
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 26, 2019


‘A state assembly sitting is the wrong time and place for internal party politicking.’

Gerard Lourdesamy: Both Machap Jaya assemblyperson Ginie Lim and Rembia assemblyperson Muhammad Jailani Khamis are a disgrace to the voters who voted for them in the 14th general election.
They should be reminded that it was not PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali who elected them to office, but the rakyat.
For breaching party discipline by allowing a government motion to be defeated, action should be taken against both.
If the Pakatan Harapan government falls in Malacca, do they think that Umno and PAS are going to support them?
Lionking: We wanted change and what we get is third-class politicians and infighting in PKR.
Anonymous_8a8199e7: Lim has gotten over her head. If you contested under the party symbol, then you should adhere to the party decision.
Do you want to see the new government toppled and returned to the kleptocrat era? Think before you do anything that brings harm to the rightfully elected government.
Fair Malaysian: Let the Malacca government be toppled. If these people have still not learnt anything even after the substantial loss in Tanjung Piai, who cares what happens next?
Selfish politicians are wreaking havoc. Mahathir should have sacked Azmin the moment he colluded with opposition MPs, but he has done so much damage and continues to do that.
The people are so fed-up with Harapan. That is what Azmin and his gang want – people to get fed with Harapan.
In hindsight, it was a colossal mistake to appoint Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister. Maybe he could have been advisor.
So much of time and energy is lost to the bickering and infighting. PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is in a Catch-22 situation and it looks like back to the drawing board again.
Mahathir and Anwar must come to an understanding – that both see that these toxic elements have ruined Harapan.
While Mahathir asserts his views on so many things, why is he so coy about Azmin?
Just A Malaysian: The infighting must stop. PKR as the backbone of Harapan is fractured.
Mahathir must set a deadline for his transfer of power to Anwar. Then, Azmin’s supporters will quietly slide into Anwar’s camp.
Everybody wants to be in the prime minister’s camp. Delaying the transition will allow PKR to decay further.
Anonymous_1543386425: Soon Malacca, Perak and, Kedah may fall if PKR keeps up with its irreconcilable attitude towards Azmin.
If you dare, sack Azmin just as PKR sacked its members based on a MACC letter without a hearing.
PKR is continuing to make one mistake after another in its pursuit of the Anwar agenda. Is PKR a party of one person and fights for one person, and not for Malaysians?
Quigonbond: Azmin is goading PKR to sack him. He must feel he is ready to usurp PMship with the connivance of Mahathir, even toppling Harapan government and forming a new one with Muafakat, GPS and maybe Warisan.
Boy, will he be disappointed when Mahathir makes his son PM and Azmin is relegated to only DPM.
Azmin is banking on the fact that being moderate and reasonable, PKR leadership will not sack a whole bunch of people including potentially triggering state elections.
But maybe that’s precisely what Malaysia needs to put an end to the current machinations of Azmin, who will not have come so far without the connivance of Mahathir and Bersatu.
VP Biden: All citizens should flood these two assemblypersons via email, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, and tell them off.
They are playing with the future of our children and Malaysia for political power. A state assembly sitting is the wrong place and wrong time to do this.
Malacca Chief Minister Adly Zahari should question them and give them a warning or suspend them.
The Third Man: Frankly, all these PKR representatives should be disciplined as they no longer have the party’s interest at heart.
If they want to play their political games, then it’s better they be sacrificed and be voted out by the people.
Anonymous 770241447347646: Are these two behaving like the traitors in the 2009 Perak crisis that handed the control of the state into the hands of the opposition?
Anwar should seriously show his leadership qualities and reign in his people. If they do not agree, it is better to let them go.
Their loyalty should be towards the party first and foremost. How can they be so careless as of putting their party’s position in danger?
Perak Boleh: Lim and Jailani should leave PKR and align themselves with Umno to form a new kleptocratic state government.
Maybe Jailani will be nominated as chief minister and Lim would be the senior exco in charge of turncoats for the new state government.
Harapan Baru Malaysia: Once again, PKR is the party with most seats and has the most problems. They are ignoring the rakyat’s issues and focus on self-interest only.
They fall into the same category with the ex-DAP frog from Perak that helped former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to dethrone a legitimately elected state government in 2009.
– M’kini

1 comment:

  1. Is Mahathir a God fearing man or has he joined the demons, kleptocrats and theives? We prayed and fought hard to bring in a honest Govt. All this chaos was started by you, Mahathir. If you want to save this nation there is only one hope. Fix a date for Anwar as PM. All this infighting and demonic alignments will stop. Azmin and Hashim will get their message and cease any more desperate schemes.
    I pray GOD is with Anwar and he does it right. Praise Tun for appointing Azizah as DPM. She took the brunt of the hurt and now enjoying the fruits. Thank you again Sir.
    Please Tun, you will save this nation and stop the thieves coming back. Dont worry about the Malays, Tun. Tg Piah was a good exercise for you to realise how reliable they are, again. In the mind of the fanatics you are still an Indian like Zakir Naik and as crafty as him for survival. You are not a pure Malay. Zahid has impregnated that well in politics. They talk behind your back. All races will find their own flow once Anwar is appointed. No more silly school boy statements from you TUN. Announce the PM is Anwar and the date and you will see how the political structure formulates and people's confidence coming back to PH. Otherwise as I said, DAP is and will be strong as always. No LTTE stories are going to deter them. Your crony IGP should not have dont it. PKR will shake a bit for the moment. If you appoint Anwar PKR will get stronger, if you dont appoint Anwar, PKR will still get stronger as an Opposition and make a severe comeback after you are dismantled. You will be dismantled by the same demons of Assemin after using you. PH collapses. So your hope is only the faithful PKR and DAP. No new arrangements are sincere but to eventually get back at you, your family and reopen all the files you did to hurt this nation and the people. With Anwar, there will be peace and honour. God bless him and God bless all Malaysians.


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