwan Muslimin mob.  They are all connected.

As you know, the Ikhwan Muslimin was born in Egypt where it has been outlawed. So Egypt  hates any country or group that has strong links with the Ikhwan Muslimin like Hamas in Gaza, Sudan, Turkey etc.

Ethiopia Egypt contentious issue - completion of Africa’s largest dam.
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
Located in Blue Nile, to produce 6,000 MW of electricity
Ethiopia become Africa’s biggest exporter of electricity. 
dam will be Africa’s largest hydroelectric power plant 
boost economic growth of Ethiopia.

Egypt says dam will disrupt Nile for 100 million Egyptians
During filling of reservoir, Nile’s flow to Egypt may be cut 25%
crippling agricultural sector and industries.
Egypt opposed dam
politicians proposing military action against Ethiopia.

strains between Sudan, Egypt threatening regional crisis
On Nile issue, Egypt believes Sudan on Ethiopia’s side  
Sudan to gain from electricity supply, prevention of flooding 
Tensions over Hala’ib Triangle on Red Sea again
Khartoum recall ambassador from Cairo 
In retaliation, Egypt sent troops to Eritrea
Sudan closed border with Eritrea and sent troops there.

tensions exacerbated by Turkish meddling 
Erdogan visited Sudan
president Omar al-Bashir handed over Red Sea port of Suakin to Turkey 
Cairo sees as Turkey’s attempt to build third naval base after Qatar, Somalia. 
Cairo accuses Khartoum, Ankara of supporting Muslim Brotherhood
banned Islamist outfit,  once Egypt's most powerful political group

The Muslim Brotherhood factor

But even the disputes over the Hala'ib Triangle and the Renaissance Dam project cannot be seen as the root causes of the current confrontation between Egypt and Sudan. The conflict between the two countries is deeper and more complicated, with historical, political and, most importantly, ideological dimensions.

Cairo accuses Khartoum of supporting Muslim Brotherhood plans to overthrow the regime of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Sudan views Sisi and his government as "putschists", who illegally overthrew Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Bashir himself came to power in a military coup in 1989; he allied himself with Hassan al-Turabi, the leader of a Sudanese offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. About a decade later, the two fell out and al-Turabi was subsequently imprisoned.

Conclusion : There will  be more fighting among these shithole countries. So who shall we support? 

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