SERI SETIA POLLS | In the last leg of campaigning for the Seri Setia by-election, PAS candidate Dr Halimah Mohd Ali has received reinforcements from party members who came from as far as Terengganu.
At the Taman Desaria flats in PJS 5, they gathered at a PAS campaign centre set-up near Block N of the 15-storey building.
Housewife Hasmah Soleh said she arrived from Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, this morning along with some 60 other PAS members.
"We plan to stay until the end of her campaigning," Hasmah told Malaysiakini.
Asked on her plans to assist Halimah, Hasmah said she would join the other members to engage with voters through house-to-house visits.
As for their message to the voters, Hasmah said PAS' focus has always been to uphold Islam.
"Who wants to uphold Islam, come. We should be together," said Hasmah.
She also described Halimah, a former Selat Kelang assemblyperson, as an experienced candidate with a track record of resolving issues affecting her constituents.
Aside from PAS members, Halimah's campaigns have so far been backed by local Umno leaders and members - the first time the two parties have joined forces after more than three decades of being political rivals.
According to Hasmah, any animosity between PAS and Umno can be set aside in the name of upholding Islam and for good of the country and the nation.
"We are one religion. (Come together) for the country and the nation. As Muslims, we are all related to each other," she said.
In GE14, Umno and PAS secured 14,441 votes against PKR's 29,250 votes, from a total 52,650 ballots cast.
Quizzed on whether Umno's assistance could help to improve PAS' chances in the contest against Harapan's Halimey Abu Bakar, Hasmah smiled and said, "We will leave up to God."
"We will do the work and leave the outcome to Allah SWT. He will decide," she said.
Hasmah, together with a group of PAS women members, were later seen carrying green bags with the party's logo, filled with groceries including rice, cooking oil and soy sauce.
'Common to change alliance in politics'
For retired teacher Jusoh Awang, another PAS member from Terengganu, changing alliances based on a mutual interest was a normal process in politics.
In this case, he said the PAS-Umno cooperation was timely to uphold Malay-Muslim interest against purported threats from the DAP.
"On the part of PAS, whoever wants to be together, we will not sacrifice Islam.
"Whoever rejects Islam, PAS will not be together with them. If they want to be together, respect Islam," he stressed.
Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki previously hailed the Seri Setia by-election as the start for closer cooperation between his party and PAS.
This was after an Umno delegation of over 100 members and leaders turned up in support of Halimah during nomination on Aug 18.
The Sept 8 by-election is brought about by the passing of incumbent Shaharuddin Badaruddin on Aug 2.
Shaharuddin won the seat in GE14 against BN candidate Yusoff M Haniff; Mohd Ghazali Daud of PAS and independent candidate S Vigneswaran. -Mkini
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