
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, January 11, 2018

Yoursay: If Karpal could work with PAS, he would have worked with Dr M

YOURSAY | ‘Sangeet, your father would have given Dr M a chance to atone himself.’
Anonymous_3f4b: Hail to Sangeet for telling it like it is.
DAP’s endorsement of Dr Mahathir Mohamad as Pakatan Harapan’s lead does not go down well with a vast majority of its members, but no one has the guts to say it.
DAP is ruled by dictatorial tendencies and those holding positions are afraid of offending their political masters. Even Sangeet’s three brothers, who are all holding public positions, kept mum and are afraid to voice out.
DAP has made a fatal mistake by elevating and enshrining the man whom they despised and cursed not too long ago, and with the rumblings of the grassroots of their cohort, PKR, it will spell disaster for both.
Ksn: Sangeet, you are right. Mahathir is a bad choice considering his abusive 22 years in power. All the laws were abused for the sake of his family and his cronies.
The opposition has made a huge mistake.
Lone_star: It is always good to hear dissenting voices and the reasons for them. It would not be the real world if all were to agree 100 percent.
After all is said and done, one has to face reality and that is what we are facing today.
Sangeet must also remember that her dad did work with Anwar Ibrahim and PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang, and surely if he was still around, he would be working with Mahathir and would be able to see the big picture.
Appum: It is alright to express your opinion, Sangeet. But all of us wish that you or those who cannot accept Mahathir could have come up with an alternative to him so the opposition can stand a chance of winning the next election.
Anonymous_1419577444: Sangeet, Malaysians have great respect for your father and will always have in their hearts the great sacrifice that he and his family (including you) have made for our country.
I believe your father was also a magnanimous man who knew when to forgive and when to put the country before self, like he did all his life.
Today, Malaysia faces an unprecedented crisis. We have a "kleptocracy at its worst" (according to an attorney-general of another country).
Whatever wrong that Mahathir did in the past to the country, if he is able to save Malaysia from the kleptocrats, I am very sure that your father would have given Mahathir a chance to atone himself.
So, if you can dig deep, bring out the "magnanimous tiger spirit" of your father to work for our country, for our children and for future generations of Malaysians.
Anonymous 2443871479002035: Sangeet, if Karpal were alive today, would he have accepted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his cronies?
How would he have worked to end BN rule? He would have supported the move to make Mahathir the prime minister because there was no other choice. Karpal would have forgiven him.
I know you still feel the pain, but think. There is a bigger agenda. We have to get Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) out, or we will all sink.
Mano: Karpal worked with PAS and Anwar. PAS was never his love, and he had battled Anwar in Parliament.
Karpal, then, saw the bigger picture for the long-term good of the nation. Looking back now, it was not wrong to work with PAS earlier, otherwise five states would not have been gotten.
Yes, PAS is different now, so we stay away from them.
On the Other Hand: Sangeet, are you suggesting that your father would have preferred that Najib stay in power and continue to pillage the country?
Unless you can name someone that your father would have chosen at this point, you are actually perpetuating the very things your father fought against.
That would be the greatest disservice you could do to him and the country.
Clever Voter: The choice is an eternal BN with no sign of any possible coalition capable of beating BN due to unfair and biased rules. Pragmatism with some risk is the most practical option.
Perak Boleh: Sangeet, if Mahathir is not fit, please tell us who is the special one to unseat MO1 and BN/Umno?
Look at the big picture, the fall of Najib/Umno is paramount for the younger generation to rebuild this country.
Otherwise, old people like us have nothing to lose if BN/Umno rule for the next five or 10 years because we are getting nearer every day to the day when we see our creator.
Young ones like you will have to suffer for the next 40 to 50 years.
Anonymous 24331438100949: Why only think about whether Sangeet’s late father will agree to Mahathir as prime minister or not? Things could have been otherwise if her father were still alive.
Harapan is currently rudderless without a credible leadership, as Anwar is still in jail. With the new development that is beyond anyone's imagination, one would have to accept Mahathir as an interim prime minister.
After all, he already said that he is already 92 years old and clearly time is not with him. But he is willing to take up the challenge to bring about change.
No one could have imagined that the late Karpal would be friendly to PAS’ leadership when the party was part of Pakatan.
At the moment, Mahathir is the one that really qualifies for the prime minister’s post. BN/Umno must be voted out. Are you not supporting this?
Tax-Payer: All opposition politicians and supporters, young and old, should close rank and march on with a clear mission and objective.
Our vision should be that after GE14, we have a new beginning, with the Harapan coalition being the newly-elected government in Putrajaya and all the states. Continuous bickering will get us nowhere.
Our Tiger of Jelutong will watch over all of us from heaven.- Mkini

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