
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 21, 2018


Image result for OICImage result for hishamuddin

armed forces in Yemeni capital Sana’a boost air defenses 
no longer fear airstrikes by Saudis, army  said

army can repel “enemy aggression” at sea, ground, air
army has captured arms, night-vision cameras, missiles, launchers

Yemeni army taken over enemy strongholds, changes battlefield
attack on Saudi’s Al-Dabaa military base in Najran 
shot down Saudi Tornado, F-16 planes, General warned

in next few days, Sana’a would “greatly surprise” Saudi forces

Saudi bombing Yemen since March 2015 
Saudi giving distorted picture 
trumpeting imaginary victories
if victories real, global media would report them

My comments : The Saudis have called for an emergency meeting of the OIC today (Sunday). Our Defense Minister Hisham Onn is attending. 

'Hishammuddin to attend emergency OIC meeting in Jeddah'

What is the great emergency all about? 

Well the Saudis are losing the war in Yemen. Yemen now has powerful surface to air missiles (SAMs) that have shot down Saudi Tornados and F15 jet fighters.

Now the Saudis have no choice but to reduce their airstrikes or drop bombs from 60,000 feet (11 miles) up in the sky (above the range of some SAMs). There will be even more collateral damage because they will be bombing almost blind.

So they are calling the OIC for support. They will cry fake crocodile tears and say the Houthis are targeting the Kaaba in Mecca and the Masjid Nabawi in Madina. Obviously these are lies.

The Houthis fired ballistic missiles at the Yamama Palace and the International Airport in Riyadh. Both missiles reached their targets. Day before yesterday the Houthis fired another ballistic missile that hit a Saudi army base in Najran. 

If the Houthis fire ballistic missiles at Saudi oil production platforms which are all located in the east, much nearer than Riyadh, Jeddah or Madina it can create real chaos for the Saudis. Plus sending oil prices to the sky. And derailing the listing of the ARAMCO oil company. 

The Saudis are in a very tight spot. 
They started this aggression. 
Now they do not know how to get out.

The solution is very simple. The Saudis must pay reparations and damages for all the destruction they have caused. Plus pay damages for the 14,000 Yemenis they have killed so far and the millions who are suffering from hunger and disease. This could run into a few tens of billions of US Dollars.

Here are some notes for Hishamuddin our Defense Minister. Now is the time to get some permanent concessions from the Saudis.

1. Ask the Saudis to increase the pilgrimage quota for Malaysia to 1,000,000. And keep it there. That should last us for a few decades. 

You must know how to bargain bro. 
Takkan dia panggil saja kita lari pi sana macam dungu salam. 
Kalau dia minta bantuan, minta dia naikkan kuota haji dulu.

2. Then ask the Saudis for money.  Talk is Hisham wants to ask the Saudis to give Malaysia their old jet fighters. Alamak !! Dont do that bro. Semua sudah rosak. It will cost us more to repair those old Saudi planes to make them airworthy again. And our pilots will get killed flying 2nd hand Saudi planes. Just ask the Saudis for money. Say US$5 billion? Dont give it to your cousin ok. The bugger is a thief.

3.  Tell them to stop funding all their Salafi terrorist madrasahs inside Malaysia. Like that one in Kampong Kayu something near that Damansara toll gate. Also that Salafi Mer _ _   Mission or something in Malaysia. And shut down that pro ISIS university in Shah Alam.

You must know how to bargain bro. Takkan dia panggil saja kita lari pi sana macam dungu salam. Kalau dia minta bantuan, kita mesti tahu quid pro quo. Its quid, not squid (bukan sotong goreng ok).   

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