
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Crowded by-election reflects weaknesses of PH

What can you make of the six candidates vying for the Tanjung Piai by-election?
Is it because Malaysia is a vibrant democracy? Is it because the people are aware of their democratic rights to decide on the representation of their choice?
I have my doubt. I think it is more due to the weaknesses of PH. It is in disarray and that is why it is a field day for many.
Whether one cares to admit it or not, PH has been a disappointment. The by-election is an opportunity for the opposition to regain traction. It is also an opportunity for the “soldiers for fortune” to dabble their luck. Who knows, one of them can become the MP like in the case of the Batu MP in the last general election.
I see no genuine issues in this by-election. We are not going to elect a better or more capable MP. The new MP will not change the government either.
Based on my observation, the PH government does not represent the will of the majority of its MPs anymore. The executive branch is having its own policies and inertia. Hence, one extra MP for PH will not make much of a difference.
For Umno/BN, they have never truly reflected on the mess they are in. Instead, they want quick fixes and a double quick return to power. So, they quickly collaborated with parochial and archaic people which will only beget more problems for them in the long run.
If Umno/BN had continued to adhere to moderation and the middle path, they would have stood a better chance today. They failed to recognise their problem is mega corruption and kleptocracy, not the NEP, Islam, Malay privileges or even vernacular schools.
For Gerakan, despite the party being formed by illustrious individuals, it has lost its lustre. It has good ideals and vision, but it lacks tenacity and stamina. The party thinks it can get in and out of partnerships like changing underwear.
For the independents, well, we can’t fault them for their ambition, personal or altruistic.
For me, I can sit out of the by-election. There is no love lost and no yearning desired. It is a waste of time and money for all of us.
TK Chua is an FMT reader.

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