
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Kit Siang Explains How Barisan Nasional Was Ousted In GE14

Yes, that was what Guan Eng told the Chinese voters in Johor in the run-up to the Tanjung Piai by-election. While the father, Kit Siang, laments about the danger and damage of fake news and lies, the son, Guan Eng, spreads fake news and lies to win the by-election in Tanjung Piai. And while the father screams about corruption, the son is involved in corruption in the Penang Undersea Tunnel project.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang is correct about the dangers of fake news and the damage it can do if allowed to continue unchecked. After DAP won Penang in the 2008 general election, it set up a state-sponsored propaganda unit called “Red Bean Army” or RBA in Komtar with a budget of RM50 million a year.
The RBA engaged thousands of unemployed (or unemployable) Chinese school-leavers whose job was to flood the internet and social media with fake news and lies. Each RBA “soldier” had dozens of fake accounts and they just repeated the same posts over and over again under different names all over the internet and social media.

The HQ for DAP’s “Red Bean Army” and the “Asian Comic Cultural Museum”

To date, the RBA has cost the taxpayers more than RM500 million — hence propaganda is not cheap. Superman Hew Kuan Yau is the head of the RBA and now he is in charge of the new propaganda unit dubbed “Asian Comic Cultural Museum”, also located in Komtar and funded by the Penang State Government.
As what Kit Siang said, propaganda, lies and fake news is very crucial and very effective in winning votes. In 2015, DAP launched the 1MDB misinformation and disinformation campaign backed by a huge budget of RM300 million. Various foreign journalists and bloggers in Malaysia, the UK, the US and Australia were paid to write so-called exposes regarding 1MDB. They even published fake and doctored documents to support their stories.
Three years later Barisan Nasional lost the general election.

DAP’s latest propaganda publication, now banned by the government because of its Communist ideology

Malaysia is facing another by-election in Tanjung Piai and DAP has launched its new fake news campaign. To frighten the Chinese voters in Johor, this was what Lim Guan Eng said:
A back-door government led by Umno and PAS could lead to dire consequences for Malaysians, particularly the non-Malays and non-Muslims. This “unholy alliance” would only lead to non-Muslims and non-Malays’ fundamental rights, as enshrined under the Federal Constitution, being extinguished.
Among other things, non-Malays might not be allowed to hold ministerial positions in the Cabinet, while vernacular schools also risked being shut down. An Umno-PAS administration could lead to a situation where non-Muslims can no longer gather for religious prayers, while their products and businesses would also be boycotted.

Guan Eng used the GST issue to win votes in GE14 last year
A new Umno-PAS federal government could also potentially lead to more corruption and incompetent economic management to a point where salaries of civil servants could not be paid. Both BN and PAS state that it is permissible to lie or not publicly declare their assets. Corruption is not important when PAS turned a blind eye to the financial scandals of the previous BN and Umno government, involving sums of RM150 billion.
Poor economic management is also unimportant to the point that the PAS government of Kelantan is not embarrassed that it cannot pay the salaries of its employees and have to borrow from the federal government to do so.
Yes, that was what Guan Eng told the Chinese voters in Johor in the run-up to the Tanjung Piai by-election. While the father, Kit Siang, laments about the danger and damage of fake news and lies, the son, Guan Eng, spreads fake news and lies to win the by-election in Tanjung Piai. And while the father screams about corruption, the son is involved in corruption in the Penang Undersea Tunnel project.

The promise of free-toll charges was another election promise that helped attract a lot of votes for Pakatan Harapan

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