
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 6, 2018

For first time a US President ditches Pakistan

This news is causing shock waves among the Pakistani military and much joy among Indian defence planners:

Trump suspending entire security assistance to Pakistan 
until it proves commitment to fight terrorists in region.

not “total cut-off”,  a  “condition and issue-based approach”.
funds released only after target achieved

in effect until Pakistan “takes decisive action” against Taliban 
Pakistan not taking steps they need to take to fight terrorists

aid suspension include equipment 

Trump already suspended $255m 
to provide military equipment 

US Congress took away half of $700m for Pakistan 
suspension will affect remaining $350m 

impending action against Pakistan circulating in Washington since Mon
Trump tweet accusing Pakistan of taking billions 
in return giving “nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools”.

Trump seeks more cooperation 
latest measure would suspend other security assistance

Trump has other options besides suspending security assistance 
can remove Pakistan from list of non-Nato allies 
can also designate it state sponsor of terrorism.

another option is to work with India, Afghan to bring more pressure on Pakistan.

plans to announce new actions on Pakistan very soon
time to ask how to deal with country that has conflicting interests with US 

  • Pakistan on special list for severe violations of religious freedom
  • State created ‘Special Watch List’ for “severe violations of religious freedom 
  • department placed only Pakistan on this list.

US Commission on Religious Freedom recommending Pakistan placed on CPC 

Pakistan is military state, large part of budget goes to military. 
it's going to pinch pretty bad 
in 15 years, US millions have kept military afloat 
that money is missing now 
undermining trickledown effect to domestic situation 

other American presidents talk but no action
1st time a president makes a decision, no wavering.

My comments :  More importantly this is a severe break in a 70 year relationship. In 70 years of its existence Pakistan has fallen headlong down the slippery path to radicalising large swathes of its population.

The islami-cessation of Pakistan accelerated with Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The real damage was already done from long before. After Zulfikar the extremists moved from the hills and the villages into the mainstream. 

The same thing is happening in Malaysia. To an extent.

Not many here realise that Pakistan trades gunfire not only with India but also with Afghanistan and Iran. They see enemies all around them. Plus there is a civil war sized conflict going on in Balochistan - which is a province in Pakistan.

Uncle Sam's patronage and umbrella only made the Pakistanis more careless and reckless. Without US military assistance Pakistani F16s may even have trouble getting spare parts.

The Pakistani Army will have to go on a rampage. They need to make up for that US$700 million. Plus that extra US$255 million as well. The Pakistani people will have to pay a price. 

Lets wait and see.

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