
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 17, 2020

Why Are Tommy Thomas And Hamid Bador Burying Criminal Cases?

Remember the Shahidan Kassim case? An underaged girl accused him of touching her. Not on her private part, not on her breasts, not on her bum, but on her shoulder. And for that he was arrested and charged. Ada bukti ke? Ada saksi ke? No, based only on an accusation by the girl. What happened to that Shahidan case? Go find out yourself. I know what happened but I will let you check for yourself.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(BBC) – Sir Cliff Richard will receive around £2m towards his legal costs from the BBC after agreeing a final settlement following last year’s privacy case.
In July 2018, the star won a High Court case against the broadcaster over its coverage of a police raid on his home.
The BBC was ordered to pay £210,000 in damages, and later agreed to pay £850,000 to cover legal costs. That figure has now increased.
However, the singer said he was still “substantially out of pocket”.
During the trial, the 78-year-old singer said he had spent more than £3m to clear his name.
In a statement, the star’s spokesman said: “Sir Cliff incurred these costs over a five-year period as a direct result of the actions of the BBC and South Yorkshire Police.
“He is of course glad that an agreement about costs has now been reached. Ultimately, however, Sir Cliff is substantially out of pocket (a seven figure sum), not least because there are costs that he has not sought to recover from the parties.”

In the UK, Najib can sue the police and win millions

Malaysia is supposed to practice English common law. But then read the BBC news above and compare that with what is going on in Malaysia. The Royal Malaysian Police (PRDM) raided Najib Tun Razak’s home in Pavilion Residences and then held a press conference to display what they had confiscated from the apartment.
It appears that the Malaysian police force is above the law and can do what it likes. There is no issue of haram or halal. Everything is halal as long as the IGP says so. And the same goes for the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, two very powerful agencies headed by Indians from the same kampong as Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Some Malaysians whack me and say if I want to talk then come back to Malaysia. “Come back!” I am back! I was born in Surrey, a high-class part of London (at least it used to be high class in 1950 when I was born — until the immigrants started flooding the UK. Now, many parts of UK look like Africa and India).

IGP Hamid Bador is turning PDRM into a circus with him as the circus clown
Anyway, why would I want to live in Malaysia that is worse than Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines? If I want to live in Asia then I would choose my favourite city, Bangkok, or my wife’s kampong, Phuket. In fact, I spend a lot of time in Phuket and I really do not mind settling down there for the rest of my life.
Let’s face is, Malaysia’s justice system sucks. PDRM sucks. The AGC sucks. The MACC sucks. The economy sucks. And all the top politicians seem to be sucking one another at the first opportunity they can get. With so much sucking going on you want me to “come back” to Malaysia?
Yang sebenarnya, they are all jealous that I can live in the UK and they are suck…sorry, I mean stuck in Malaysia and have to suffer a hard life and eventually die in Malaysia. Do you think if those Indians and Chinese can come to live in the UK they would not do so?

Tommy Thomas needs to go back to law school to brush up on his law

The Indians and Chinese will go anywhere as long as they can make more money than in their own country. This has been happening for more than 200 years. For the Malays, hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik negeri sendiri. Malays are more patriotic than non-Malays.
Pakatan Harapan’s “Malaysia Baru” has gone to the dogs. And it is all because of those 30% Malays, 85% Indians and 97% Chinese voters who voted for Pakatan Harapan. And, to be able to oust Umno and Barisan Nasional, they rallied behind Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and promised the old man that he can be the Seventh Prime Minister for two years from May 2018 to May 2020 as his reward for ousting Umno and Barisan Nasional.
Well, now Mahathir does not want to retire in May 2020 and DAP is upset. And that is why I support Mahathir to stay on for as long as he likes — because this will upset DAP and I will support anything that upsets DAP. So I support Jawi, I support the closing down of Chinese schools, I support RUU355 and Sharia laws, I support putting Anwar Ibrahim in jail for sodomy, I support anything and everything that will upset DAP.
I am motivated by only one thing, the destruction of DAP. And this is because Malaysia is in mess because of DAP. DAP is going to result in race riots in Malaysia if they are allowed to continue to do what they are doing.
DAP is the mother of all hypocrites. They raided Najib’s home in Pavilion Residences and turned the whole thing into a circus and DAP clapped and cheered. DAP closed down Pakatan Rakyat and formed Pakatan Harapan so that PAS can be kicked out (mainly because PAS supported Azmin Ali for Menteri Besar Selangor). DAP said Umno and PAS should be deregistered and then when Umno and PAS got together under Muafakat Nasional they scream racism.

If the Chinese education system is the best in the world why are Chinese from China and Malaysia flooding the UK?

DAP opposes RUU355, the Sharia and Hudud. They oppose national schools and Jawi — and they keep claiming that Chinese schools have the best education system in the world. In that case why are students from China flooding the UK? Stay in China lah. All the universities in the UK are English, not Chinese. And why do Malaysian Chinese students come to the English universities in the UK? If the Chinese education system is the best in the world then go to universities in China lah! Why come to the UK, which has no Chinese universities but only English universities?
The Azmin Ali-Haziq Aziz Semburit case, the Muhammed Yusoff Rawther-Anwar Ibrahim attempted sodomy case, the MACC illegal tapping of Najib’s phone conversations case, and many more, are “good” examples of how Malaysia has gone to the dogs. And this is all because of Pakatan Harapan’s so-called “New Malaysia”.
They are 100% sure that the tapped conversations which MACC played for public consumption are Najib’s voice. No need to do any forensic test. Dengar sudah tahu. But after six months of forensic tests in six different countries they cannot confirm the Azmin Ali-Haziq Aziz Semburit videos are of Azmin and Haziq.
They cannot proceed with any legal action based purely on the Statutory Declaration signed by Muhammed Yusoff Rawther about an incident that happened a year ago. But they can proceed with further action on the Statutory Declaration signed by Azilah Hadri about an incident that happened 14 years ago.
In the UK, even if the incident happened in the 1960s, and only today has it been revealed, the justice system will still proceed with action. Yes, 40 or 50 years ago pun takpe. No tangible evidence pun takpe. Based purely on the statement of the victim pun takpe. Based purely on the Statutory Declaration pun takpe. Any rape, attempted rape or molesting allegation 50 years later pun boleh jalan. In Malaysia, if one year ago and without four witnesses cannot do anything. Case must be dropped, say IGP Hamid Bador and AG Tommy Thomas.

Shahidan Kassim was arrested and charged for molesting an underaged girl based purely on an accusation by the girl’s family

Hamid Bador dan Tommy Thomas ni otak lembu. Tahulah mereka nak cari makan. Tapi janganlah nampak sangat. Hamid Bador dan Tommy Thomas ni bazir beras je.
Remember the Shahidan Kassim case? An underaged girl accused him of touching her. Not on her private part, not on her breasts, not on her bum, but on her shoulder. And for that he was arrested and charged. Ada bukti ke? Ada saksi ke? No, based only on an accusation by the girl. What happened to that Shahidan case? Go find out yourself. I know what happened but I will let you check for yourself.


  1. After reading such long post I just wondered what's the going rate for a hired gun like RPK

    1. A Opportunist's who sways for dedak,a humiliating citizen of a good Malaysia who shouldn't die here,hope his karma will end in the City of Syaitan.

  2. Both "Unknown" & michelle_lalitha are PH Paris dogs & swine who are only using their 3rd head, ie kepala hanging below their belly (not using their kepala otak or kepala lutut). Masia has not only gone to the dogs but to the old and injured "croc/lions/tigers/wolves" who runs the country based on Rule of Cronies instead of Rules of Law...Tuiii. The world communities are cursing Msia. Kahak Tuii with Influanza A.

  3. Petra Kamaruddin you're more or less holigen of the stoneage.You yourself ran away from Malaysia n miss yuorself the goldem rain.For why ?

  4. I do not know what Malaysia is now?. Malaysia boleh or Malaysia bodoh.

  5. Famous quote "CAN I ADVICE YOU (Shouting) Can I advise you on something?"
    Petra pleaselah Fark offlah.

    We are sick and tired of your mad ranting and spouting nonsense through your butt.

    How you used to shout that u were bestest buddy with Hamid Bador, till you used his nickname Budd. That's what you wrote in ur blog. Today you soil the poor mans name with your garbage.

    You ran away like a thief in the middle of the night from Najib and what are you doing here?
    You are showing how well u are at sucking Najib's pipi,
    Do u also take it up the butt from Ajibgor?

    What utter garbage and lunacy u spout.

  6. I'm thinkin' now..how to make RPK our next PM..


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