
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 20, 2020

Dulu RM90 Juta, Lepas Tu RM400 Juta, Lepas Tu Keta Mesedi

Here is something attributed to Winston Churchill,

“Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?" 
Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "
Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"
Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!" 
Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price”    

― Winston S. Churchill 

Well here is some 'haggling about price' news :

KUALA LUMPUR: A major realignment of Malaysia’s political landscape, which could thrust PAS into federal power, may be in store following a dip in support for the 20-month old Pakatan Harapan government, FMT has learnt.

bring together forces aligned to Dr M with PAS in northern Malay heartland
will have dire consequences for DAP and Anwar 

brilliant political chess by Mahathir to thwart internal bickering in PH

at least one more minister from PPBM will resign (OSTB : flying car ?)

three ministries given red marks by Mahathir for poor performance

Cabinet reshuffle after Chinese New Year

Kimanis defeat will accelerate revamp in Cabinet

New alignment?

all eyes on PAS
PAS given federal role according to sources

new alignment PPBM and PAS death knell for DAP
thwart ambitions of Anwar

PAS was valuable ally for Anwar
new Dr M-PAS alignment removes Malay support for Anwar
“(Anwar becoming PM) is now a distant dream,” says FMT’s source.

PAS declared staunch support for Dr M as PM of PH govt
pledging backing for him for full term (2018-2023) 

PAS re-emergence will be knockout blow for DAP
which has been strongest critic of PAS

Mat Sabu and Hadi still share similar views on Muslim world
Parti Amanah Negara was allied with DAP

But new alignment will have less impact on Amanah
Amanah and PAS share “the same DNA”
their leaders Mat Sabu and Hadi “see eye-to-eye on many Islamic issues
Back-room manoeuvres

Speculation about new alignment triggered by meetings between Hadi and T'ganu MB Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar

In Hadi’s Facebook photos of senior PAS leaders with Yang Di-Pertuan Agong

Mahathir also arranged for Hadi to meet with him
Hadi stationed in KL for several weeks for discussions 
to allay fears with ally Umno about his talks with Mahathir

tight-lipped when informed FMT had details of talks with Dr M 

In whatever situation, our party and Hadi will support Dr M 
if there were no-confidence vote, we will support Dr M

Old enemies coming together

alliance between PAS / Dr M as unprecedented as joining with DAP

Dr M target of PAS for opposing Islamic state
Dr M never failed to attack Hadi in the past

Dr M history of clamping down on PAS leadership
When Hadi became MB Terengganu, Dr M turned off oil royalties

Dr M’s preparedness to meet Hadi new chapter in relationship
Politically they both know what each can offer

PAS’s control over strategic Malay votes in north
PAS won 18 parliamentary seats 

Tallying the numbers

PKR and DAP control bulk of 129 PH seats 
PPBM holds only 26 seats
PKR has 50 seats
DAP 42
Amanah 11
10 more in Sabah: Warisan (9) and Upko (1)

PPBM-PAS would command 44 seats, 55 including Amanah 

not taken into account Mahathir loyalists in BN (41 including 38 from Umno) 
and Gabungan Parti Sarawak (18).

My comments :

I still believe the real target here is UMNO. Dr Mahathir, Tun Daim and a few other stalwarts built up UMNO to what it is today. Not Abdullah Badawi nor the Bugis Dayus. 

The more than three million UMNO members, the thousands of cawangan all over the country, the tens of billions of Ringgits of assets under the ownership of UMNO were all accumulated under the long tenure of both Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim.

There is no way that they are going to give it all up just because of one stupid Bugis Dayus.

Abdullah Badawi was nowhere near the destruction wrought by the Bugis Dayus. N'theless the Dayus was just an aberration. The likes of the Java Man were just tepi jalan strays who were suddenly thrust onto center stage. 

The immediate target of both Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim is to resuscitate and rehabilitate UMNO.  This is the basic equation. UMNO, UMNO and UMNO.

However the 15,000 vote wipe out of PH at Tg Piai was the real shocker. 
Kimanis is a more "respectable" loss with an "acceptable" majority of 2029 for BN. 
Plus this was already a BN seat before. 

N'theless UMNO can see that the Pakatan Haprak has really become haprak. 
And with each by election loss Dr Mahathir becomes weaker.

This does not mean that the UMNO boys do not support Dr Mahathir.
I think their 'cost of living' has gone up. 
It will cost more to "secure" their loyalty.

But that road deal is now a bit shaky. 
So are a few other deals. 

Hence Option B is needed.
Hence it is assalamu alaikum ya tuan garu

I think Anwar is no more a factor in Malaysian politics. 
Anwar loyalists are just like 'pungguk rindukan bulan'.
(Err I double checked the spelling of 'pungguk' ok).

* Erti dari peribahasa 'Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan' adalah 'Mencita-citakan atau menginginkan sesuatu hal yang tidak mungkin dapat terwujud'.

Neither does Dr M need to checkmate DAP.
I hear plenty about DAP's goings on.
They will checkmate themselves.

A PAS-PPBM tie up weakens the UMNO crossovers bargaining powers.
A PAS-PPBM tie up can keep any UMNO strayers in line.

It also exposes PAS to be the political whores that they are. 
If only the PAS supporters were not so illiterate or uneducated.
But that is the strength of PAS - the semi literate and the semi educated.

May I advise Dr Mahathir that you really don't need all this crap.
This is doing things the hard way
There is really a much easier, cheaper and longer lasting method.

Just implement the PH Manifesto.
You do not have to protect your crony billionaires to give you money.
Just focus on the people.
That means ALL people, all Malaysians of all races. 

The Malay / Muslim vote is split. It will always be split.
The non Muslim vote is intact.
That is why that stupid Indian goat eating grass behind your house has cost you Tg Piai, Kimanis and he will cost you even more votes.  Melayu pun dah fedup. 

The best solutions are always the simplest solutions.
In mechanical engineering they say the less moving parts the better.

The AK47 Kalashnikov rifle (above) is the best selling rifle in the history of mankind.
Over 100 million pieces have been made and sold.
The rifle is unbelievably reliable. It has only EIGHT moving parts. 
The less moving parts the less chance of breakdown, malfunction, wear and tear.

So Dr Mahathir go for the easy and simple solutions.
Jangan terlalu complicated.

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