
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Yoursay: With leaders like Ismail Mina, Malays will forever live in fear

YOURSAY | Which non-Malay has asked to become PM or sultan?
David Dass: What history books did Gerakan Pembela Ummah leader Ismail Mina Ahmad read? Chinese and Indian traders and diplomats played a very important role in the early formation of Malay sultanates and civilisation.
The Malay language and culture are heavily influenced by Indian culture and civilisation. Islam was brought into the country by Indians.
Indians wanting to be sultans? We all remember the story of Parameswara, a Hindu prince who later became Sultan Iskandar Shah and converted to Islam.
There were very few non-Malays in Malacca when the Portuguese invaded Malacca. The British established themselves in the country with the consent of the Malay rulers. Non-Malays were brought into the country by the British with the consent of the Malay rulers.
Commonwealth forces along with Malay, Indian and Chinese soldiers fought the Japanese when they invaded the country. The Japanese killed the Chinese in large numbers. Go to the National Monument and see the names of Indian soldiers killed fighting the Japanese.
The Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) fought the Japanese together with the British. Later they fought the British, and of course, the government of independent Malaya. Indians and Chinese police officers and soldiers fought alongside Malays and Commonwealth forces to defeat CPM.
Millions of Indians in India fought for the allies against the Germans and the Japanese during the Second World War. Millions of Indians fought for the independence of India.
Because of the support the British received from people of the colonies, de-colonisation began.
Independence for Malaya was only possible because leaders of the three races came together and agreed on a basis for co-existence. That basis is the Constitution.
And finally, this country was developed by the joint effort of all Malaysians. Distortions of history cannot be the basis for a peaceful and united nation.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Which non-Malay asked to become PM or sultan? This forum was not only seditious but also a threat to public order and security. Go read Article 153 of the Constitution.
The Agong also has a duty to protect the legitimate interests of the other communities. Indeed, how many non-Malays were around at that time to fight off the Portuguese, Dutch and the Siamese? Their numbers were negligible and most were transient residents or traders.
As for fighting the Japanese and the communists, the majority of the police force and army under the British were Malays because the British did not encourage non-Malays to join the army and the police.
As for fighting the British, the Malay nationalists were few and far in between unlike in India. The Malay rulers and Umno never advocated civil disobedience let alone a violent armed struggle against the British.
In the minds of these racists, even after 600 years of independence, the non-Malays will always be perceived as outsiders and a threat to the majority.
Odin Tajué: Ismail Mina, you asked the non-Malays to read history, but your regurgitation clearly illustrates your total ignorance of the subject and pathetic lack of general knowledge, and that ignorance and lack are inversely proportional to your all-too-obvious hatred for the non-Malays.
Had it been a non-Malay defecating the turd that you have done, he or she would have been handcuffed and dragged off and thrown into your notorious police lock-up, there to stay for an indeterminable period.
Many other readers have shown how wrong you are. My repeating of the same things they have offered would be superfluous, and so I shall desist.
But I shall point out one thing that they have not, and it is that the Federal Constitution -  it has been changed more than 700 times within Malaysia’s very short existence thus far, and the changes have been effected by your own kind.
So, go and tell them to leave, and you yourself, too.
Hang Babeuf: If this dangerous guy understood the Constitution, he would not say that. Because if he believes what he says, he himself would have to leave the country.
Does he know anything of the history of the Federal/Merdeka Constitution? Apparently not.
Fairnsquare: The special position of the Malays as bumiputeras has never, and will never be, questioned as enshrined in the Constitution.
The fear that Malays have of other races was implanted by those who want to hold power and claim they have to 'protect the Malays,' while they and their cronies accumulate wealth for themselves, using the special privileges.
We all built the country together, both bumiputeras and those of immigrant origins. We fought colonialism as we wanted a just society with equal rights.
Now after removing the colonialists, we are creating different classes among ourselves. We must remain united as Malaysians.
Anonymous 1802761448130592: I wonder what has our national leaders from the ruling coalition, be they Umno, MCA, PBS, PRS, PBDS, PBB, SUPP, MIC; et al, going to say about the various statements, pronouncements and claims made by Ismail Mina?
For a start can they, at the very least, ask Ismail which history book he is reading and what other historical materials he is referring to? If Ismail cannot justify and prove his statements, pronouncements and claims to be true, then don't you think he had slandered and insulted all Malaysians, other than the Malays?
And if he had slandered and insulted in the manner he did, has he not violated the various acts passed by Parliament meant to protect and maintained the peace and harmony among the various races in Malaysia?
And if he had so violated the Acts, should he not be held accountable and be charged accordingly? So what has our leaders in the ruling coalition, who are in the most powerful positions, got to say about this?
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Ismail Mina is a racist. What he uttered is also seditious as it is clearly hate speech. Why are the government leaders in Umno not condemning him? Have they out-source to him the licence to utter those profanities?
By the way, he also got his history wrong. He said only the Malays fought the Bintang Tiga. Apparently, he had not heard about the Sarawak Rangers who were famous for battling the communists and many sacrificed their lives in the process. They were mostly Ibans and Dayaks of Sarawak.
Some surviving members were even decorated with the highest awards for bravery, for example, Kanang anak Langkau. I am surprised that the Dayak leaders from BN do not think it fit to rebut error in the historical facts.
Rojak: I thought the manipulation of history textbooks was a relatively recent phenomenon but judging by the age of Ismail Mina it must have been going on much longer. How else could he have acquired views counter to what every self-respecting historian knows?
Just go to some of the cemeteries and look at the names of the people who died during the war and then try to look a Chinese or an Indian family in the eye and tell them their people did not die for Malaya.- Mkini

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